Translation Read only

Key English Slovak
pref_power_weights_summary Driver: %1$s, Vehicle: %2$s, Cargo: %3$s, Passengers: %4$s, Wheels: %5$s Vodič: %1$s, Vozidlo: %2$s, Náklad: %3$s, Spolujazdci: %4$s, Kolesá: %5$s
pref_power_coefs_title Coefficients Súčinitele
pref_power_coefs_summary Drag area: %1$s
Roll resist: %2$s
Plocha čelného odporu: %1$s
Valivé trenie: %2$s
pref_energy_params_title Energy parameters Parametre energie
pref_energy_params_summary Efficiency: %1$s
Metabolism: %2$s
Účinnosť: %1$s
Metabolizmus: %2$s
pref_track_charts_title Chart types… Druhy grafov…
pref_track_charts_summary Choose various activity parameters to be saved as charts with every track. Speed and altitude data are always saved. Vybrať parametre do grafov pre každú trasu. Rýchlosť a nadmorská výška sú vždy zahrnuté.
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Vreckový mód
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_summary Use proximity sensor to keep the flashlight off while not needed Používať snímač priblíženia na zhasnutie svetla
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_title Mode Spôsob
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_summary @null
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_dialogTitle Flashlight flickering Blikanie svetla
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_title Button toggle Prepínač
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_summary Toggle flickering mode with a button click while the flashlight is turned on Prepínať blikanie svetla jednoduchým ťuknutím
pref_haptic_feedback_title Vibrate on touch Vibrovať pri dotyku
pref_haptic_feedback_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title Vibration intensity Intenzita vibrácie
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_summary @null
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_title All sounds Všetky zvuky
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechMasterSwitch_title Enable Povoliť
pref_speechMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechProfileName_title Profile name Názov profilu
pref_speechProfileName_summary (All profiles) Speak profile name on profile switch (Všetky profily) Oznámiť názov pri prepnutí profilu
pref_speechTrackingStatus_title Tracking Sledovanie trasy
pref_speechTrackingStatus_summary Speak when tracking starts, stops, and pauses Upozornenie pri spustení, pozastavení alebo zastavení sledovania trasy
pref_speechAutoPause_title Auto pause Automatická prestávka
pref_speechAutoPause_summary Speak on automatic pause and resume detection Oznámiť začatie a ukončenie automatickej prestávky
pref_speechGnssStatus_title GPS GPS
pref_speechGnssStatus_summary Speak on GPS status change (good, bad) Oznámiť zmenu stavu GPS
pref_speechTallies_title Tallies Hlásenia
Key English Slovak
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_6 4 sec 4 s
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_7 5 sec 5 s
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_8 10 sec 10 s
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_9 15 sec 15 s
pref_gps_update_freq_summary @null
pref_gps_update_freq_title %1$s
pref_group_activityRecognition_title Activity recognition Rozpoznávanie činnosti
pref_group_advanced_title Advanced… Ďalšie…
pref_group_flashlight_title Flashlight Svetlo
pref_group_maps_title Maps Mapy
pref_group_meters_title Meters Merania
pref_group_powermeter_title Power and Energy Výkon a Energia
pref_group_units_title Units Jednotky
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title Vibration intensity Intenzita vibrácie
pref_haptic_feedback_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_title Vibrate on touch Vibrovať pri dotyku
pref_hud_axis_dialog_title HUD mirror axis HUD-os
pref_hud_axis_entries_0 Default — Statusbar at its natural position Zvislá — zrkadlenie neobráteného zariadenia
pref_hud_axis_entries_1 Upside down — More practical device handling Vodorovná — praktické riešenie
pref_hud_axis_summary @null
pref_hud_axis_title HUD mirror axis HUD-os
pref_locationProvider_modes_0 GPS subsystem (default) Podsystém GPS (predvolené)
pref_locationProvider_modes_1 Google Play services Google Play services
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_0 (All profiles) Use GPS subsystem directly. Stable, less complex model, no middleman. May also use less resources than the other provider. (Všetky profily) Používať priamy stály zabudovaný podsystém.
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_1 (All profiles) Use "Fused" provider from Google Play services, if available. In theory this may provide faster and more accurate locations sometimes. (Všetky profily) Používať komplexnejší systém, v súčinnosti s Google Play Services, teoreticky poskytujúci rýchlejšiu a presnejšiu lokalizáciu.
pref_locationProviderMode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_locationProvider_title
pref_locationProviderMode_summary @null
pref_locationProviderMode_title %1$s
pref_maps_animate_summary Turn off to reduce battery usage, especially while the Follow mode is on Nepovoliť pri aktívnom sledovaní zvýšiac tak kapacitu batérie

Showing only subset of the strings as there were too many matches.

Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Read only Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings
Read only Urban Biker/Strings


No matching activity found.

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English Slovak
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-sk.xml, string 1129