
Key English Dutch
pref_category_visualThemeAuto Automatic theme Automatisch thema
pref_category_mainScreenVisualTheme Main screen Hoofdscherm
pref_category_appVisualTheme @string/prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle
pref_category4_title Volume (relative) Volume (relatief)
pref_category_advanced_title Advanced Gevorderd
pref_group_advanced_title Advanced… Gevorderd…
pref_category_other_title Other Andere
pref_category_gps_interval_title GPS update interval GPS update interval
pref_category_stationary_exercise_title Stationary activity Plaatsgebonden activiteiten
pref_category_autopause_title Auto pause Auto pauzeer
pref_category_resetPrompt_title Reset prompt Resetten
pref_category_tracking_title Tracking Volgen
pref_category_tracking_gps_title Tracking / GPS Volgen / GPS
pref_category_tracking_charts_title Charts Grafieken
pref_categoryPrivacyTitle Privacy Privacy
pref_categoryActivityRecognitionTitle Physical activity recognition Herkenning van fysieke activiteit
pref_category_bell_title Bell Bel
pref_category_roaring_title AVAS Attentiegeluiden
pref_category_roaringConstantMode_title Constant mode Constante modus
pref_category_effects_title Effects Effecten
pref_category_alarms_title Alarms Alarmen
pref_category_tallies_title Tallies Intervallen
pref_category_speech_title Speech Spraak
pref_category_select_title Select… Selecteer…
pref_category_fonts_title Font Lettertype
pref_category_buttons_title Buttons Knoppen
pref_category_meters_title Meters Meters
pref_categoryTrackingButtonTitle Rec button Opnameknop
pref_group_meters_title Meters Meters
pref_meterTitle Meter Meter
pref_group_maps_title Maps Kaarten
Key English Dutch
pref_category_speech_title Speech Spraak
pref_category_stationary_exercise_title Stationary activity Plaatsgebonden activiteiten
pref_category_storage_title Storage Opslag
pref_category_tallies_title Tallies Intervallen
pref_category_temperature_title Temperature Temperatuur
pref_category_tracking_charts_title Charts Grafieken
pref_category_tracking_gps_title Tracking / GPS Volgen / GPS
pref_category_tracking_title Tracking Volgen
pref_category_units_common_title Units of measure (all profiles) Maateenheden (alle profielen)
pref_category_units_per_profile_title Units of measure (per profile) Maateenheden (per profiel)
pref_category_visualThemeAuto Automatic theme Automatisch thema
pref_category_wakelock_title CPU sleep policy CPU slaap beleid
pref_category1_title Sound Geluid
pref_category2_title Display Beeld
pref_category4_title Volume (relative) Volume (relatief)
pref_categoryActivityRecognitionTitle Physical activity recognition Herkenning van fysieke activiteit
pref_categoryPrivacyTitle Privacy Privacy
pref_categoryTrackingButtonTitle Rec button Opnameknop
pref_default_color_summary @null
pref_default_color_title @string/pref_resetToDefault
pref_digital_font_summary Use segmented digital LCD font for meter data display Gebruik een gesegmenteerd digitaal LCD-lettertype voor de weergave van metergegevens
pref_digital_font_title Digital font Digitaal lettertype
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_summary Lower the volume of AVAS sounds when the bell rings Verlaag het volume van de attentiegeluiden wanneer de bel gaat
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_title Duck AVAS on bell ring Dim attentiegeluid bij bellen
pref_energy_params_summary Efficiency: %1$s
Metabolism: %2$s
Efficiency: %1$s
Metabolisme: %2$s
pref_energy_params_title Energy parameters Energie parameters
pref_fenceguard_summary Protect the location of your home, or other important places from being exposed in recorded tracks Bescherm uw thuis of andere belangrijke locaties van weergave in opgenomen ritten
pref_fenceguard_title FenceGuard Anonimiteits-instelling
pref_fg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the text and icons Kies de gewenste kleur voor de tekst en de iconen
pref_fg_color_title Text color Tekstkleur
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings Herkenning van fysieke activiteit


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsDutch

11 months ago
User avatar user

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsDutch

2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Herkenning van fysieke activiteit".

Fix string



English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-nl.xml, string 817