
Key English Icelandic
pref_background_pattern_entries_0 None Enginn
pref_background_pattern_entries_1 @string/app_name
pref_background_pattern_entries_2 Zebra Zebra
pref_background_pattern_entries_3 Leopard Hlébarði
pref_background_pattern_entries_4 Brick Múrsteinn
pref_background_pattern_entries_5 Cobble Cobble
pref_background_pattern_entries_6 Clouds Ský
pref_background_pattern_entries_7 Hearts Hjörtu
pref_background_pattern_entries_8 Honeycomb Honeycomb
pref_speedo_display_mode_entries_0 Graphic & Digital Grafískt og stafrænt
pref_speedo_display_mode_entries_1 Graphic Grafík
pref_speedo_display_mode_entries_2 Digital Stafræn
pref_powermeter_display_mode_entries_0 Total power Algjör kraftur
pref_powermeter_display_mode_entries_1 Watts per kg/lb Vött á hvert kg/lb
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_0 Online Á netinu
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_1 Offline Ótengdur
prefBackKeyModeEntries_0 Normal Eðlilegt
prefBackKeyModeEntries_1 None Enginn
prefBackKeyModeEntries_2 Double-click exit Tvísmelltu á hætta
mapLayerTypes_0 @string/mapLayerStreet
mapLayerTypes_1 @string/mapLayerTerrain
mapLayerTypes_2 @string/mapLayerSatellite
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_0 Switch theme Skiptu um þema
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_1 Switch file Skiptu um skrá
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_2 None Enginn
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_0 10 MB 10 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_1 50 MB 50 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_2 100 MB (default) 100 MB (sjálfgefið)
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_3 200 MB 200 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_4 300 MB 300 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_5 400 MB 400 MB
Key English Icelandic
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_2 100 MB (default) 100 MB (sjálfgefið)
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_3 200 MB 200 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_4 300 MB 300 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_5 400 MB 400 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_6 500 MB 500 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_7 1 GB 1 GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_8 2 GB 2 GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_9 3 GB 3 GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeSummary When viewing a map, both online and offline, parts are being cached locally to reduce the need for repeated download or recreation. This speeds up map loading and saves battery. Þegar kort er skoðað, bæði á netinu og utan nets, eru hlutar vistaðir í skyndiminni á staðnum til að draga úr þörfinni fyrir endurtekið niðurhal eða afþreyingu. Þetta flýtir fyrir hleðslu korta og sparar rafhlöðu.
prefMapDiskCacheSizeTitle Map cache size limit Stærðartakmörk korta skyndiminni
prefMapGuideRouteColorTitle Guide route color Litur leiðarleiðar
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_0 Switch theme Skiptu um þema
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_1 Switch file Skiptu um skrá
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_2 None Enginn
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_0 Online Á netinu
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_1 Offline Ótengdur
prefMapsFolderExploreSummary Manage the contents of the app-specific maps folder with a file explorer app Hafðu umsjón með innihaldi kortamöppunnar sem er sérstakt forrit með skráakönnunarforriti
prefMapsFolderExploreTitle Explore maps folder Skoða korta möppuna
prefMapShowBuildingsSummary Show the 3D buildings layer for Google maps. Disable to improve map performance and reduce resource usage. Sýndu 3D byggingarlagið fyrir Google kort. Slökktu á til að bæta kortafköst og draga úr auðlindanotkun.
prefMapShowBuildingsTitle Show buildings Sýna byggingar
prefMapTrackColorTitle Track color Lagarlitur
prefMeterSettingsNoteSummary More settings are available via a menu accessed by long-clicking on a meter field. Fleiri stillingar eru fáanlegar í gegnum valmynd sem er opnuð með því að smella lengi á mælireit.
prefNoSoundInsideFenceSummary Do not make sounds while inside a fence, except for the alarms. Ekki gefa frá sér hljóð á meðan þú ert innan girðingar, nema fyrir vekjara.
prefNoSoundInsideFenceTitle No sounds inside fence Engin hljóð innan girðingar
prefNotificationAlwaysSummary Show app notification icon in system status bar at all times, not only when tracking is active. Sýna tilkynningatákn forrits á stöðustiku kerfisins alltaf, ekki aðeins þegar rakning er virk.
prefNotificationAlwaysTitle Persistent notification Viðvarandi tilkynning
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary1 To save battery and data, only one elevation point will be acquired from the Internet when you start tracking a new track. This is enough for the rest of the track to have a more accurate altitude baseline. Til að spara rafhlöðu og gögn verður aðeins einn hæðarpunktur fengin af internetinu þegar þú byrjar að rekja nýja braut. Þetta er nóg til að restin af brautinni hafi nákvæmari hæðargrunnlínu.
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary2 If the Internet or the license is not available, the app will continue to work without correcting the altitude. Ef internetið eða leyfið er ekki tiltækt mun appið halda áfram að virka án þess að leiðrétta hæðina.
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary3 This only works if a subscription license is available (Ultimate license, or one of the maps licenses). Þetta virkar aðeins ef áskriftarleyfi er tiltækt (Endanlegt leyfi, eða eitt af kortaleyfunum).
prefOnlineElevationSummary Use elevation data from the Internet to improve altitude baseline accuracy. Enabled by default. Notaðu hæðargögn af netinu til að auka nákvæmni í grunnlínu hæðar. Sjálfgefið virkt.


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsIcelandic

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Ótengdur".

Fix string



English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-is.xml, string 1446