
Key English Dutch
pref_units_altitude_entries_0 Metric [m] Metrisch [m]
pref_units_altitude_entries_1 Imperial [ft] Imperiaal [ft]
pref_units_weight_entries_0 Metric [kg] Metrisch [kg]
pref_units_weight_entries_1 Imperial [lb] Imperiaal [lb]
pref_units_other_entries_0 Metric Metrisch
pref_units_other_entries_1 Imperial Imperiaal
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kcal]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_1 [kJ] [kJ]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kWh]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_3 [Liters of gasoline] [Liter benzine]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_0 [W] [W]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_1 [HP] [HP]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_2 [kcal/h] [kcal/u]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_3 [kJ/h] [kJ/u]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_0 Percent [%] Procent [%]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_1 Degree [°] Graad [°]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_2 Per mille [‰] Per duizend [‰]
pref_hud_axis_entries_0 Default — Statusbar at its natural position Standaard — Statusbalk op natuurlijke positie
pref_hud_axis_entries_1 Upside down — More practical device handling Ondersteboven — Praktischer apparaat bediening
pref_bell_mode_entries_0 Ding Ding
pref_bell_mode_entries_1 Ring-ring Ring-ring
pref_bell_mode_entries_2 Horn Hoorn
pref_bell_mode_entries_3 Yoo-hoo Joehoe
pref_roaring_type_entries_0 Freehub Freehub
pref_roaring_type_entries_1 Beep Beep
pref_roaring_type_entries_2 Chopper Motor
pref_roaring_type_entries_3 Electric vehicle Electrisch voertuig
pref_roaring_mode_entries_0 Auto rate and volume Automatische snelheid en volume
pref_roaring_mode_entries_1 Auto rate Automatisch tarief
pref_roaring_mode_entries_2 Auto volume Automatisch volume
pref_roaring_mode_entries_3 Constant while moving Constant tijdens het bewegen
Key English Dutch
prefTrackingButtonModeSummary (All profiles) Click or long-click for Pause, separate button for Stop. (Alle profielen) Klik of klik lang voor Pauze, aparte knop voor Stop.
prefTrackingButtonModeTitle Alternative behavior Alternatief gedrag
prefTrackingStartPromptSummary Confirmation dialog before starting tracking Bevestigingsdialoog voordat de tracking wordt gestart
prefTrackingStartPromptTitle Tracking start prompt Startprompt volgen
prefTrackingStopPromptSummary Confirmation dialog before stopping tracking Bevestigingsdialoog voordat het volgen stopt
prefTrackingStopPromptTitle Tracking stop prompt Tracking-stopprompt
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kcal]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_1 [kJ] [kJ]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kWh]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_3 [Liters of gasoline] [Liter benzine]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_0 [W] [W]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_1 [HP] [HP]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_2 [kcal/h] [kcal/u]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_3 [kJ/h] [kJ/u]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_0 Percent [%] Procent [%]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_1 Degree [°] Graad [°]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_2 Per mille [‰] Per duizend [‰]
priceFree FREE Gratis versie
priceLoading @string/loading
profileNameDefault New Profile Nieuw profiel
profilesListAddProfile New profile Nieuw profiel
profilesListButtonResetTotals Reset totals Reset totalen
profilesListProfileNotUsed (unused) (ongebruikt)
profilesListRowLastActivity %1$s
profilesListRowTotalsSince Totals since: %1$s Totalen sinds: %1$s
profilesListTitle Profiles Profiel
profilesListTitleSelectProfile Switch Profile Verander Profiel
proLicenseDescription Remove ads Verwijder advertenties
proLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ Premium-kaarten
❌ Navigatie
❌ Online hoogtebasislijn
⭐ Geen advertenties
⭐ Alle gratis functies en kaarten
proLicenseLabel Pro Pro


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsDutch

2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Graad [°]".

Fix string



English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-nl.xml, string 1414