
Key English Uzbek
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_1 [kJ] [kJ]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kVt/soat]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_3 [Liters of gasoline] [Litr benzin]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_0 [W] [V]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_1 [HP] [HP]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_2 [kcal/h] [kkal/soat]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_3 [kJ/h] [kJ/soat]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_0 Percent [%] Foiz [%]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_1 Degree [°] Daraja [°]
prefUnitsSlopeEntries_2 Per mille [‰] Promille [‰]
pref_hud_axis_entries_0 Default — Statusbar at its natural position Standart - holat paneli tabiiy holatida
pref_hud_axis_entries_1 Upside down — More practical device handling Ostin-ustun — Qurilmani yanada amaliy boshqarish
pref_bell_mode_entries_0 Ding Ding
pref_bell_mode_entries_1 Ring-ring Ring-ring
pref_bell_mode_entries_2 Horn Shox
pref_bell_mode_entries_3 Yoo-hoo Yoo-hoo
pref_roaring_type_entries_0 Freehub Freehub
pref_roaring_type_entries_1 Beep Ovozli signal
pref_roaring_type_entries_2 Chopper Chopper
pref_roaring_type_entries_3 Electric vehicle Elektr avtomobil
pref_roaring_mode_entries_0 Auto rate and volume Avtomatik tezlik va ovoz balandligi
pref_roaring_mode_entries_1 Auto rate Avtomatik tarif
pref_roaring_mode_entries_2 Auto volume Avtomatik ovoz balandligi
pref_roaring_mode_entries_3 Constant while moving Harakat paytida doimiy
pref_roaring_mode_entries_4 Active above threshold speed Eshikdan yuqori tezlik faol
pref_background_pattern_entries_0 None Yo'q
pref_background_pattern_entries_1 @string/app_name
pref_background_pattern_entries_2 Zebra Zebra
pref_background_pattern_entries_3 Leopard Leopard
pref_background_pattern_entries_4 Brick G'isht
pref_background_pattern_entries_5 Cobble Kobl
Key English Uzbek
pref_background_pattern_entries_4 Brick G'isht
pref_background_pattern_entries_5 Cobble Kobl
pref_background_pattern_entries_6 Clouds Bulutlar
pref_background_pattern_entries_7 Hearts Yuraklar
pref_background_pattern_entries_8 Honeycomb Asal uyasi
pref_background_pattern_summary @null
pref_background_pattern_title @null
pref_bell_automatic_sensitivity_summary @null
pref_bell_automatic_sensitivity_title Auto bell sensitivity Avtomatik qo'ng'iroq sezgirligi
pref_bell_automatic_summary Ring the bell on significant slowdown Jiddiy sekinlashuvda qo'ng'iroqni jiringlang
pref_bell_automatic_title Automatic Avtomatik
pref_bell_mode_dialog_title Bell type Qo'ng'iroq turi
pref_bell_mode_entries_0 Ding Ding
pref_bell_mode_entries_1 Ring-ring Ring-ring
pref_bell_mode_entries_2 Horn Shox
pref_bell_mode_entries_3 Yoo-hoo Yoo-hoo
pref_bell_mode_summary @null
pref_bell_mode_title Type Turi
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_summary @null
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_title Shake sensitivity Tebranish sezgirligi
pref_bell_shake_summary Shake the device to ring the bell Qo'ng'iroqni chalish uchun qurilmani silkiting
pref_bell_shake_title Shake to ring Qo'ng'iroq qilish uchun silkiting
pref_bg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the app background Ilova foni uchun kerakli rangni tanlang
pref_bg_color_title Background color Fon rangi
pref_button_contrast_show_summary Show the Contrast/Map layer toggle button Kontrast/Xarita qatlamini almashtirish tugmachasini ko'rsating
pref_button_contrast_show_title Contrast/Map layer Kontrast/Xarita qatlami
pref_button_map_show_summary Show the Map button Xarita tugmasini ko'rsating
pref_button_map_show_title Map Xarita
pref_button_menu_show_summary Show the Menu button Menyu tugmasini ko'rsating
pref_button_menu_show_title Menu Menyu


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical


Has been translated

Previous translation was "Yoo-hoo".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1421