
Key English Croatian
dialogPowerWeightsWeightCargo Cargo Teret
dialogPowerWeightsWeightPassengers Passengers Putnici
dialogPowerWeightsWeightWheels Wheels Kotači
dialogPowerParamsTitle Power loss coefficients Koeficijenti gubitka snage
dialogPowerParamsDragArea Air drag area (Cd·A) Površina otporu zraka (Cd·A)
dialogPowerParamsRollResist Rolling resistance coef. (Cᵣᵣ) Koef. otpora kotrljanju (Cᵣᵣ)
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters Parametri energije
dialogEnergyParamsEfficiency Overall thermal efficiency (η) Ukupna termička efikasnost (η)
dialogEnergyParamsBmr Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Stopa bazalnog metabolizma (BMR)
dialogFileChooseSelectFolder Select this folder Odaberi ovaj folder
dialogMapsDownloadTitle Offline maps download Preuzimanje offline mapa
dialogMapsDownloadText Open the downloads web page now? Otvoriti web stranicu za preuzimanje sada?
dialogMapsTerrainDownloadTitle Terrain download Preuzimanje terena
dialogOpenRainviewerText Open web page now? Otvoriti web stranicu sada?
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title Naslov
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes Bilješke
dialogTrackUploadWaitTitle Please wait Molim pričekajte
dialogTrackUploadPreparing Preparing track data… Priprema podataka…
dialogTrackUploadSending Sending… Šaljem…
dialogTrackUploadDescriptionHint Share your thoughts… Iznesite svoje misli…
dialogTrackUploadShareButton Share Podijeli
dialogTrackUploadShareAgainButton Share again Podijeli opet
dialogTrackUploadUpdateButton Update Ažuriraj
dialogTrackUploadActivityType Activity type Vrsta aktivnosti
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service Online servis
dialogTrackUploadStravaIsCommute Commute Commute-anje
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types Vrste grafova
dialogGpsIntervalTitle GPS update interval GPS interval ažuriranja
dialogGpsIntervalValue %1$s
dialogGpsIntervalNote Keep this value below 3 sec to get the most accurate readings and consistent behavior! Molimo držite ovu vrijednost ispod 3 sek kako biste dobili najtočnija mjerenja i dosljedno ponašanje!
More accuracy, uses more battery

Veća točnost, troši više baterije
Key English Croatian
dialogScreenHudMode HUD mirror mode Način HUD odraza
dialogScreenOrientationAuto Automatic Automatski
dialogScreenOrientationLandscape Landscape Pejzažno
dialogScreenOrientationPortrait Portrait Portretsko
dialogScreenOrientationReverseLandscape Landscape (reverse) Pejzažno (obrnuto)
dialogScreenOrientationReversePortrait Portrait (reverse) Portret (obrnuto)
dialogScreenshotPreparing Preparing screenshot… Priprema snimke zaslona…
dialogScreenshotTitle Screenshot Snimka zaslona
dialogStoragePermissionRequest The app needs to access the storage so it can save or restore your tracks and settings.

Without giving the permission you may not be able to see your tracks history, and you could loose your data.
Aplikacija treba pristup pohrani kako bi mogla spremiti ili vratiti vaše staze i postavke.

Bez davanja dopuštenja možda nećete moći vidjeti povijest svojih staza, i mogli biste izgubiti svoje podatke.
dialogStoragePermissionRequestTitle Storage permission Dozvola za pohranu
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeMessage Thermo Barometer depends on outdoor air temperature for accuracy.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.
Točnost termo barometra ovisi o temperaturi vanjskog zraka.

Molimo ne koristite u zatvorenim ili klimatiziranim prostorima poput nekih vozila ili aviona.
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeTitle Notice Obavijest
dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?
Upozorenje: Ova akcija ne može se poništiti.

Obrisati stazu %1$s?
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes Bilješke
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title Naslov
dialogTrackingResumePromptTitle Resume? Nastaviti?
dialogTrackingStartPromptTitle Start? Start?
dialogTrackingStopPromptTitle Stop? Stop?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. Došlo je do pogreške. Molim pokušajte ponovo.
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? Staza će biti nastavljena u profilu %1$s. Nastaviti?
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. Praćenje je aktivno. Prvo isključite ili pauzirajte praćenje.
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? Profil %1$s kojim je kreirana ova staza više ne postoji. Nastaviti u trenutnom profilu %2$s?
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. Ciljni profil %1$s nije prazan. Molimo prvo resetirajte.
dialogTrackResumeProfileSwitchMessage Active profile will be switched from %1$s to %2$s. Continue? Aktivni profil će biti prebačen s %1$s na %2$s. Nastaviti?
dialogTrackResumeTitle Resume track Nastavi stazu
dialogTrackResumeWaitMessage Resuming, please wait… Nastavljam, molim pričekajte…
dialogTracksDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone. Delete selected tracks?

To confirm deletion, enter the following code to continue.
Upozorenje: Ovu radnju nije moguće poništiti. Izbrisati odabrane staze?

Za potvrdu brisanja unesite sljedeći kod za nastavak.
dialogTracksDeleteTitle Delete tracks Briši staze


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Urban Biker / StringsCroatian

4 years ago
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Urban Biker / StringsCroatian

4 years ago
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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 369