
Key English Japanese
dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?
注意 : この操作は取り消しできません.

走行記録: %1$s を削除してよろしいですか?
dialogTrackResumeTitle Resume track 走行記録の再開
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. 記録中です.先に GPS をオフにするか,一時停止してください.
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. 対象のプロファイル : %1$s は,いくつか設定された項目があります.まずリセットしてください.
dialogTrackResumeProfileSwitchMessage Active profile will be switched from %1$s to %2$s. Continue? プロファイルを %1$s から %2$s に切り替えます.よろしいですか?
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? この走行記録を作成したプロファイル : %1$s は存在しません.現在のプロファイル : %2$sで再開しますか?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? 走行記録をプロファイル : %1$sで再開します.よろしいですか?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. エラーが発生しました.再試行してください.
dialogTrackResumeWaitMessage Resuming, please wait… 再開中,お待ちください…
dialogTracksShareTitle Share tracks 走行記録の共有
dialogTracksShareGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. エラーが発生しました.再試行してください.
dialogTracksShareCountExceeded Cannot share more than 100 tracks at once. 一度に 100 件以上の走行記録を共有することはできません.
dialogGpsSettingsPromptTitle Location is turned off 位置情報オフ
dialogGpsSettingsPromptMessage You won't be able to use most of the features of this app without Location.

Please make sure the Location is enabled and set to 'High accuracy' mode.

Open Location Settings now?


dialogBaroAltitudePromptTitle Barometric altitude problem 気圧高度の問題
dialogBaroAltitudePromptMessage Barometric Altitude has been turned off forcibly due to discrepancy with GPS altitude!

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces!

dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeTitle Notice 注意
dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeMessage Barometric Altitude works only outdoors.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.

dialogThermoBarometerNoticeTitle Notice 注意
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeMessage Thermo Barometer depends on outdoor air temperature for accuracy.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.

dialogResetTitle Finish 終了
dialogResetMessage Save this track and prepare for a new one? この走行記録を保存し,次に備えますか?
dialogResetNoTrackMessage No track was recorded. Reset the meters now? ライディングが記録されていません.今すぐメーターをリセットしますか?
dialogScreenHudMode HUD mirror mode HUD 反転モード
dialogScreenOrientationAuto Automatic 自動
dialogScreenOrientationPortrait Portrait
dialogScreenOrientationLandscape Landscape
dialogScreenOrientationReversePortrait Portrait (reverse) 縦 (反転)
dialogScreenOrientationReverseLandscape Landscape (reverse) 横 (反転)
dialogScreenBrightnessOverride Brightness 画面の明るさ
dialogScreenAutoTheme Auto theme 自動テーマ設定
Key English Japanese
dialog_fenceguard_update_text Fence name: 保護エリア名 :
dialog_fenceguard_update_text2 Fence raised around your location protects it from being exposed in recorded tracks. 「保護エリア」は,あなたの所在地情報を保存済みの走行記録等で公開しないようにします.
dialog_fenceguard_update_title Update fence 保護エリアの更新
dialog_track_save_text Distance %1$.3f %2$s
Duration %3$s

The track seems very short. Save this track?
距離 %1$.3f %2$s
時間 %3$s

dialog_volume_alarms_text Alarms アラーム
dialog_volume_bell_text Bell ベル
dialog_volume_effects_text Effects 効果音
dialog_volume_message Note: Use volume buttons on your device to adjust overall sound volume. 注 : 全体の音量を設定するには,スマートフォンの音量ボタンを使ってください.
dialog_volume_roaring_text AVAS 車両接近通報装置
dialog_volume_speech_text Speech 音声案内
dialog_volume_tallies_text Tallies 一定間隔
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can use the built-in Step Detector sensor, and perform other useful actions when motion is detected. アプリが内蔵の歩数検出センサーを使用し,モーション検出時にその他の便利なアクションを実行するために許可が必要です.
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequestTitle Physical activity permission 身体活動許可
dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeMessage Barometric Altitude works only outdoors.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.

dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeTitle Notice 注意
dialogBaroAltitudePromptMessage Barometric Altitude has been turned off forcibly due to discrepancy with GPS altitude!

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces!

dialogBaroAltitudePromptTitle Barometric altitude problem 気圧高度の問題
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can find and connect with wireless sensors. アプリがワイヤレスセンサーを見つけて接続するためには,許可が必要です.
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequestTitle Bluetooth permission Bluetoothの許可
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Google Play ストアで評価をお願いします
dialogCameraPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can activate the flashlight. フラッシュを使用するため,許可が必要です.
dialogCameraPermissionRequestTitle Camera permission カメラ許可
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types チャートの種類
dialogCloudAccountDisconnectMessage Disconnect this account? このアカウントを連携解除しますか?
dialogCopyingMessage Copying… コピー中…
dialogCustomTracksFolderInfoMessage This feature allows the app to read tracks from a folder of your choice, in addition to the main tracks folder — whose location has recently changed.

Such tracks are read-only: They can be viewed and shared, but cannot be edited, resumed nor deleted.
この機能を使用すると、アプリは、最近場所が変更されたメイン トラック フォルダーに加えて、選択したフォルダーからトラックを読み取ることができます。

dialogDataStorageInfoMessage @string/dataStorageInfo1
dialogEnergyParamsBmr Basal metabolic rate (BMR) 基礎代謝率 (BMR)
dialogEnergyParamsEfficiency Overall thermal efficiency (η) 全温度効率 (η)
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters エネルギー


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Urban Biker / StringsJapanese

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English Japanese
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String age
5 years ago
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5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-ja.xml, string 301