
Key English Uzbek
prefOnlineElevationSummary Use elevation data from the Internet to improve altitude baseline accuracy. Enabled by default. Balandlikning asosiy aniqligini oshirish uchun Internetdagi balandlik ma'lumotlaridan foydalaning. Sukut bo'yicha yoqilgan.
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary1 To save battery and data, only one elevation point will be acquired from the Internet when you start tracking a new track. This is enough for the rest of the track to have a more accurate altitude baseline. Batareya va ma'lumotni tejash uchun yangi trekni kuzatishni boshlaganingizda Internetdan faqat bitta balandlik nuqtasi olinadi. Bu trekning qolgan qismida aniqroq balandlikning asosiy chizig'iga ega bo'lishi uchun etarli.
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary2 If the Internet or the license is not available, the app will continue to work without correcting the altitude. Agar Internet yoki litsenziya mavjud bo'lmasa, ilova balandlikni to'g'irlamasdan ishlashda davom etadi.
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary3 This only works if a subscription license is available (Ultimate license, or one of the maps licenses). Bu faqat obuna litsenziyasi mavjud bo'lganda ishlaydi (Ultimate litsenziyasi yoki xaritalar litsenziyalaridan biri).
prefTrackingButtonFreePlacementTitle Free Rec button placement Rec tugmasini bepul joylashtirish
prefTrackingButtonFreePlacementSummary (All profiles) Allows the Rec button to be placed anywhere in the layout. When disabled, the Rec button will be fixed on the button bar. (Barcha profillar) Rec tugmasini tartibning istalgan joyiga joylashtirish imkonini beradi. O'chirilganda, Rec tugmasi tugmalar panelida o'rnatiladi.
prefGoogleMapsRendererDialogTitle @string/pref_category_mapsRenderer
prefGoogleMapsRendererTitle @null
prefGoogleMapsRendererSummary Current: %1$s Hozirgi: %1$s
prefGoogleMapsRendererInfo Specifies which renderer type you prefer to use to display the maps. Legacy renderer may use fewer resources, while the latest one usually has more features or a better design. Xaritalarni ko'rsatish uchun qaysi renderer turidan foydalanishni afzal ko'radi. Eski renderer kamroq resurslardan foydalanishi mumkin, oxirgisi esa odatda koʻproq funksiyalarga yoki yaxshi dizaynga ega.
prefMapShowBuildingsTitle Show buildings Binolarni ko'rsatish
prefMapShowBuildingsSummary Show the 3D buildings layer for Google maps. Disable to improve map performance and reduce resource usage. Google xaritalari uchun 3D binolar qatlamini ko'rsating. Xarita unumdorligini oshirish va resurslardan foydalanishni kamaytirish uchun o‘chirib qo‘ying.
prefBatteryOptimizationTitle Battery optimizations Batareyani optimallashtirish
prefBatteryOptimizationMessage Urban Biker can be exempted from system battery optimizations, to make it more certain it will continue to work properly when the screen is turned off on older versions of Android. Click here to open the settings now. Urban Biker tizim batareyasini optimallashtirishdan ozod qilinishi mumkin, bu esa Androidning eski versiyalarida ekran oʻchirilganda uning toʻgʻri ishlashiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun. Sozlamalarni hozir ochish uchun shu yerni bosing.
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetTitle Altitude offset (GPS) Balandlik o'zgarishi (GPS)
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetInfo (All profiles) This constant is added to the altitude values received from the GPS. The default is zero (0). (Barcha profillar) Bu doimiy GPSdan olingan balandlik qiymatlariga qo'shiladi. Standart nol (0).
dataStorageTitle Storage Saqlash
dataStorageInfo1 Custom data storage location is recommended and useful to prevent accidental data loss if the app is uninstalled, and to make backups easier. Agar ilova oʻchirilgan boʻlsa, tasodifiy maʼlumotlar yoʻqolishining oldini olish va zaxira nusxalarini osonlashtirish uchun treklaringiz va maʼlumotlaringiz uchun maxsus saqlash joyidan foydalanish tavsiya etiladi.
dataStorageInfo2 When you change the data storage location, the previous app data will be automatically transferred to the new location. This happens in the background and may take some time.

Revoking access leaves the data intact.
Ma'lumotni saqlash joyini o'zgartirsangiz, avvalgi ilova ma'lumotlari avtomatik ravishda yangi joyga o'tkaziladi. Bu fonda sodir bo'ladi va biroz vaqt talab qilishi mumkin.

Kirish bekor qilinsa, ma'lumotlar saqlanib qoladi.
dataStorageChooseButton Choose data storage location Ma'lumotlarni saqlash joyini tanlang
dataStorageNotSetMessage The data storage location is not set, please use the button above.

The app is currently using the default folder for tracks and data.
Maʼlumotlarni saqlash joyi oʻrnatilmagan, iltimos, yuqoridagi tugmani bosing.

