
Key English Dutch
dialogPowerWeightsTitle Weights Gewichten
dialogPowerWeightsRotInertiaTitle Rotational inertia Traagheidsmoment
dialogPowerWeightsWeightRider Driver Bestuurder
dialogPowerWeightsWeightVehicle Vehicle Voertuig
dialogPowerWeightsWeightCargo Cargo Lading
dialogPowerWeightsWeightPassengers Passengers Passagiers
dialogPowerWeightsWeightWheels Wheels Wielen
dialogPowerParamsTitle Power loss coefficients Vermogensverlies coëfficienten
dialogPowerParamsDragArea Air drag area (Cd·A) Luchtweerstand oppervlakte (Cd·A)
dialogPowerParamsRollResist Rolling resistance coef. (Cᵣᵣ) Rolweerstandscoëfficiënt. (Cᵣᵣ)
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters Energie parameters
dialogEnergyParamsEfficiency Overall thermal efficiency (η) Gehele thermische efficiency (η)
dialogEnergyParamsBmr Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Basaal Metabolisme Ratio (BMR)
dialogFileChooseSelectFolder Select this folder Selecteer deze map
dialogMapsDownloadTitle Offline maps download Offline kaarten downloaden
dialogMapsDownloadText Open the downloads web page now? Open de download pagina nu?
dialogMapsTerrainDownloadTitle Terrain download Terrein download
dialogOpenRainviewerText Open web page now? Nu web pagina openen?
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title Titel
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes Aantekeningen
dialogTrackUploadWaitTitle Please wait Aub wachten
dialogTrackUploadPreparing Preparing track data… Voorbereiding activiteit gegevens…
dialogTrackUploadSending Sending… Verzenden…
dialogTrackUploadDescriptionHint Share your thoughts… Deel uw suggesties…
dialogTrackUploadShareButton Share Deel
dialogTrackUploadShareAgainButton Share again Deel opnieuw
dialogTrackUploadUpdateButton Update Updaten
dialogTrackUploadActivityType Activity type Activiteit type
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service Online dienst
dialogTrackUploadStravaIsCommute Commute Woon-werkverkeer
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types Grafiektypen
Key English Dutch
dialogLayoutRemoveEntryMessage Remove this field? Dit veld verwijderen?
dialogLayoutsInfoMessage Quickly change display layout from a set of predefined layouts.

Then long-click any field to further customize the display via pop-up menus.

Portrait and landscape screen orientations have completely independent layouts.
Wijzig snel de weergave-indeling van een reeks vooraf gedefinieerde indelingen.

Klik vervolgens lang op een veld om de weergave verder aan te passen via pop-upmenu's.

De schermoriëntaties staand en liggend hebben volledig onafhankelijke lay-outs.
dialogLayoutsInfoTitle Layouts Indelingen
dialogLicenseUpgradeButton1 @string/licenseUpgradeTitle
dialogLicenseUpgradeButton2 Watch promo video Bekijk promovideo
dialogLicenseUpgradeMessage This feature requires a subscription license.

Alternatively, you can watch a short promo video to get free credit.
Voor deze functie is een abonnementslicentie vereist.

U kunt ook een korte promovideo bekijken om gratis tegoed te krijgen.
dialogLocationPermissionRequest The app needs to access your location to record your outdoor activities. De app heeft toegang nodig tot je locatie om je buitenactiviteiten vast te leggen.
dialogLocationPermissionRequestForBt Location permission is needed to find Bluetooth devices.

No Bluetooth devices will be found if the permission is rejected.
Locatie toestemming is vereist om Bluetooth apparaten te vinden.

Bluetooth apparaten kunnen niet gevonden worden zonder toestemming.
dialogLocationPermissionRequestTitle Location permission Locatie toestemming
dialogLoginPasswordHint Password Wachtwoord
dialogLoginUsernameHint Username Gebruikersnaam
dialogMapsAutoRotate Auto rotate Vanzelf draaien
dialogMapsAutoZoom Auto zoom Vanzelf zoomen
dialogMapsAutoZoomSensitivity Auto zoom sensitivity Automatische zoomgevoeligheid
dialogMapsChooseTitle Choose map Kies kaart
dialogMapsDownloadText Open the downloads web page now? Open de download pagina nu?
dialogMapsDownloadTitle Offline maps download Offline kaarten downloaden
dialogMapsFollowMode Follow Volg
dialogMapsHighResolution Hi-res map Hoge resolutie kaart
dialogMapsLayerTraffic Traffic Verkeer
dialogMapsMapCountFourMaps %1$s maps %1$s kaarten
dialogMapsMapCountManyMaps %1$s maps %1$s kaarten
dialogMapsMapCountThreeMaps %1$s maps %1$s kaarten
dialogMapsMapCountTwoMaps %1$s maps %1$s kaarten
dialogMapsOffline Offline maps Offline kaarten
dialogMapsRenderTerrain Render terrain Terrein creëren
dialogMapsShowFences Fences Afschermingen
dialogMapsShowHeatmap Heatmap Hittekaart
dialogMapsShowRoutes Guide routes Routegeleiding
dialogMapsTerrainDownloadTitle Terrain download Terrein download


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English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-nl.xml, string 365