
Key English Icelandic
pref_group_advanced_title Advanced… Ítarlegri…
pref_category_other_title Other Annað
pref_category_gps_interval_title GPS update interval GPS uppfærslubil
pref_category_stationary_exercise_title Stationary activity Kyrrstæð starfsemi
pref_category_autopause_title Auto pause Sjálfvirk hlé
pref_category_resetPrompt_title Reset prompt Endurstilla kvaðningu
pref_category_tracking_title Tracking Rekja
pref_category_tracking_gps_title Tracking / GPS Rekja / GPS
pref_category_tracking_charts_title Charts Töflur
pref_categoryPrivacyTitle Privacy Persónuvernd
pref_categoryActivityRecognitionTitle Physical activity recognition Viðurkenning á hreyfingu
pref_category_bell_title Bell Bell
pref_category_roaring_title AVAS AVAS
pref_category_roaringConstantMode_title Constant mode Stöðugur háttur
pref_category_effects_title Effects Áhrif
pref_category_alarms_title Alarms Viðvörun
pref_category_tallies_title Tallies Tölur
pref_category_speech_title Speech Ræða
pref_category_select_title Select… Veldu…
pref_category_fonts_title Font Leturgerð
pref_category_buttons_title Buttons Hnappar
pref_category_meters_title Meters Metrar
pref_categoryTrackingButtonTitle Rec button Rec hnappur
pref_group_meters_title Meters Metrar
pref_meterTitle Meter Mælir
pref_group_maps_title Maps Kort
pref_category_maps_online_mode_title Maps source Uppspretta korta
pref_category_maps_offline_title Offline maps Kort án nettengingar
pref_category_maps_offline_terrain_title Terrain Landsvæði
pref_category_maps_routes_title Guide routes Leiðsöguleiðir
pref_category_maps_track_title Track line Lagalína
Key English Icelandic
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_summary @null
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_title Shake sensitivity Hristið næmi
pref_bell_shake_summary Shake the device to ring the bell Hristið tækið til að hringja bjöllunni
pref_bell_shake_title Shake to ring Hristið til að hringja
pref_bg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the app background Veldu litinn sem þú vilt fyrir bakgrunn appsins
pref_bg_color_title Background color Bakgrunns litur
pref_button_contrast_show_summary Show the Contrast/Map layer toggle button Sýndu skiptahnappinn fyrir birtuskil/kortalag
pref_button_contrast_show_title Contrast/Map layer Andstæða/kortalag
pref_button_map_show_summary Show the Map button Sýndu korthnappinn
pref_button_map_show_title Map Kort
pref_button_menu_show_summary Show the Menu button Sýndu valmyndarhnappinn
pref_button_menu_show_title Menu Matseðill
pref_button_tracking_show_summary Show the Rec button. If disabled, you will need to use the main menu commands to start or stop tracking. Sýndu Rec hnappinn. Ef það er óvirkt þarftu að nota aðalvalmyndarskipanirnar til að hefja eða stöðva mælingar.
pref_button_tracking_show_title Enable Virkja
pref_category_advanced_title Advanced Ítarlegri
pref_category_alarms_title Alarms Viðvörun
pref_category_altitude_adjustments_title Altitudes Hæðir
pref_category_app_features_title App features App eiginleikar
pref_category_appearance_title Appearance Útlit
pref_category_appVisualTheme @string/prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle
pref_category_autopause_title Auto pause Sjálfvirk hlé
pref_category_back_key_title Back key mode Til baka takkahamur
pref_category_background_title @string/pref_background_pattern_dialog_title
pref_category_bell_title Bell Bell
pref_category_buttons_title Buttons Hnappar
pref_category_cloudAccounts_title Accounts Reikningar
pref_category_colors_dark_title Dark theme Dökkt þema
pref_category_colors_light_title Light theme Létt þema
pref_category_effects_title Effects Áhrif
pref_category_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Vasastilling
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsIcelandic

5 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Viðvörun".

Fix string



English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-is.xml, string 822