
Key English Uzbek
sensorPurposeHumidity Humidity Namlik
sensorStepDetectorName Step Detector Qadam detektori
sensorProperitesProfileInfo Sensor properties are managed per profile. Properties here are managed for the currently active profile only (%1$s). Sensor xususiyatlari har bir profil uchun boshqariladi. Bu yerdagi xususiyatlar faqat hozirda faol profil uchun boshqariladi (%1$s).
sensorProperitesUseForSpeed Use for speed Tezlik uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForCadence Use for cadence Kadans uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForDistance Use for distance and duration Masofa va muddat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForDuration Use for duration Davomiyligi uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForPower Use for power Quvvat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForHeartRate Use for heart rate Yurak urishi uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForSteps Use for step count and cadence Qadamlar soni va kadans uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForPressure Use for pressure Bosim uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForTemperature Use for temperature Harorat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForHumidity Use for humidity Namlik uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesIsInverted Swap speed and cadence Tezlik va kadansni almashtiring
sensorProperitesIsInvertedInfo Use cadence sensor to obtain speed readings, or vice versa. Normally disabled. Tezlik ko'rsatkichlarini olish uchun kadans sensoridan foydalaning yoki aksincha. Odatda o'chirilgan.
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeter Wheel circumference G'ildirak atrofi
sensorProperitesIsAutoPerimeter Automatic Avtomatik
sensorProperitesIsAutoPerimeterInfo This will perform automatic circumference measurements during a ride. Bu haydash paytida avtomatik aylana o'lchovlarini amalga oshiradi.
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeterNotSet Not set Belgilanmagan
sensorProperitesStrideLen Step length Qadam uzunligi
sensorProperitesIsAutoStrideLen Automatic Avtomatik
sensorProperitesIsAutoStrideLenInfo This will perform automatic step length measurements during running or speed walking. Bu yugurish yoki tez yurish paytida avtomatik qadam uzunligi o'lchovlarini amalga oshiradi.
sensorProperitesStrideLenNotSet Not set Belgilanmagan
sensorProperitesSpeedTriggers Speed triggers Tezlik tetiklari
sensorProperitesCadenceTriggers Cadence triggers Kadens tetiklari
sensorProperitesTriggersCountInfo Number of triggers (e.g. magnets) used by the sensor. Sensors with no external triggers usually have a single internal trigger. Sensor tomonidan ishlatiladigan triggerlar soni (masalan, magnitlar). Tashqi tetiksiz sensorlar odatda bitta ichki tetikga ega.
sensorProperitesEnableFiltering Data filtering Ma'lumotlarni filtrlash
sensorProperitesEnableFilteringInfo This will perform additional filtering on sensor data, possibly improving accuracy, but introducing a few seconds of delay. Disabled by default. Bu sensor ma'lumotlarida qo'shimcha filtrlashni amalga oshiradi, ehtimol aniqlikni oshiradi, lekin bir necha soniya kechikishni kiritadi. Sukut bo'yicha o'chirilgan.
sensorProperitesFilterIntervalInfo Filter interval, i.e. strength of the filter. Larger values will filter more, but will also introduce more delay. Filtr oralig'i, ya'ni filtrning kuchi. Kattaroq qiymatlar ko'proq filtrlaydi, lekin ko'proq kechikishni ham keltirib chiqaradi.
sensorProperitesActivityRecognition Physical activity recognition Jismoniy faollikni aniqlash
sensorProperitesActivityRecognitionInfo Sensor will provide data only when your physical activity is recognized to be compatible with sensor purpose. For example, Step sensor will count steps while walking or running, not while riding a bike. Note, this may not be accurate and can be laggy. Google Play services are required. Sensor faqat sizning jismoniy faolligingiz sensor maqsadiga mos kelishi aniqlangandagina ma'lumotlarni taqdim etadi. Masalan, qadam sensori velosipedda emas, yurish yoki yugurish paytidagi qadamlarni hisoblaydi. E'tibor bering, bu aniq bo'lmasligi va kechikishi mumkin. Google Play xizmatlari talab qilinadi.
Key English Uzbek
sensorProperitesProfileInfo Sensor properties are managed per profile. Properties here are managed for the currently active profile only (%1$s). Sensor xususiyatlari har bir profil uchun boshqariladi. Bu yerdagi xususiyatlar faqat hozirda faol profil uchun boshqariladi (%1$s).
sensorProperitesSpeedTriggers Speed triggers Tezlik tetiklari
sensorProperitesStrideLen Step length Qadam uzunligi
sensorProperitesStrideLenNotSet Not set Belgilanmagan
sensorProperitesTriggersCountInfo Number of triggers (e.g. magnets) used by the sensor. Sensors with no external triggers usually have a single internal trigger. Sensor tomonidan ishlatiladigan triggerlar soni (masalan, magnitlar). Tashqi tetiksiz sensorlar odatda bitta ichki tetikga ega.
sensorProperitesUseForCadence Use for cadence Kadans uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForDistance Use for distance and duration Masofa va muddat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForDuration Use for duration Davomiyligi uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForHeartRate Use for heart rate Yurak urishi uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForHumidity Use for humidity Namlik uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForPower Use for power Quvvat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForPressure Use for pressure Bosim uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForSpeed Use for speed Tezlik uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForSteps Use for step count and cadence Qadamlar soni va kadans uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForTemperature Use for temperature Harorat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeter Wheel circumference G'ildirak atrofi
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeterNotSet Not set Belgilanmagan
sensorPurposeCadence Cadence Kadans
sensorPurposeDistance Distance Masofa
sensorPurposeDuration Duration Davomiyligi
sensorPurposeHeartRate Heart rate Yurak urish tezligi
sensorPurposeHumidity Humidity Namlik
sensorPurposeNone (No purpose) (Maqsad yo'q)
sensorPurposePower Power Quvvat
sensorPurposePressure Pressure Bosim
sensorPurposeSpeed Speed Tezlik
sensorPurposeSteps Steps Qadamlar
sensorPurposeTemperature Temperature Harorat
sensorRemoveConfirmDialogMsg Remove from the profile? Profildan olib tashlansinmi?
sensorRemovedMsg Sensor removed from the profile Sensor profildan olib tashlandi


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Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
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English Uzbek
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6 months ago
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5 years ago
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translate/strings-uz.xml, string 759