
Key English Croatian
meterModeSpeedVerticalShort c spd brz u
meterModeStepCadence step cadence kadenca koraka
meterModeStepCadenceShort step cad kad kor
meterModeStepCount steps koraci
meterModeStepCountShort steps koraci
meterModeTemperature temperature temperatura
meterModeTemperatureShort temp temp
meterModeVerticalPower climb power snaga uspona
meterModeVerticalPowerShort c pwr sna u
meterModeWriggle wriggle vijuganje
meterModeWriggleShort wrig vij
meterTextAvg avg sred
meterTextMax max maks
meterTextMin min min
meterTextRelative rel rel
meterTextTotal tot uku
meterVerticalWeight Vertical weight Vertikalna težina
na N/A N/A
navigationAvoidFerries Avoid ferries Izbjegavaj trajekte
navigationAvoidIndoor Avoid indoor Izbjegavaj unutarnje prostore
navigationAvoidMotorways Avoid motorways Izbjegavaj autoceste
navigationAvoidTolls Avoid tolls Izbjegavaj cestarine
navigationContinue Continue Nastavite
navigationDestinationReached Destination Odredište
navigationGotOffRoute Off route Izvan rute
navigationHidePrompt Hide Sakriti
navigationLoadFromFilePrompt An error occurred while loading new directions from the Internet.

Do you want to load previously used directions from a file?
Došlo je do pogreške prilikom učitavanja novih uputa s interneta.

Želite li učitati prethodno korištene upute iz datoteke?
navigationLoadingData Loading directions… Učitavanje uputa…
navigationRerouteCmd Click to reroute Klik za preusmjeriti
navigationRouteNotFound Sorry, no route was found to that destination Nažalost, ruta nije pronađena do tog odredišta


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English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 588