
Key English Dutch
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_3 Obey behaviour imposed by the system and/or other apps. Warning: May cause highly irregular location updates or even reject them all. Not recommended. Gehoorzaam gedrag opgelegd door het systeem en/of andere apps. Let op: Kan zeer onregelmatige of zelfs geen lokatie updaties veroorzaken. Niet aangeraden.
pref_locationProvider_modes_0 GPS subsystem (default) GPS-subsysteem (standaard)
pref_locationProvider_modes_1 Google Play services Google Play-services
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_0 (All profiles) Use GPS subsystem directly. Stable, less complex model, no middleman. May also use less resources than the other provider. (Alle profielen) Gebruik het GPS subsystem. Stabiel en minder complex. Zou ook minder middelen kunnen gebruiken dan de andere provider.
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_1 (All profiles) Use "Fused" provider from Google Play services, if available. In theory this may provide faster and more accurate locations sometimes. (Alle profielen) Gebruik de 'Fused'-provider van Google Play-services, indien beschikbaar. In theorie kan dit soms snellere en nauwkeurigere locaties opleveren.
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_0 Slow (default) Langzaam (standaard)
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_1 Fast Snel
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_2 None / Steady Geen / Stabiel
pref_units_distance_entries_0 Metric [m, km] Metrisch [m, km]
pref_units_distance_entries_1 Imperial [ft, mi] Imperiaal [ft, mi]
pref_units_speed_entries_0 Metric [km/h] Metrisch [km/u]
pref_units_speed_entries_1 Imperial [mph] Imperiaal [mph]
pref_units_altitude_entries_0 Metric [m] Metrisch [m]
pref_units_altitude_entries_1 Imperial [ft] Imperiaal [ft]
pref_units_weight_entries_0 Metric [kg] Metrisch [kg]
pref_units_weight_entries_1 Imperial [lb] Imperiaal [lb]
pref_units_other_entries_0 Metric Metrisch
pref_units_other_entries_1 Imperial Imperiaal
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kcal]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_1 [kJ] [kJ]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kWh]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_3 [Liters of gasoline] [Liter benzine]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_0 [W] [W]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_1 [HP] [HP]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_2 [kcal/h] [kcal/u]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_3 [kJ/h] [kJ/u]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_0 Percent [%] Procent [%]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_1 Degree [°] Graad [°]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_2 Per mille [‰] Per duizend [‰]
pref_hud_axis_entries_0 Default — Statusbar at its natural position Standaard — Statusbalk op natuurlijke positie
pref_hud_axis_entries_1 Upside down — More practical device handling Ondersteboven — Praktischer apparaat bediening
Key English Dutch
pref_units_other_dialog_title Units for other quantities Eenheden voor andere hoeveelheden
pref_units_other_entries_0 Metric Metrisch
pref_units_other_entries_1 Imperial Imperiaal
pref_units_other_title Other Andere
pref_units_power_dialog_title Total power units Totale vermogen eenheden
pref_units_power_title Power (total) Vermogen (totaal)
pref_units_slope_dialog_title Slope units Helling eenheden
pref_units_slope_title Slope Helling
pref_units_speed_dialog_title Speed units Snelheid eenheden
pref_units_speed_entries_0 Metric [km/h] Metrisch [km/u]
pref_units_speed_entries_1 Imperial [mph] Imperiaal [mph]
pref_units_speed_title Speed Snelheid
pref_units_summary @null
pref_units_weight_dialog_title Weight units Gewichtseenheden
pref_units_weight_entries_0 Metric [kg] Metrisch [kg]
pref_units_weight_entries_1 Imperial [lb] Imperiaal [lb]
pref_units_weight_title Weight Gewicht
pref_visualThemeAutoSummary Apply light or dark theme based on environment illumination Pas licht of donker thema toe op basis van omgevingslicht
pref_visualThemeAutoTitle @string/pref_category_visualThemeAuto
pref_volume_summary @null
pref_volume_summary_text Bell: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Tallies: %3$s, Effects: %4$s, Alarms: %5$s, Speech: %6$s Bel: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Intervallen : %3$s, Effecten: %4$s, Alarmen: %5$s, Spraak: %6$s
pref_volume_title @null
pref_wakelock_mode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_wakelock_title
pref_wakelock_mode_summary @null
pref_wakelock_mode_title %1$s
pref_wakelock_modes_0 Auto (default) Auto (standaard)
pref_wakelock_modes_1 Fully awake Volledig wakker
pref_wakelock_modes_2 Partial Gedeeltelijk
pref_wakelock_modes_3 Off Uit
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_0 Automatically decide based on GPS update interval and other factors Kies automatisch op basis van het GPS update interval en andere factoren


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English Dutch
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-nl.xml, string 1390