
Key English Latvian
dialogRecButtonRemoveTitle Remove Rec button Noņemt pogu Rec
dialogRecButtonRemoveMessage This will put the Rec button back to the button bar. Continue? Tādējādi poga Rec tiks atgriezta pogu joslā. Turpināt?
dialogLayoutRemoveEntryMessage Remove this field? Vai noņemt šo lauku?
dialogEnterCodeMessage Enter code Ievadīt kodu
dialogTrackingStartPromptTitle Start? Sākt?
dialogTrackingResumePromptTitle Resume? Turpināt?
dialogTrackingStopPromptTitle Stop? Vai pārtraukt?
dialogNotificationListenerTitle Permission is required Nepieciešama atļauja
dialogNotificationListenerMessage This app can only control media playback of other apps, it is not a media player itself. For this to work, Android mandates holding the permission to access notifications.

The permission is only used to enable media controls. Notifications are not accessed in any way through this permission.
Šī lietotne var kontrolēt tikai citu lietotņu multivides atskaņošanu, pati tā nav multivides atskaņotājs. Lai tas darbotos, Android pieprasa atļauju piekļūt paziņojumiem.

Atļauja tiek izmantota tikai, lai iespējotu multivides vadīklas. Izmantojot šo atļauju, paziņojumiem nekādā veidā nevar piekļūt.
dialog_fenceguard_add_entries_0 Add fence Pievienojiet žogu
dialog_fenceguard_update_entries_0 Update fence Atjaunināt žogu
dialog_fenceguard_update_entries_1 Remove fence Noņemiet žogu
dialogTracksShareChoices_0 ZIPs (complete) ZIP papīri (pilnīgi)
dialogTracksShareChoices_1 GPX only Tikai GPX
mapLayerStreet Street Iela
mapLayerTerrain Terrain Reljefs
mapLayerSatellite Satellite Satelīts
mapMarkerMyLocation My location Mana atrašanās vieta
mapMarkerStart Start Sākt
mapMarkerFinish Finish Pabeigt
mapMarkerClickInfo Click for options Noklikšķiniet, lai skatītu opcijas
mapPlaceSearch Where to? Kur?
unitKm km km
unitKmh km/h km/h
unitKmhPerSec kph/s km/s
unitMiles mi mi
unitMph mph mph
unitMphPerSec mph/s mph/s
unitMinPerKm min/km min/km
unitMinPerKmShort /km /km
unitMinPerMile min/mi min/mi
Key English Latvian
licenseDialogMapsTab Maps Kartes
licenseDialogProTab @string/proLicenseLabel
licenseDialogUltimateTab @string/ultimateLicenseLabel
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Licences vienums jau pieder
licenseItemOwned Currently owned Šobrīd īpašumā
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! Lietotne tika veiksmīgi licencēta. Paldies Tev par atbalstu!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license Jauniniet savu licenci
loading Loading… Notiek ielāde…
locale en lv
manageSubscriptions Manage subscriptions Pārvaldīt abonementus
mapboxMapsFeatures ⭐ Mapbox premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Mapbox premium kartes
⭐ Navigācija
⭐ Tiešsaistes augstuma bāzes līnija
⭐ Nav reklāmu
⭐ Visas bezmaksas funkcijas un kartes
mapboxMapsLabel Mapbox
mapLayerSatellite Satellite Satelīts
mapLayerStreet Street Iela
mapLayerTerrain Terrain Reljefs
mapLayerTypes_0 @string/mapLayerStreet
mapLayerTypes_1 @string/mapLayerTerrain
mapLayerTypes_2 @string/mapLayerSatellite
mapMarkerClickInfo Click for options Noklikšķiniet, lai skatītu opcijas
mapMarkerFinish Finish Pabeigt
mapMarkerMyLocation My location Mana atrašanās vieta
mapMarkerStart Start Sākt
mapPlaceSearch Where to? Kur?
maptilerMapsFeatures ⭐ MapTiler premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ MapTiler premium kartes
⭐ Navigācija
⭐ Tiešsaistes augstuma bāzes līnija
⭐ Nav reklāmu
⭐ Visas bezmaksas funkcijas un kartes
maptilerMapsLabel MapTiler
menuAbout About Par
menuAdvanced Advanced Papildu
menuAutomaticBell Automatic bell Automātiskais zvans
menuBell Bell Zvans
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsLatvian

5 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Reljefs".

Fix string



English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-lv.xml, string 445