
Key English Indonesian
pref_categoryPrivacyTitle Privacy Pribadi
pref_categoryActivityRecognitionTitle Physical activity recognition Pengenalan aktivitas fisik
pref_category_bell_title Bell lonceng
pref_category_roaring_title AVAS AVAS
pref_category_roaringConstantMode_title Constant mode Modus konstan
pref_category_effects_title Effects Efek
pref_category_alarms_title Alarms Alarm
pref_category_tallies_title Tallies Penghitungan
pref_category_speech_title Speech Pidato
pref_category_select_title Select… Pilih…
pref_category_fonts_title Font huruf
pref_category_buttons_title Buttons Tombol
pref_category_meters_title Meters Meter
pref_categoryTrackingButtonTitle Rec button Tombol rekam
pref_group_meters_title Meters Meter
pref_meterTitle Meter Meter
pref_group_maps_title Maps Peta
pref_category_maps_online_mode_title Maps source Sumber peta
pref_category_maps_offline_title Offline maps Peta luar talian
pref_category_maps_offline_terrain_title Terrain Medan
pref_category_maps_routes_title Guide routes Rute panduan
pref_category_maps_track_title Track line Garis lintasan
pref_category_maps_weather_title Weather Cuaca
pref_category_hud_title HUD HUD
pref_category_back_key_title Back key mode Mode tombol kembali
pref_category_haptic_title Haptic feedback Umpan balik haptik
pref_category_app_features_title App features Fitur aplikasi
pref_category_wakelock_title CPU sleep policy Kebijakan tidur CPU
pref_category_gps_boost_title GPS updates boost policy Pembaruan GPS meningkatkan kebijakan
pref_group_flashlight_title Flashlight Senter
pref_category_flashlightBlinkMode_title Flickering Kerlip
Key English Indonesian
pref_mapsShowAttribution_summary Show attribution text for online maps other than Google. Disable to prevent accidental click on a link. Tampilkan teks atribusi untuk peta online selain Google. Nonaktifkan untuk mencegah klik yang tidak disengaja pada tautan.
pref_mapsShowAttribution_title Attribution Atribusi
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_info Radar animation can use up to 5x more Internet data than a static radar image. Animasi radar dapat menggunakan data Internet hingga 5x lebih banyak dibandingkan gambar radar statis.
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_summary Animate last 1 hour of radar data, to help you visualize the precipitation trend Menganimasikan data radar 1 jam terakhir, untuk membantu Anda memvisualisasikan tren curah hujan
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_title Animate Menghidupkan
pref_mapsWeatherAnimateForecast_summary Also animate 30 minutes of radar forecast in different colors Juga menganimasikan prakiraan radar selama 30 menit dalam berbagai warna
pref_mapsWeatherAnimateForecast_title Forecast Ramalan
pref_mapsWeatherCoverage_summary Shade areas where there is no precipitation radar coverage Area teduh dimana tidak ada jangkauan radar curah hujan
pref_mapsWeatherCoverage_title Coverage mask Masker cakupan
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_info Radar data is downloaded from the Internet, even when offline maps are used. It is automatically refreshed every 10 minutes while map is visible. Data source is Data radar diunduh dari Internet, bahkan ketika peta offline digunakan. Secara otomatis disegarkan setiap 10 menit saat peta terlihat. Sumber datanya adalah
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_summary Show precipitation radar layer Tampilkan lapisan radar presipitasi
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_title Precipitation radar Radar curah hujan
pref_meter_lock_summary Prevents change of mode on click Mencegah perubahan mode saat diklik
pref_meter_lock_title Lock mode Modus kunci
pref_meter_modes_select_title Choose available modes… Pilih mode yang tersedia…
pref_meterTitle Meter Meter
pref_obey_audio_focus_disable_summary Continue producing sounds even if audio focus is lost (by system notification or another app) Terus menghasilkan suara meskipun fokus audio hilang (melalui notifikasi sistem atau aplikasi lain)
pref_obey_audio_focus_disable_title Disable audio focus Nonaktifkan fokus audio
pref_passive_gps_button_summary Enable Passive GPS mode when clicking the tracking button Aktifkan mode GPS Pasif saat mengklik tombol GPS
pref_passive_gps_button_title Passive GPS mode Mode tombol GPS pasif
pref_power_coefs_summary Drag area: %1$s
Roll resist: %2$s
Area seret: %1$s
Tahan gulungan: %2$s
pref_power_coefs_title Coefficients Koefisien
pref_power_weights_summary Driver: %1$s, Vehicle: %2$s, Cargo: %3$s, Passengers: %4$s, Wheels: %5$s Pengemudi: %1$s, Kendaraan: %2$s, Kargo: %3$s, Penumpang: %4$s, Roda: %5$s
pref_power_weights_title Weights beban
pref_powermeter_display_mode_dialog_title Power display mode Mode tampilan daya
pref_powermeter_display_mode_entries_0 Total power Kekuatan total
pref_powermeter_display_mode_entries_1 Watts per kg/lb Watt per kg/lb
pref_powermeter_display_mode_summary @null
pref_powermeter_display_mode_title @null
pref_powermeter_parameters_info_summary For accurate power and energy readings, please make sure these parameters are correct! Untuk pembacaan daya dan energi yang akurat, pastikan parameter ini benar!
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar user

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsIndonesian

a year ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical


Has been translated

Previous translation was "Meter".

Fix string



English Indonesian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-id.xml, string 831