
Key English Croatian
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tracksHistoryListNoMap Map was not recorded. Karta nije zabilježena.
tracksHistoryListButtonView View Pregled
tracksHistoryListButtonShare Share Dijeli
tracksHistoryListButtonUpload Upload Pošalji
tracksHistoryListButtonResume Resume Nastavi
tracksHistoryListButtonEdit Edit Izmijeni
tracksHistoryListButtonDelete Delete Briši
tracksHistoryListShareTrackDialogTitle Share track to… Podijeli stazu na…
tracksHistoryListViewTrackDialogTitle View track with… Pregledaj stazu s…
tracksHistoryChartEmptyInfo Nothing to show Ništa za pokazati
powerSourceWeightTitle Power source weight Težina izvora snage
powerSourceWeightInfo When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given.

This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force.

Note: Climb power is always computed using Total weight.
Pri prevođenju snage (watti) u specifičnu snagu (watti po jedinici težine), težina mora biti poznata.

To je obično težina subjekta koji pruža pokretačku snagu.

Napomena: Snaga uspona uvijek se izračunava pomoću ukupne težine.
powerSourceWeight_0 Total Ukupna
powerSourceWeight_1 Driver Vozač
powerSourceWeight_2 Vehicle Vozilo
powerSourceWeight_3 Driver + Vehicle Vozač + Vozilo
summaryProfileName Profile Profil
summaryProfileNameInfo Profile used to record this track. Profil korišten za snimanje ove staze.
summaryDeviceName Device Uređaj
summaryDeviceNameInfo Device used to record this track. Uređaj korišten za snimanje ove staze.
summaryTotalWeight Total weight Ukupna težina
summaryTotalWeightInfo Sum of all weights used while recording this track (rider, vehicle, cargo, …). Zbroj svih težina koje su se koristile pri snimanju ove staze (vozač, vozilo, teret,…).
summaryDriverWeight Driver weight Težina vozača
summaryDriverWeightInfo Weight of the driver (or rider) used while recording this track. Težina vozača korištena tijekom snimanja ove staze.
summaryVehicleWeight Vehicle weight Težina vozila
summaryVehicleWeightInfo Weight of the vehicle used while recording this track. Težina vozila korištena za vrijeme snimanja ove staze.
summaryWheelsWeight Wheels weight Težina kotača
summaryWheelsWeightInfo Sum of weights of all wheels on the vehicle used on this track. Zbroj težina svih kotača na vozilu koje se koristilo pri snimanju ove staze.
summaryEfficiency Efficiency Efikasnost
summaryEfficiencyInfo Overall thermal efficiency of the track's powerhouse. Ukupna toplinska učinkovitost osobe odnosno mašine.
Key English Croatian
navigationStopPrompt Stop Stop
navigationWrongWay Wrong way Pogrešan smjer
no No Ne
notificationTitle @string/app_name
notificationTitleAdvanced %1$s
notificationTitleAdvancedPaused Paused: %1$s Pauzirano: %1$s
ok OK U redu
ongoingNotificationChannelDescription Providing control of the foreground service and easy access to the app Pruža kontrolu servisa i lak pristup aplikaciji
ongoingNotificationChannelName Ongoing notification Trajna notifikacija
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Licence otvorenog koda
otherLicenses Other Ostale
paymentOnce One-time payment Jednokratna uplata
pick_a_color Pick a color Odaberite boju
powerSourceWeight_0 Total Ukupna
powerSourceWeight_1 Driver Vozač
powerSourceWeight_2 Vehicle Vozilo
powerSourceWeight_3 Driver + Vehicle Vozač + Vozilo
powerSourceWeightInfo When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given.

This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force.

Note: Climb power is always computed using Total weight.
Pri prevođenju snage (watti) u specifičnu snagu (watti po jedinici težine), težina mora biti poznata.

To je obično težina subjekta koji pruža pokretačku snagu.

Napomena: Snaga uspona uvijek se izračunava pomoću ukupne težine.
powerSourceWeightTitle Power source weight Težina izvora snage
pref_above_lockscreen_summary App will remain visible even if the device is locked Aplikacija će ostati vidljiva i kada je uređaj zaključan
pref_above_lockscreen_title Keep above lockscreen Drži iznad sigurnosnog zaslona
pref_ads_mode_dialog_title Adverts type Tip oglasa
pref_ads_mode_summary @null
pref_ads_mode_title Show adverts Prikazuj oglase
pref_app_language_dialog_title Language Jezik
pref_app_language_summary (All profiles) (Svi profili)
pref_app_language_title @null
pref_app_language_translate_summary Click here if you would like to help translate this app to another language Kliknite ovdje ako želite pomoći u prevođenju ove aplikacije na drugi jezik
pref_app_language_translate_title Help translate Pomozite prevesti
pref_audio_force_loudspeaker_summary Warning: Experimental, may not work. Try to reroute all sounds through the loudspeaker when headphones are connected, except the voice calls. Upozorenje: Eksperimentalno, moguće je da ne radi. Pokušaj preusmjeriti sve zvukove na zvučnik dok su slušalice priključene, izuzev glasovnih poziva.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Translated Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar user

New translation

Urban Biker / StringsCroatian

3 years ago
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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 648