Ilova hozirda treklar va maʼlumotlar uchun standart jilddan foydalanmoqda.
dataStorageStatsTitle Storage stats Saqlash statistikasi
dataStorageStatsMessage %1$s MB
%2$s items
%1$s MB
%2$s elementlar
dataStorageStatsLoadingMessage @string/computing
dataStorageTransferRetrying Fail — will retry shortly Muvaffaqiyatsiz - tez orada qayta urinib ko'radi
dataStorageTransferInfoTitle Last change Oxirgi o'zgarish
dataStorageTransferInfoStatus Status: %1$s Holati: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoDuration Duration: %1$s Davomiyligi: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoCount Items moved: %1$s of %2$s Koʻchirilgan elementlar: %1$s / %2$s
dataStorageTransferInfoSpeed Speed: %1$s MB/s (%2$s items/s) Tezlik: %1$s MB/s (%2$s element/s)
infoMeterModeNoneTitle No meter mode Hisoblagich rejimi yo'q
Key English Uzbek
prefAutoTerrainSummary Sense terrain roughness by measuring vibrations, and adjust the rolling resistance coefficient (Cᵣᵣ) accordingly when computing power. Tebranishlarni o'lchash orqali erning g'alatiligini sezing va quvvatni hisoblashda aylanma qarshilik koeffitsientini (Cᵣᵣ) mos ravishda sozlang.
prefAutoTerrainTitle AutoTerrain AutoTerrain
prefBackKeyModeEntries_0 Normal Oddiy
prefBackKeyModeEntries_1 None Yo'q
prefBackKeyModeEntries_2 Double-click exit Chiqish tugmasini ikki marta bosing
prefBaroAltitudeUsesTemperatureSummary Use temperature sensor data for more accurate barometric altitudes, if available Agar mavjud bo'lsa, aniqroq barometrik balandliklar uchun harorat sensori ma'lumotlaridan foydalaning
prefBaroAltitudeUsesTemperatureTitle Thermo barometer Termobarometr
prefBarometricAltitudeDisableAlert Disable barometric altitude? Barometrik balandlik o'chirilsinmi?
prefBarometricAltitudeNoteSummary Use these only in the open atmosphere! Please disable while in pressurized, closed or air-conditioned vehicles like cars or airplanes! Bulardan faqat ochiq havoda foydalaning! Iltimos, mashinalar yoki samolyotlar kabi bosimli, yopiq yoki konditsionerli transport vositalarida o'chirib qo'ying!
prefBarometricAltitudeSummary Use pressure sensor data to enhance altitude accuracy, if available Agar mavjud bo'lsa, balandlik aniqligini oshirish uchun bosim sensori ma'lumotlaridan foydalaning
prefBarometricAltitudeTitle Barometric altitude Barometrik balandlik
prefBatteryOptimizationMessage Urban Biker can be exempted from system battery optimizations, to make it more certain it will continue to work properly when the screen is turned off on older versions of Android. Click here to open the settings now. Urban Biker tizim batareyasini optimallashtirishdan ozod qilinishi mumkin, bu esa Androidning eski versiyalarida ekran oʻchirilganda uning toʻgʻri ishlashiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun. Sozlamalarni hozir ochish uchun shu yerni bosing.
prefBatteryOptimizationTitle Battery optimizations Batareyani optimallashtirish
prefGnssActivityRecognitionSummary Recognize standing still vs. moving for GPS. This may introduce lag and some lost distance or altitude after a break, but will prevent most GPS noise. GPS uchun harakatsiz va harakatsizni tan oling. Bu tanaffusdan keyin kechikish va ba'zi yo'qolgan masofa yoki balandlikni keltirib chiqarishi mumkin, lekin ko'pchilik GPS shovqinining oldini oladi.
prefGnssActivityRecognitionTitle Reduce GPS noise GPS shovqinini kamaytiring
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetInfo (All profiles) This constant is added to the altitude values received from the GPS. The default is zero (0). (Barcha profillar) Bu doimiy GPSdan olingan balandlik qiymatlariga qo'shiladi. Standart nol (0).
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetTitle Altitude offset (GPS) Balandlik o'zgarishi (GPS)
prefGnssAutomaticSleepSummary Turn off location automatically while being still, and back on when movement starts. This reduces battery usage on longer breaks, without the need to stop the tracking. Jim turganingizda joylashuvni avtomatik ravishda o'chiring va harakat boshlanganda yana yoqing. Bu kuzatuvni to'xtatmasdan, uzoqroq tanaffuslarda batareyadan foydalanishni kamaytiradi.
prefGnssAutomaticSleepTitle GPS auto sleep GPS avtomatik uyqu
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_0 Default Standart
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_1 Legacy Meros
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_2 Latest Oxirgi
prefGoogleMapsRendererDialogTitle @string/pref_category_mapsRenderer
prefGoogleMapsRendererInfo Specifies which renderer type you prefer to use to display the maps. Legacy renderer may use fewer resources, while the latest one usually has more features or a better design. Xaritalarni ko'rsatish uchun qaysi renderer turidan foydalanishni afzal ko'radi. Eski renderer kamroq resurslardan foydalanishi mumkin, oxirgisi esa odatda koʻproq funksiyalarga yoki yaxshi dizaynga ega.
prefGoogleMapsRendererSummary Current: %1$s Hozirgi: %1$s
prefGoogleMapsRendererTitle @null
prefGpsBoostNoteSummary Location updates will always be forced to the highest frequency during navigation Joylashuv yangilanishlari navigatsiya vaqtida har doim eng yuqori chastotaga majburlanadi
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveNote Adaptive update intervals can help reduce battery consumption when moving slowly or taking frequent breaks. Moslashuvchan yangilanish intervallari sekin harakatlanayotganda yoki tez-tez tanaffus qilganda batareya sarfini kamaytirishga yordam beradi.
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveSummary Automatically adjust the GPS update interval between 1 and 5 seconds, depending on speed. Tezlikka qarab GPS yangilash oralig'ini avtomatik ravishda 1 va 5 soniya oralig'ida sozlang.
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveTitle Adaptive Moslashuvchan


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Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

8 months ago
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Previous translation was "(Barcha profillar) Bu doimiy GPSdan olingan balandlik qiymatlariga qo'shiladi. Standart nol (0).".

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English Uzbek
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8 months ago
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8 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1218