
Key English Croatian
prefAdModes_3 None Nijedan
menuLicense Upgrade Nadogradi
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license Nadogradite svoju licencu
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying Urban Biker? Uživate li u Urban Bikeru?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Hvala! Molimo napišite lijepu recenziju ili nas ocijenite s 5 zvjezdica u Play Store.
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Ocijenite na Play Store
batteryOptimizationToast Select Urban Biker from the list Odaberite Urban Biker s popisa
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Stavka je već u vlasništvu
timePeriod_perWeek per week tjedno
timePeriod_perMonth per month mjesečno
timePeriod_per3Months per 3 months svaka 3 mjeseca
timePeriod_per6Months per 6 months svakih 6 mjeseci
timePeriod_perYear per year godišnje
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Licence otvorenog koda
aboutScreenWarmWelcome Hope you enjoy this app 😊 Nadamo se da uživate u ovoj aplikaciji 😊
aboutScreenChangeLogLink Version change log Zapisnik izmjena
aboutScreenFacebookLink Urban Biker on Facebook Urban Biker na Facebook-u
aboutScreenTranslationsTitle Translations Prijevodi
aboutScreenTranslationsText Help translate this app and get a free license! More info: Pomozite prevesti ovu aplikaciju i steknite besplatnu licencu! Više informacija:
disclaimerTitle Disclaimer Odricanje odgovornosti
disclaimerText1 This app is provided as is, and you use it at your own risk. We, the publisher, will not be held responsible for any mishap, loss of possession, injury or worse involving you or a third person, arising from app usage during a ride or otherwise. Ova se aplikacija pruža takvom kakvom jeste, a vi je koristite na vlastiti rizik. Mi, izdavač, nećemo biti odgovorni za bilo kakve nezgode, gubitak imovine, ozljede ili gore, koji uključuju vas ili treću osobu, a koji bi nastali zbog upotrebe aplikacije tijekom vožnje ili na neki drugi način.
disclaimerText2 Please use this app wisely and DO NOT operate it while driving a car, riding a motorbike, a bicycle, or any other vehicle. Molimo razborito koristite ovu aplikaciju i NE RUKUJTE njome dok vozite automobil, motor, bicikl, ili bilo koje drugo vozilo.
disclaimerText3 Always keep your eyes on the road. Pogled neka vam je uvijek na cesti.
speechUnitOneMeter Meter Metar
speechUnitTwoMeters Meters Metara
speechUnitThreeMeters Meters Metra
speechUnitFourMeters Meters Metra
speechUnitManyMeters Meters Metara
speechUnitOneKilometer Kilometer Kilometar
speechUnitTwoKilometers Kilometers Kilometra


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New translation

Urban Biker / StringsCroatian

5 years ago
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New translation

Urban Biker / StringsCroatian

5 years ago
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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 1550