
Key English Icelandic
pref_category_maps_weather_title Weather Veður
pref_category_hud_title HUD HUD
pref_category_back_key_title Back key mode Til baka takkahamur
pref_category_haptic_title Haptic feedback Happísk endurgjöf
pref_category_app_features_title App features App eiginleikar
pref_category_wakelock_title CPU sleep policy CPU svefnstefna
pref_category_gps_boost_title GPS updates boost policy GPS uppfærslur auka stefnu
pref_group_flashlight_title Flashlight Vasaljós
pref_category_flashlightBlinkMode_title Flickering Flikkandi
pref_category_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Vasastilling
pref_category_locationProvider_title GPS provider GPS veitir
pref_category_altitude_adjustments_title Altitudes Hæðir
pref_category_temperature_title Temperature Hitastig
pref_category_pressure_title Inbuilt pressure sensor Innbyggður þrýstiskynjari
pref_category_sensors_title Sensors Skynjarar
pref_category_cloudAccounts_title Accounts Reikningar
pref_category_storage_title Storage Geymsla
pref_category_goto_title @null
pref_category_mapsQuickZoom QuickZoom QuickZoom
pref_category_mapsCache Cache Skyndiminni
pref_category_onlineElevation_title Online elevation Hækkun á netinu
pref_category_mapsRenderer Renderer Bjóðandi
prefAllProfilesInfoSummary Preferences here are applicable to all profiles. Kjörstillingar hér eiga við um alla prófíla.
prefOnlineMapsProviderTitle Online map provider Kortveita á netinu
pref_app_language_title @null
pref_app_language_summary (All profiles) (Allir prófílar)
pref_app_language_dialog_title Language Tungumál
pref_app_language_translate_title Help translate Hjálpaðu til við að þýða
pref_app_language_translate_summary Click here if you would like to help translate this app to another language Smelltu hér ef þú vilt hjálpa til við að þýða þetta forrit á annað tungumál
pref_back_key_mode_title @null
pref_back_key_mode_dialog_title Back key mode Til baka takkahamur
Key English Icelandic
pref_button_menu_show_summary Show the Menu button Sýndu valmyndarhnappinn
pref_button_menu_show_title Menu Matseðill
pref_button_tracking_show_summary Show the Rec button. If disabled, you will need to use the main menu commands to start or stop tracking. Sýndu Rec hnappinn. Ef það er óvirkt þarftu að nota aðalvalmyndarskipanirnar til að hefja eða stöðva mælingar.
pref_button_tracking_show_title Enable Virkja
pref_category_advanced_title Advanced Ítarlegri
pref_category_alarms_title Alarms Viðvörun
pref_category_altitude_adjustments_title Altitudes Hæðir
pref_category_app_features_title App features App eiginleikar
pref_category_appearance_title Appearance Útlit
pref_category_appVisualTheme @string/prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle
pref_category_autopause_title Auto pause Sjálfvirk hlé
pref_category_back_key_title Back key mode Til baka takkahamur
pref_category_background_title @string/pref_background_pattern_dialog_title
pref_category_bell_title Bell Bell
pref_category_buttons_title Buttons Hnappar
pref_category_cloudAccounts_title Accounts Reikningar
pref_category_colors_dark_title Dark theme Dökkt þema
pref_category_colors_light_title Light theme Létt þema
pref_category_effects_title Effects Áhrif
pref_category_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Vasastilling
pref_category_flashlightBlinkMode_title Flickering Flikkandi
pref_category_fonts_title Font Leturgerð
pref_category_general_title General Almennt
pref_category_goto_title @null
pref_category_gps_boost_title GPS updates boost policy GPS uppfærslur auka stefnu
pref_category_gps_interval_title GPS update interval GPS uppfærslubil
pref_category_haptic_title Haptic feedback Happísk endurgjöf
pref_category_hud_title HUD HUD
pref_category_language_title Language Tungumál
pref_category_locationProvider_title GPS provider GPS veitir
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsIcelandic

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Reikningar".

Fix string



English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-is.xml, string 853