
Key English Uzbek
controlPanelUnitsButtonSubtitle Click to change units Birliklarni o'zgartirish uchun bosing
controlPanelSensorsButtonTitle Sensors Sensorlar
controlPanelSensorsButtonSubtitle Click to manage sensors Sensorlarni boshqarish uchun bosing
controlPanelMapShowButtonTitle Show map Xaritani ko'rsatish
controlPanelMapShowButtonSubtitle Click to show the map Xaritani ko'rsatish uchun bosing
controlPanelMapHideButtonTitle Hide map Xaritani yashirish
controlPanelMapHideButtonSubtitle Click to hide the map Xaritani yashirish uchun bosing
controlPanelScreenshotButtonTitle Screenshot Skrinshot
controlPanelScreenshotButtonSubtitle Click to share screenshot Skrinshotni almashish uchun bosing
controlPanelFlashlight Flashlight Chiroq
profilesListTitle Profiles Profillar
profilesListTitleSelectProfile Switch Profile Profilni almashtirish
profilesListAddProfile New profile Yangi profil
profilesListRowLastActivity %1$s
profilesListRowTotalsSince Totals since: %1$s Jami: %1$s
profilesListButtonResetTotals Reset totals Jami qiymatlarni tiklash
profilesListProfileNotUsed (unused) (ishlatilmagan)
cloudAccountsTitle Accounts Hisoblar
cloudAccountsInfo Connecting to a cloud service makes it easier for you to upload and share your tracks with others.

We'll never post anything without your permission.
Bulutli xizmatga ulanish treklaringizni yuklashni va boshqalar bilan baham ko'rishni osonlashtiradi.

Biz sizning ruxsatingizsiz hech qachon hech narsa joylashtirmaymiz.
accountDisconnect Disconnect Ulanishni uzing
googleFitConnectButton Connect with Google Fit Google Fit bilan ulaning
veloHeroConnectButton Connect with Velo Hero Velo Hero bilan bog'laning
stravaTrackPrivacyInfo Track will inherit default privacy you set on Strava Track siz Strava’da o‘rnatgan birlamchi maxfiylikni meros qilib oladi
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicyTitle Power data upload policy Quvvat maʼlumotlarini yuklash siyosati
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_0 Always (default) Har doim (standart)
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_1 Upload power data only when power meter was used Quvvat ma'lumotlarini faqat quvvat o'lchagich ishlatilganda yuklang
chartsTitle Charts Grafikalar
tracksHistoryListTitle Tracks history Tarixni kuzatadi
tracksHistoryListTitleSelect Select Tanlang
tracksHistoryListEmpty No tracks here. Go out and record an activity! Bu yerda treklar yo'q. Tashqariga chiqing va faoliyatni yozib oling!
tracksHistoryListLoading Loading… Yuklanmoqda…
Key English Uzbek
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kkal]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_1 [kJ] [kJ]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kVt/soat]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_3 [Liters of gasoline] [Litr benzin]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_0 [W] [V]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_1 [HP] [HP]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_2 [kcal/h] [kkal/soat]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_3 [kJ/h] [kJ/soat]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_0 Percent [%] Foiz [%]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_1 Degree [°] Daraja [°]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_2 Per mille [‰] Promille [‰]
priceFree FREE OZOD
priceLoading @string/loading
profileNameDefault New Profile Yangi profil
profilesListAddProfile New profile Yangi profil
profilesListButtonResetTotals Reset totals Jami qiymatlarni tiklash
profilesListProfileNotUsed (unused) (ishlatilmagan)
profilesListRowLastActivity %1$s
profilesListRowTotalsSince Totals since: %1$s Jami: %1$s
profilesListTitle Profiles Profillar
profilesListTitleSelectProfile Switch Profile Profilni almashtirish
proLicenseDescription Remove ads Reklamalarni olib tashlang
proLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ Premium xaritalar
❌ Navigatsiya
❌ Onlayn balandlikning asosiy chizig'i
⭐ Reklamasiz
⭐ Barcha bepul funksiyalar va xaritalar
proLicenseLabel Pro Pro
proLicenseTitle Pro License Pro litsenziyasi
proPlusLicenseDescription Remove ads and unlock all non-subscription features we may add in the future Reklamalarni olib tashlang va biz kelajakda qo'shishimiz mumkin bo'lgan barcha obuna bo'lmagan xususiyatlarni qulfdan chiqaring
proPlusLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
➕ Extra donation
❌ Premium xaritalar
❌ Navigatsiya
❌ Onlayn balandlikning asosiy chizig'i
⭐ Reklamasiz
⭐ Barcha bepul funksiyalar va xaritalar
➕ Qo'shimcha xayriya
proPlusLicenseLabel Pro+ Pro+
proPlusLicenseTitle Pro Plus License Pro Plus litsenziyasi
recommendedLicense Recommended Tavsiya etilgan


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Jami qiymatlarni tiklash".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 616