
English <string name="prefAdModes_2">AppBrain</string>
Key English Croatian
trackUploadActivityTypes_5 Surf Surfanje
trackUploadActivityTypes_6 Sail Jedrenje
trackUploadActivityTypes_7 Skateboard Skejtbord
trackUploadActivityTypes_8 Ski Skijanje
trackUploadActivityTypes_9 Snowboard Snowboard
trackUploadActivityTypes_10 Other Ostalo
sensorFilterInterval_0 3 seconds (default) 3 sekunde (zadano)
sensorFilterInterval_1 5 seconds 5 sekundi
sensorFilterInterval_2 7 seconds 7 sekundi
sensorFilterInterval_3 10 seconds 10 sekundi
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_0 Default Default
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_1 Legacy Prethodni
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_2 Latest Najnoviji
prefAdModes_0 Any Bilo koji
prefAdModes_1 Google Google
prefAdModes_3 None Nijedan
menuLicense Upgrade Nadogradi
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license Nadogradite svoju licencu
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying Urban Biker? Uživate li u Urban Bikeru?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Hvala! Molimo napišite lijepu recenziju ili nas ocijenite s 5 zvjezdica u Play Store.
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Ocijenite na Play Store
batteryOptimizationToast Select Urban Biker from the list Odaberite Urban Biker s popisa
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Stavka je već u vlasništvu
timePeriod_perWeek per week tjedno
timePeriod_perMonth per month mjesečno
timePeriod_per3Months per 3 months svaka 3 mjeseca
timePeriod_per6Months per 6 months svakih 6 mjeseci
timePeriod_perYear per year godišnje
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Licence otvorenog koda
aboutScreenWarmWelcome Hope you enjoy this app 😊 Nadamo se da uživate u ovoj aplikaciji 😊
Key English Croatian
pref_volume_title @null
pref_wakelock_mode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_wakelock_title
pref_wakelock_mode_summary @null
pref_wakelock_mode_title %1$s
pref_wakelock_modes_0 Auto (default) Automatski (default)
pref_wakelock_modes_1 Fully awake Potpuno budno
pref_wakelock_modes_2 Partial Djelomično
pref_wakelock_modes_3 Off Isključeno
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_0 Automatically decide based on GPS update interval and other factors Automatski odluči na osnovu intervala GPS ažuriranja i drugih faktora
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_1 Keep CPU awake during tracking. May use more battery, but ensures no location update is skipped. Drži CPU budnim tijekom praćenja. Može rabiti više baterije, ali osigurava da se nijedno ažuriranje lokacije ne propusti.
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_2 Allow CPU to sleep between location updates. May use less battery, but may skip an update on a rare occasion. Dozvoli CPU da spava između ažuriranja lokacije. Može rabiti manje baterije, ali katkad i propustiti ažuriranje lokacije.
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_3 Obey behaviour imposed by the system and/or other apps. Warning: May cause highly irregular location updates or even reject them all. Not recommended. Pokori se ponašnju nametnutom od strane sistema i/ili ostalih aplikacija. Upozorenje: Može uzrokovati vrlo neredovita ažuriranja ili ih čak odbaciti sva. Ne preporuča se.
prefActivityRecognitionNoteSummary These options rely on Android's physical activity recognition feature. It may not be accurate and can be laggy, use only if you are okay with that. Will work best when a speed sensor is used for distance and duration. Ove se opcije oslanjaju na Androidovu značajku prepoznavanja tjelesne aktivnosti. To može biti netočno i kasniti, koristite samo ako ste s tim u redu. Najbolje će raditi kada se senzor brzine koristi za udaljenost i trajanje.
prefAdModes_0 Any Bilo koji
prefAdModes_1 Google Google
prefAdModes_3 None Nijedan
prefAllProfilesInfoSummary Preferences here are applicable to all profiles. Ove postavke se primijenjuju na sve profile.
prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle App visual theme Vizualna tema aplikacije
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_0 System default Zadana vrijednost sustava
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_1 Light Svijetlo
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_2 Dark Tamno
prefAppVisualThemeSummary (All profiles) (Svi profili)
prefAppVisualThemeTitle @null
prefAutoTerrainNote1Summary Device should be held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket while using this. Uređaj treba držati pričvršćen za vozilo (npr. na upravljaču bicikla), a ne u ruci ili džepu dok ovo koristite.
prefAutoTerrainNote2Summary Powers obtained using a power sensor are not affected by this feature. Ova značajka ne utječe na snage dobivene pomoću senzora snage.
prefAutoTerrainSummary Sense terrain roughness by measuring vibrations, and adjust the rolling resistance coefficient (Cᵣᵣ) accordingly when computing power. Osjetiti hrapavost terena mjerenjem vibracija i prilagoditi koeficijent otpora kotrljanja (Cᵣᵣ) u skladu s tim pri računanju snage.
prefAutoTerrainTitle AutoTerrain AutoTerrain
prefBackKeyModeEntries_0 Normal Normalno
prefBackKeyModeEntries_1 None Ništa
prefBackKeyModeEntries_2 Double-click exit Dvostruki-klik za izlaz
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Translated Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings Nijedanšta
Translated Urban Biker/Strings Nijedanšta
Translated Urban Biker/Strings Nijedanšta
Translated Urban Biker/Strings Nijedanšta


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
<string name="prefAdModes_2">AppBrain</string>
String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 1535