
Key English Icelandic
sensorDeleteConfirmDialogMsg Forget this sensor? Gleymdu þessum skynjara?
sensorAddedMsg Sensor added to the profile Skynjara bætt við prófílinn
sensorRemovedMsg Sensor removed from the profile Skynjari fjarlægður úr prófílnum
sensorDeletedMsg Sensor forgotten Skynjari gleymdur
sensorPurposeNone (No purpose) (Enginn tilgangur)
sensorPurposeCadence Cadence Kadence
sensorPurposeSpeed Speed Hraði
sensorPurposeDistance Distance Fjarlægð
sensorPurposeDuration Duration Lengd
sensorPurposePower Power Kraftur
sensorPurposeHeartRate Heart rate Hjartsláttur
sensorPurposeSteps Steps Skref
sensorPurposePressure Pressure Þrýstingur
sensorPurposeTemperature Temperature Hitastig
sensorPurposeHumidity Humidity Raki
sensorStepDetectorName Step Detector Skrefskynjari
sensorProperitesProfileInfo Sensor properties are managed per profile. Properties here are managed for the currently active profile only (%1$s). Skynjarareiginleikum er stjórnað fyrir hvert snið. Eiginleikum hér er aðeins stjórnað fyrir virka prófílinn (%1$s).
sensorProperitesUseForSpeed Use for speed Notaðu fyrir hraða
sensorProperitesUseForCadence Use for cadence Notaðu fyrir kadence
sensorProperitesUseForDistance Use for distance and duration Notaðu fyrir fjarlægð og lengd
sensorProperitesUseForDuration Use for duration Notaðu til lengdar
sensorProperitesUseForPower Use for power Notaðu fyrir kraft
sensorProperitesUseForHeartRate Use for heart rate Notaðu fyrir hjartsláttartíðni
sensorProperitesUseForSteps Use for step count and cadence Notaðu fyrir skrefafjölda og taktfall
sensorProperitesUseForPressure Use for pressure Notaðu fyrir þrýsting
sensorProperitesUseForTemperature Use for temperature Notaðu fyrir hitastig
sensorProperitesUseForHumidity Use for humidity Notaðu fyrir raka
sensorProperitesIsInverted Swap speed and cadence Skiptu um hraða og kadence
sensorProperitesIsInvertedInfo Use cadence sensor to obtain speed readings, or vice versa. Normally disabled. Notaðu kadence skynjara til að fá hraðalestur, eða öfugt. Venjulega fatlaður.
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeter Wheel circumference Hjól ummál
sensorProperitesIsAutoPerimeter Automatic Sjálfvirk
Key English Icelandic
sensorPurposeSteps Steps Skref
sensorPurposeTemperature Temperature Hitastig
sensorRemoveConfirmDialogMsg Remove from the profile? Fjarlægja af prófílnum?
sensorRemovedMsg Sensor removed from the profile Skynjari fjarlægður úr prófílnum
sensorsEmptyList Empty list Tómur listi
sensorsInfo Sensors get connected automatically while recording is active, and disconnected when you stop recording.

It's not possible to establish a sensor connection manually.
Skynjarar tengjast sjálfkrafa á meðan upptaka er virk og aftengjast þegar þú hættir að taka upp.

Það er ekki hægt að koma á skynjaratengingu handvirkt.
sensorsMenuScan Scan Skanna
sensorsSectionSupported Supported Stuðningur
sensorsSectionUnsupported Unsupported Óstudd
sensorsSectionUsedInProfile Used in the profile Notað í prófílnum
sensorsTabFound Found Fundið
sensorsTabUsed Used Notað
sensorStatusConnected Connected Tengdur
sensorStatusConnecting Connecting… Tengist…
sensorStatusDisconnected Disconnected Ótengdur
sensorStepDetectorName Step Detector Skrefskynjari
sensorStepLengthNotSetWarning Step length has not been set Skreflengd hefur ekki verið stillt
sensorsTitle Sensors Skynjarar
sensorWheelCircNotSetWarning Wheel circumference has not been set Hjólaummál hefur ekki verið stillt
settingsTitle Settings Stillingar
share_subject @string/app_name
share_title Send via Senda í gegnum
speechAltitude Altitude: %1$s Hæð: %1$s
speechAscent Climb: %1$s Klifur: %1$s
speechClock Clock: %1$s Klukka: %1$s
speechCountdownGo Go! Farðu!
speechDecreasing Dropping Sleppa
speechDescent Drop: %1$s Fall: %1$s
speechEnergy Energy: %1$s Orka: %1$s
speechIncreasing Rising Hækkandi


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsIcelandic

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Skrefskynjari".

Fix string



English Icelandic
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-is.xml, string 745