
Key English Uzbek
infoAutopauseForcedRelaxed Note: Auto Pause forced to Relaxed Eslatma: Avtomatik pauza bo'shashishga majbur
infoAutopauseForcedOff Note: Auto Pause forced to Off Eslatma: Avtomatik toʻxtatib turish majburiy oʻchirilgan
infoDigitalFilterNotice Please note: This can sometimes lag noticeably behind real time, due to inevitable digital filtering delays required for accuracy. Iltimos, diqqat qiling: aniqlik uchun raqamli filtrlashning muqarrar kechikishlari tufayli bu ba'zan real vaqtdan sezilarli darajada orqada qolishi mumkin.
infoContentSize Content size: %1$d MB Tarkib hajmi: %1$d MB
infoAppUpdateMessage The update is ready. Yangilanish tayyor.
infoAppUpdateAction Restart Qayta ishga tushirish
defaultProfileNameBike1 Bike 1 🚴 Velosiped 1 🚴
defaultProfileNameBike2 Bike 2 🚵 Velosiped 2 🚵
defaultProfileNameWalk Walk 👣 Yurish 👣
defaultProfileNameRun Run 🏃 Yugurish 🏃
defaultProfileNameCar Car 🚘 Avtomobil 🚘
defaultProfileNamePlane Plane 🛩️ Samolyot 🛩️
defaultProfileNameIndoor Indoor 🏠 Ichki 🏠
defaultProfileNameScooter Scooter 🛴 Skuter 🛴
defaultProfileNameSki Ski 🎿 Chang'i 🎿
defaultProfileNameOther Other Boshqa
meterModes_None None Yo'q
meterModes_0 Duration Davomiyligi
meterModes_1 Distance Masofa
meterModes_2 Speed Tezlik
meterModes_3 Altitude Balandlik
meterModes_4 Ascent Ko'tarilish
meterModes_5 Descent Pastga tushish
meterModes_6 Slope Nishab
meterModes_7 Energy Energiya
meterModes_8 Efficacy Samaradorlik
meterModes_9 Power Quvvat
meterModes_10 Power balance Quvvat balansi
meterModes_29 FT power FT quvvati
meterModes_11 Climb power Vert. kuch
meterModes_12 Climb speed Vert. tezlik
Key English Uzbek
dataStorageNotSetMessage The data storage location is not set, please use the button above.

The app is currently using the default folder for tracks and data.
Maʼlumotlarni saqlash joyi oʻrnatilmagan, iltimos, yuqoridagi tugmani bosing.

Ilova hozirda treklar va maʼlumotlar uchun standart jilddan foydalanmoqda.
dataStorageStatsLoadingMessage @string/computing
dataStorageStatsMessage %1$s MB
%2$s items
%1$s MB
%2$s elementlar
dataStorageStatsTitle Storage stats Saqlash statistikasi
dataStorageTitle Storage Saqlash
dataStorageTransferInfoCount Items moved: %1$s of %2$s Koʻchirilgan elementlar: %1$s / %2$s
dataStorageTransferInfoDuration Duration: %1$s Davomiyligi: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoSpeed Speed: %1$s MB/s (%2$s items/s) Tezlik: %1$s MB/s (%2$s element/s)
dataStorageTransferInfoStatus Status: %1$s Holati: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoTitle Last change Oxirgi o'zgarish
dataStorageTransferRetrying Fail — will retry shortly Muvaffaqiyatsiz - tez orada qayta urinib ko'radi
defaultProfileNameBike1 Bike 1 🚴 Velosiped 1 🚴
defaultProfileNameBike2 Bike 2 🚵 Velosiped 2 🚵
defaultProfileNameCar Car 🚘 Avtomobil 🚘
defaultProfileNameIndoor Indoor 🏠 Ichki 🏠
defaultProfileNameOther Other Boshqa
defaultProfileNamePlane Plane 🛩️ Samolyot 🛩️
defaultProfileNameRun Run 🏃 Yugurish 🏃
defaultProfileNameScooter Scooter 🛴 Skuter 🛴
defaultProfileNameSki Ski 🎿 Chang'i 🎿
defaultProfileNameWalk Walk 👣 Yurish 👣
dialog_bell_automatic_sensitivity_title Auto bell sensitivity Avtomatik qo'ng'iroq sezgirligi
dialog_bell_shake_sensitivity_title Shake sensitivity Tebranish sezgirligi
dialog_default_color_dark_title Dark color theme To'q rangli mavzu
dialog_default_color_light_title Light color theme Ochiq rang mavzusi
dialog_default_color_text This will load the default colors. Are you sure? Bu standart ranglarni yuklaydi. Ishonchingiz komilmi?
dialog_default_map_track_colors_title Map track colors Xarita treklari ranglari
dialog_defaultConfirmation Are you sure? Ishonchingiz komilmi?
dialog_exit_msg Warning: Tracking is active, and will be stopped. Ogohlantirish: Kuzatuv faol va toʻxtatiladi.
dialog_exit_title @string/app_name
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Boshqa".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1319