Translation Read only

Key English Croatian
pref_maps_offline_file_title Select file or folder Odaberi datoteku ili folder
pref_mapsOfflineFileSummary Map files must be copied to the app-specific maps folder in order to be used Datoteke s kartama moraju se kopirati u mapu s kartama specifičnu za aplikaciju kako bi se mogle koristiti
pref_maps_offline_file_noFolderSelected No folder selected. Folder nije odabran.
pref_maps_offline_info_title Download now Preuzmi sada
pref_maps_offline_info_summary Mapsforge vector (.map) and Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) maps are supported. Available at Mapsforge vektorske (.map) i Rmaps rasterske (.sqlitedb) mape su podržane. Dostupne na
pref_maps_offline_recommendation We recommend using vector maps from as they are the most complete and contain terrain contours. Click here to open the downloads page now. Preporučujemo korištenje vektorskih karata s jer su najpotpunije i sadrže konture terena. Kliknite ovdje da sada otvorite stranicu za preuzimanja.
pref_maps_offline_usage_summary Usage: Select the downloaded map file with the option above. Upotreba: Odaberite preuzetu datoteku karte s gornjom opcijom.
pref_maps_offline_warning_summary Warning: Some online data may be retrieved even in offline mode. Please disable mobile Internet before using maps, if concerned. Upozorenje: Neki online podaci se mogu dohvaćati čak i u offline načinu. Molimo onemogućite mobilni Internet prije korištenja mapa, ukoliko vas brine.
prefMapsFolderExploreTitle Explore maps folder Istražite mapu s kartama
prefMapsFolderExploreSummary Manage the contents of the app-specific maps folder with a file explorer app Upravljajte sadržajem mape karata specifične za aplikaciju pomoću aplikacije za istraživanje datoteka
pref_maps_routes_draw_title Guide routes Trase navođenja
pref_maps_routes_draw_summary Draw selected GPX routes over the map Nacrtaj odabrane GPX rute preko karte
pref_maps_routes_info_summary Guide route is simply a line drawn over the map that you can follow. For step-by-step directions, use the Navigation feature. Trasa navođenja jednostavno je linija nacrtana preko karte koju možete slijediti. Za upute korak po korak koristite značajku Navigacija.
pref_maps_routes_files_title Select file or folder Odaberi datoteku ili folder
pref_maps_routes_files_dialog_title Choose routes folder or file Izaberi folder ili datoteku s rutama
pref_maps_routes_files_summary %1$s
pref_maps_routes_files_noFolderSelected No folder selected. Folder nije odabran.
pref_maps_routes_resetToDefault_title @string/pref_resetToDefault
pref_maps_quickZoom_title QuickZoom buttons Tipke brzog zuma
pref_maps_quickZoom_summary Enable invisible quick zoom buttons in the bottom part of the map Omogućite nevidljive gumbe za brzo zumiranje u donjem dijelu karte
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_title Inverted Obrnuto
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_summary Exchange zoom in/out button positions Zamijeni položaje zumiraj/odzumiraj tipki
pref_maps_offline_terrain_title Render terrain Prikazuj teren
pref_maps_offline_terrain_summary Render terrain elevation shades. Map will look more realistic, but probably slower. Requires DEM (.hgt) files present in the map folder. Iscrtaj nijanse nadmorske visine terena. Karta će izgledati realističnije, ali će se iscrtavati malo sporije. Zahtijeva DEM (.hgt) datoteke koje se nalaze u folderu karte.
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_title Download now Preuzmi sada
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_summary Open up download page at Otvoriti web stranicu za preuzimanje na
pref_maps_offline_terrain_usage_summary Usage: Extract .hgt files from the downloaded zip(s) and place them in the same folder where the offline map file resides (do not use separate subfolder). Upotreba: Izvucite .hgt datoteke iz preuzetih zip-ova i stavite ih u isti folder u kojemu se nalazi datoteka offline mape (ne koristite zasebni folder).
pref_mapsOfflineLayerButtonActionTitle Layer button action Akcija gumba sloja
pref_mapsOfflineLayerButtonActionSummary Choose what to do when the layer button is pressed Odaberite što učiniti kada se pritisne gumb sloja
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_title Precipitation radar Oborinski radar
