
Key English Croatian
pref_background_pattern_entries_2 Zebra Zebra
pref_background_pattern_entries_3 Leopard Leopard
pref_background_pattern_entries_4 Brick Cigla
pref_background_pattern_entries_5 Cobble Kaldrma
pref_background_pattern_entries_6 Clouds Oblaci
pref_background_pattern_entries_7 Hearts Srca
pref_background_pattern_entries_8 Honeycomb Saće
pref_speedo_display_mode_entries_0 Graphic & Digital Grafički & Digitalni
pref_speedo_display_mode_entries_1 Graphic Grafički
pref_speedo_display_mode_entries_2 Digital Digitalni
pref_powermeter_display_mode_entries_0 Total power Ukupna snaga
pref_powermeter_display_mode_entries_1 Watts per kg/lb Watti po kg/lb
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_0 Online Online
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_1 Offline Offline
prefBackKeyModeEntries_0 Normal Normalno
prefBackKeyModeEntries_1 None Ništa
prefBackKeyModeEntries_2 Double-click exit Dvostruki-klik za izlaz
mapLayerTypes_0 @string/mapLayerStreet
mapLayerTypes_1 @string/mapLayerTerrain
mapLayerTypes_2 @string/mapLayerSatellite
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_0 Switch theme Prebaci temu
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_1 Switch file Prebaci datoteku
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_2 None Ništa
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_0 10 MB 10 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_1 50 MB 50 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_2 100 MB (default) 100 MB (zadano)
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_3 200 MB 200 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_4 300 MB 300 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_5 400 MB 400 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_6 500 MB 500 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_7 1 GB 1 GB
Key English Croatian
prefAdModes_0 Any Bilo koji
prefAdModes_1 Google Google
prefAdModes_3 None Nijedan
prefAllProfilesInfoSummary Preferences here are applicable to all profiles. Ove postavke se primijenjuju na sve profile.
prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle App visual theme Vizualna tema aplikacije
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_0 System default Zadana vrijednost sustava
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_1 Light Svijetlo
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_2 Dark Tamno
prefAppVisualThemeSummary (All profiles) (Svi profili)
prefAppVisualThemeTitle @null
prefAutoTerrainNote1Summary Device should be held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket while using this. Uređaj treba držati pričvršćen za vozilo (npr. na upravljaču bicikla), a ne u ruci ili džepu dok ovo koristite.
prefAutoTerrainNote2Summary Powers obtained using a power sensor are not affected by this feature. Ova značajka ne utječe na snage dobivene pomoću senzora snage.
prefAutoTerrainSummary Sense terrain roughness by measuring vibrations, and adjust the rolling resistance coefficient (Cᵣᵣ) accordingly when computing power. Osjetiti hrapavost terena mjerenjem vibracija i prilagoditi koeficijent otpora kotrljanja (Cᵣᵣ) u skladu s tim pri računanju snage.
prefAutoTerrainTitle AutoTerrain AutoTerrain
prefBackKeyModeEntries_0 Normal Normalno
prefBackKeyModeEntries_1 None Ništa
prefBackKeyModeEntries_2 Double-click exit Dvostruki-klik za izlaz
prefBaroAltitudeUsesTemperatureSummary Use temperature sensor data for more accurate barometric altitudes, if available Koristi podatke senzora temperature za točniju barometarsku visinu, ako su dostupni
prefBaroAltitudeUsesTemperatureTitle Thermo barometer Termo barometar
prefBarometricAltitudeDisableAlert Disable barometric altitude? Onemogućiti barometarsku visinu?
prefBarometricAltitudeNoteSummary Use these only in the open atmosphere! Please disable while in pressurized, closed or air-conditioned vehicles like cars or airplanes! Koristite ovo jedino u otvorenoj atmosferi! Molimo onemogućite u zatvorenim, klimatiziranim ili vozilima pod pritiskom poput aviona ili automobila!
prefBarometricAltitudeSummary Use pressure sensor data to enhance altitude accuracy, if available Koristi podatke senzora tlaka za poboljšanje točnosti nadmorske visine, ako su dostupni
prefBarometricAltitudeTitle Barometric altitude Barometarska visina
prefBatteryOptimizationMessage Urban Biker can be exempted from system battery optimizations, to make it more certain it will continue to work properly when the screen is turned off on older versions of Android. Click here to open the settings now. Urban Biker se može izuzeti iz optimizacije baterije sustava, kako bi bilo sigurnije da će nastaviti ispravno raditi kada je ekran isključen na starijim verzijama Androida. Kliknite ovdje da sada otvorite postavke.
prefBatteryOptimizationTitle Battery optimizations Optimizacija baterije
prefGnssActivityRecognitionSummary Recognize standing still vs. moving for GPS. This may introduce lag and some lost distance or altitude after a break, but will prevent most GPS noise. Prepoznajte stajanje na mjestu u odnosu na kretanje za GPS. To može dovesti do kašnjenja i izgubljene udaljenosti ili visine nakon pauze, ali će spriječiti većinu smetnji GPS-a.
prefGnssActivityRecognitionTitle Reduce GPS noise Smanji smetnje GPS-a
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetInfo (All profiles) This constant is added to the altitude values received from the GPS. The default is zero (0). (Svi profili) Ova se konstanta dodaje vrijednostima nadmorske visine primljenim od GPS-a. Zadana vrijednost je nula (0).
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetTitle Altitude offset (GPS) Visinski pomak (GPS)
prefGnssAutomaticSleepSummary Turn off location automatically while being still, and back on when movement starts. This reduces battery usage on longer breaks, without the need to stop the tracking. Automatski isključi lokaciju dok mirujete i ponovno uključi kad kretanje započne. To smanjuje potrošnju baterije na dužim stankama, bez potrebe za zaustavljanjem praćenja.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Translated Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings
Translated Urban Biker/Strings
Translated Urban Biker/Strings Ništajedan
Translated Urban Biker/Strings


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 1448