
Key English Croatian
speechRadius Radius: %1$s Radius: %1$s
speechEnergy Energy: %1$s Energija: %1$s
speechCountdownGo Go! Kreni!
speechIncreasing Rising Raste
speechDecreasing Dropping Pada
speechTrackingStart Start Start
speechTrackingStop Stop Stop
speechTrackingPause Pause Pauza
speechTrackingResume Go Kreni
speechPromptTrackingResume Resume or finish? Nastaviti ili završiti?
speechTrackingGpsOk GPS OK GPS u redu
speechTrackingGpsWeak No GPS Nema GPS-a
speechNavigationContinue Continue Nastavite
speechNavigationDestinationReached You have reached the destination Stigli ste na odredište
speechNavigationGotOffRoute You have gone off the route Skrenuli ste s rute
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way Pogrešan smjer
navigationContinue Continue Nastavite
navigationDestinationReached Destination Odredište
navigationGotOffRoute Off route Izvan rute
navigationWrongWay Wrong way Pogrešan smjer
navigationRerouteCmd Click to reroute Klik za preusmjeriti
navigationLoadingData Loading directions… Učitavanje uputa…
navigationLoadFromFilePrompt An error occurred while loading new directions from the Internet.

Do you want to load previously used directions from a file?
Došlo je do pogreške prilikom učitavanja novih uputa s interneta.

Želite li učitati prethodno korištene upute iz datoteke?
navigationStepsInfo Navigation instructions will appear here as you move. Hide or slide this panel as desired. Upute za navigaciju pojavit će se ovdje dok se krećete. Sakrijte ili pomaknite ovu ploču po želji.
navigationRouteNotFound Sorry, no route was found to that destination Nažalost, ruta nije pronađena do tog odredišta
navigationRouteTooLong Sorry, this destination is too far away Žao nam je, ovo je odredište predaleko
navigationStopPrompt Stop Stop
navigationHidePrompt Hide Sakriti
navigationAvoidTolls Avoid tolls Izbjegavaj cestarine
navigationAvoidMotorways Avoid motorways Izbjegavaj autoceste
navigationAvoidFerries Avoid ferries Izbjegavaj trajekte
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Translated Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar user

New translation

Urban Biker / StringsCroatian

2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 1616