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_summary Show precipitation radar layer Pokažite sloj radara za oborine
Key English Croatian
pref_maps_offline_terrain_summary Render terrain elevation shades. Map will look more realistic, but probably slower. Requires DEM (.hgt) files present in the map folder. Iscrtaj nijanse nadmorske visine terena. Karta će izgledati realističnije, ali će se iscrtavati malo sporije. Zahtijeva DEM (.hgt) datoteke koje se nalaze u folderu karte.
pref_maps_offline_terrain_title Render terrain Prikazuj teren
pref_maps_offline_terrain_usage_summary Usage: Extract .hgt files from the downloaded zip(s) and place them in the same folder where the offline map file resides (do not use separate subfolder). Upotreba: Izvucite .hgt datoteke iz preuzetih zip-ova i stavite ih u isti folder u kojemu se nalazi datoteka offline mape (ne koristite zasebni folder).
pref_maps_offline_usage_summary Usage: Select the downloaded map file with the option above. Upotreba: Odaberite preuzetu datoteku karte s gornjom opcijom.
pref_maps_offline_warning_summary Warning: Some online data may be retrieved even in offline mode. Please disable mobile Internet before using maps, if concerned. Upozorenje: Neki online podaci se mogu dohvaćati čak i u offline načinu. Molimo onemogućite mobilni Internet prije korištenja mapa, ukoliko vas brine.
pref_maps_online_mode_dialog_title Maps source Izvor mape
pref_maps_online_mode_title @null
pref_maps_quickZoom_summary Enable invisible quick zoom buttons in the bottom part of the map Omogućite nevidljive gumbe za brzo zumiranje u donjem dijelu karte
pref_maps_quickZoom_title QuickZoom buttons Tipke brzog zuma
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_summary Exchange zoom in/out button positions Zamijeni položaje zumiraj/odzumiraj tipki
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_title Inverted Obrnuto
pref_maps_routes_draw_summary Draw selected GPX routes over the map Nacrtaj odabrane GPX rute preko karte
pref_maps_routes_draw_title Guide routes Trase navođenja
pref_maps_routes_files_dialog_title Choose routes folder or file Izaberi folder ili datoteku s rutama
pref_maps_routes_files_noFolderSelected No folder selected. Folder nije odabran.
pref_maps_routes_files_summary %1$s
pref_maps_routes_files_title Select file or folder Odaberi datoteku ili folder
pref_maps_routes_info_summary Guide route is simply a line drawn over the map that you can follow. For step-by-step directions, use the Navigation feature. Trasa navođenja jednostavno je linija nacrtana preko karte koju možete slijediti. Za upute korak po korak koristite značajku Navigacija.
pref_maps_routes_resetToDefault_title @string/pref_resetToDefault
pref_maps_track_draw_summary Chart your movements over the map Ucrtavanje vaših kretanja na mapu
pref_maps_track_draw_title Draw the track Iscrtavaj stazu
pref_mapsFollowAutorotateMode_summary Keep the direction of travel pointing upwards Neka smjer vožnje bude usmjeren prema gore
pref_mapsFollowAutorotateMode_title @string/dialogMapsAutoRotate
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomMode_summary Adjust map zoom level based on current speed Prilagodi razinu zumiranja karte na temelju trenutne brzine
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomMode_title @string/dialogMapsAutoZoom
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomSensitivity_info You can adjust the auto zoom sensitivity on the fly by zooming in or out while tracking Osjetljivost automatskog zumiranja možete prilagoditi u hodu promjenom zuma tijekom praćenja
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomSensitivity_summary @null
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomSensitivity_title @string/dialogMapsAutoZoomSensitivity
pref_mapsFollowMode_summary Keep the map centered on your current location Drži kartu centriranom na vašoj trenutnoj lokaciji
pref_mapsFollowMode_title @string/dialogMapsFollowMode
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Read only Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings


No matching activity found.

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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 1058