
Key English Indonesian
summarySpecific Specific Spesifik
summaryMechWork Mech. work Mekanisme. bekerja
summaryMechWorkInfo Pure mechanical work expended (disregarding thermal efficiency and BMR).

For bikes this can be regarded as a measure of chain wear - a standard bicycle chain will last about 100 MJ, for motorcycles about 1 GJ.
Kerja mekanis murni yang dikeluarkan untuk aktivitas ini (mengabaikan efisiensi termal dan BMR).
summaryChainWear Chain wear Keausan rantai
summaryActivePower Active power Kekuatan aktif
summaryClimbing Climb Mendaki
summaryClimbingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome gravity. Persentase energi yang digunakan untuk mengatasi gravitasi.
summaryDragging Drag Menyeret
summaryDraggingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome air drag resistance. Persentase energi yang digunakan untuk mengatasi hambatan udara.
summaryAccelerating Accelerate Mempercepat
summaryAcceleratingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to accelerate. Persentase energi yang digunakan untuk akselerasi.
summaryRolling Roll Gulungan
summaryRollingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome rolling resistance. Persentase energi yang digunakan untuk mengatasi hambatan gelinding.
summaryBasal Basal Dr dasarnya
summaryBasalEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used for basal metabolism. Persentase energi yang digunakan untuk metabolisme basal.
summaryVibrations Vibrations Getaran
summaryBraking Braking Pengereman
summaryBrakingInfo Energy extracted by braking.

Can be regarded as brake wear - a pair of standard bicycle disc brake pads will last around 50 MJ, for cars around 5 GJ.
Energi diekstraksi dengan pengereman.

Dapat dianggap sebagai keausan rem - sepasang bantalan rem cakram sepeda standar akan bertahan sekitar 50 MJ, untuk mobil sekitar 5 GJ.
summaryBrakePadWear Brake pad wear Keausan bantalan rem
sensorsTitle Sensors Sensor
sensorsTabUsed Used Digunakan
sensorsTabFound Found Ditemukan
sensorsSectionUsedInProfile Used in the profile Digunakan di profil
sensorsSectionSupported Supported Didukung
sensorsSectionUnsupported Unsupported Tidak didukung
sensorsEmptyList Empty list Daftar kosong
sensorsMenuScan Scan Pindai
sensorsInfo Sensors get connected automatically while recording is active, and disconnected when you stop recording.

It's not possible to establish a sensor connection manually.
Sensor terhubung secara otomatis saat perekaman aktif, dan terputus saat Anda berhenti merekam.

Tidak mungkin membuat sambungan sensor secara manual.
sensorWheelCircNotSetWarning Wheel circumference has not been set Lingkar roda belum diatur
sensorStepLengthNotSetWarning Step length has not been set Panjang langkah belum ditentukan
sensorMenuAddToProfile Add to the profile Tambahkan ke profil
Key English Indonesian
summaryRollingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome rolling resistance. Persentase energi yang digunakan untuk mengatasi hambatan gelinding.
summaryRollResistCoef Roll resist coef. Koefisien penahan gulungan.
summaryRollResistCoefAverage Roll resist coef. average Koefisien penahan gulungan. rata-rata
summaryRollResistCoefAverageInfo Average rolling resistance coefficient, if the coefficient was changing during the activity. Koefisien hambatan gelinding rata-rata, jika koefisien tersebut berubah selama aktivitas berlangsung.
summaryRollResistCoefInfo Rolling resistance coefficient. Koefisien tahanan gelinding.
summarySpecific Specific Spesifik
summaryStartedDatetime Started Dimulai
summaryStoppedTime Stopped time Waktu terhenti
summaryStoppedTimeInfo Time during which tracking was inactive. Waktu yang dihabiskan untuk jeda, baik secara manual atau saat menggunakan jeda otomatis.
summaryTotalTime Total time Total waktu
summaryTotalTimeInfo Time interval between the start time and the end time of this track. Interval waktu antara waktu mulai dan waktu berakhir trek ini.
summaryTotalWeight Total weight Berat keseluruhan
summaryTotalWeightInfo Sum of all weights used while recording this track (rider, vehicle, cargo, …). Jumlah seluruh bobot yang digunakan saat merekam lintasan ini (pengendara, kendaraan, muatan,…).
summaryVehicleWeight Vehicle weight Berat kendaraan
summaryVehicleWeightInfo Weight of the vehicle used while recording this track. Berat kendaraan yang digunakan saat merekam trek ini.
summaryVibrations Vibrations Getaran
summaryWheelsWeight Wheels weight Berat roda
summaryWheelsWeightInfo Sum of weights of all wheels on the vehicle used on this track. Jumlah bobot seluruh roda pada kendaraan yang digunakan pada lintasan ini.
svgCopyright Created with Urban Biker Dibuat dengan Urban Biker
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timePeriod_per3Months per 3 months per 3 bulan
timePeriod_per6Months per 6 months per 6 bulan
timePeriod_perMonth per month per bulan
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toastAutoBellButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the auto bell sound Klik lama untuk mengaktifkan suara bel otomatis
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Urban Biker / StringsIndonesian

a year ago
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Has been translated

Previous translation was "Getaran".

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English Indonesian
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String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-id.xml, string 708