
Key English Icelandic
pref_gps_boost_dialog_title @string/pref_category_gps_boost_title
pref_autopause_mode_title %1$s
pref_autopause_mode_summary @null
pref_autopause_mode_dialog_title Auto pausing Sjálfvirk hlé
pref_wakelock_mode_title %1$s
pref_wakelock_mode_summary @null
pref_wakelock_mode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_wakelock_title
pref_locationProviderMode_title %1$s
pref_locationProviderMode_summary @null
pref_locationProviderMode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_locationProvider_title
pref_speed_calculate_mode_title Recalculate speed Endurreiknaðu hraða
pref_speed_calculate_mode_summary (All profiles) Recalculate speed from distances, do not use GPS value directly. This may provide more stable speed readings over GPS (Doppler) values. Default is OFF. (Öll snið) Endurreiknaðu hraða úr fjarlægðum, ekki nota GPS gildi beint. Þetta gæti veitt stöðugri hraðalestur yfir GPS (Doppler) gildi. Sjálfgefið er OFF.
pref_background_pattern_title @null
pref_background_pattern_summary @null
pref_background_pattern_dialog_title Menu background pattern Valmynd bakgrunnsmynstur
pref_soundeffects_title Enable Virkja
pref_soundeffects_summary @null
pref_soundeffects_fence_enterleave_title Fence Girðing
pref_soundeffects_fence_enterleave_summary Sound when entering or leaving a fence Hljóð þegar farið er inn eða út úr girðingu
pref_soundeffects_gps_signal_title GPS GPS
pref_soundeffects_gps_signal_summary Sound on GPS status change (good, bad) Hljóð á GPS stöðubreytingu (gott, slæmt)
pref_soundeffects_countdown_title Countdown Niðurtalning
pref_soundeffects_countdown_summary Sound on countdown before resuming the track (…3, 2, 1, GO!) Hljóð við niðurtalningu áður en lag er haldið áfram (...3, 2, 1, GO!)
pref_soundeffects_autopause_title Auto pause Sjálfvirk hlé
pref_soundeffects_autopause_summary Sound on automatic pause and resume detection Hljóð á sjálfvirkri hlé og uppgötvun
pref_soundeffects_screenOff_title Screen dim/off Skjár dimmur/slökktur
pref_soundeffects_screenOff_summary Sound and vibrate when screen is dimmed or temporarily turned off Hljóð og titring þegar skjárinn er dimmur eða slökktur tímabundið
pref_soundeffects_proximity_title Proximity sensor Nálægðarskynjari
pref_soundeffects_proximity_summary Click sound when proximity sensor is tripped Smelltuhljóð þegar nálægðarskynjari leysist út
pref_soundeffects_navigation_title Navigation Leiðsögn
pref_soundeffects_navigation_summary Sound on navigation events Hljóð á siglingaviðburðum
Key English Icelandic
pref_soundeffects_tally_descent_dialog_title Descent tally Niðurfelling
pref_soundeffects_tally_descent_title Descent Niðurkoma
pref_soundeffects_tally_distance_dialog_title Distance tally Fjarlægðartalning
pref_soundeffects_tally_distance_title Distance Fjarlægð
pref_soundeffects_tally_duration_dialog_title Duration tally Tímalengd
pref_soundeffects_tally_duration_title Duration Lengd
pref_soundeffects_tally_energy_dialog_title Energy tally Orkutölur
pref_soundeffects_tally_energy_title Energy Orka
pref_soundeffects_tally_radius_dialog_title Radius tally Radíustölur
pref_soundeffects_tally_radius_title Radius Radíus
pref_soundeffects_tally_steps_dialog_title Steps tally Skref raðast saman
pref_soundeffects_tally_steps_title Steps Skref
pref_soundeffects_tally_summary @null
pref_soundeffects_tally_title Enable Virkja
pref_soundeffects_tally_value_summary Every %1$s %2$s Á %1$s %2$s fresti
pref_soundeffects_title Enable Virkja
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_title All sounds Öll hljóð
pref_speechAutoPause_summary Speak on automatic pause and resume detection Talaðu á sjálfvirkri hlé og halda áfram uppgötvun
pref_speechAutoPause_title Auto pause Sjálfvirk hlé
pref_speechCountdown_summary Speak countdown Talaðu niðurtalningu
pref_speechCountdown_title Countdown Niðurtalning
pref_speechGnssStatus_summary Speak on GPS status change (good, bad) Talaðu um breytingu á GPS stöðu (gott, slæmt)
pref_speechGnssStatus_title GPS GPS
pref_speechMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechMasterSwitch_title Enable Virkja
pref_speechNavigation_summary Speak navigation Talaðu flakk
pref_speechNavigation_title Navigation Leiðsögn
pref_speechProfileName_summary (All profiles) Speak profile name on profile switch (Öll snið) Segðu nafn sniðs á sniðrofa
pref_speechProfileName_title Profile name Nafn prófíls
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsIcelandic

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Virkja".

Fix string



English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-is.xml, string 987