
Key English Uzbek
pref_category_locationProvider_title GPS provider GPS provayderi
pref_category_altitude_adjustments_title Altitudes Balandliklar
pref_category_temperature_title Temperature Harorat
pref_category_pressure_title Inbuilt pressure sensor O'rnatilgan bosim sensori
pref_category_sensors_title Sensors Sensorlar
pref_category_cloudAccounts_title Accounts Hisoblar
pref_category_storage_title Storage Saqlash
pref_category_goto_title @null
pref_category_mapsQuickZoom QuickZoom QuickZoom
pref_category_mapsCache Cache Kesh
pref_category_onlineElevation_title Online elevation Onlayn balandlik
pref_category_mapsRenderer Renderer Renderer
prefAllProfilesInfoSummary Preferences here are applicable to all profiles. Bu yerdagi afzalliklar barcha profillarga tegishli.
prefOnlineMapsProviderTitle Online map provider Onlayn xarita provayderi
pref_app_language_title @null
pref_app_language_summary (All profiles) (Barcha profillar)
pref_app_language_dialog_title Language Til
pref_app_language_translate_title Help translate Tarjima qilishga yordam bering
pref_app_language_translate_summary Click here if you would like to help translate this app to another language Agar siz ushbu ilovani boshqa tilga tarjima qilishga yordam berishni istasangiz, shu yerni bosing
pref_back_key_mode_title @null
pref_back_key_mode_dialog_title Back key mode Orqaga tugma rejimi
pref_resetToDefault Reset to default Standart holatga qaytarish
pref_units_distance_title Distance Masofa
pref_units_distance_dialog_title Distance units Masofa birliklari
pref_units_speed_title Speed Tezlik
pref_units_speed_dialog_title Speed units Tezlik birliklari
pref_units_altitude_title Altitude Balandlik
pref_units_altitude_dialog_title Altitude units Balandlik birliklari
pref_units_weight_title Weight Og'irligi
pref_units_weight_dialog_title Weight units Og'irlik birliklari
pref_units_other_title Other Boshqa
Key English Uzbek
otherLicenses Other Boshqa
paymentOnce One-time payment Bir martalik to'lov
pick_a_color Pick a color Rangni tanlang
powerSourceWeight_0 Total Jami
powerSourceWeight_1 Driver Haydovchi
powerSourceWeight_2 Vehicle Transport vositasi
powerSourceWeight_3 Driver + Vehicle Haydovchi + Avtomobil
powerSourceWeightInfo When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given.

This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force.

Note: Climb power is always computed using Total weight.
Quvvatni (vatt) o'ziga xos quvvatga (og'irlik birligi uchun vatt) o'tkazishda og'irlik berilishi kerak.

Bu odatda harakatlantiruvchi kuchni ta'minlovchi ob'ektning og'irligi.

Eslatma: Vertikal quvvat har doim umumiy og'irlik yordamida hisoblanadi.
powerSourceWeightTitle Power source weight Quvvat manbai og'irligi
pref_above_lockscreen_summary App will remain visible even if the device is locked Qurilma qulflangan bo'lsa ham ilova ko'rinadigan bo'lib qoladi
pref_above_lockscreen_title Keep above lockscreen Qulflangan ekran tepasida saqlang
pref_ads_mode_dialog_title Adverts type Reklama turlari
pref_ads_mode_summary @null
pref_ads_mode_title Show adverts Reklamalarni ko'rsatish
pref_app_language_dialog_title Language Til
pref_app_language_summary (All profiles) (Barcha profillar)
pref_app_language_title @null
pref_app_language_translate_summary Click here if you would like to help translate this app to another language Agar siz ushbu ilovani boshqa tilga tarjima qilishga yordam berishni istasangiz, shu yerni bosing
pref_app_language_translate_title Help translate Tarjima qilishga yordam bering
pref_audio_force_loudspeaker_summary Warning: Experimental, may not work. Try to reroute all sounds through the loudspeaker when headphones are connected, except the voice calls. Ogohlantirish: Eksperimental, ishlamasligi mumkin. Naushniklar ulanganda, ovozli qo'ng'iroqlardan tashqari barcha tovushlarni karnay orqali yo'naltirishga harakat qiling.
pref_audio_force_loudspeaker_title Force loudspeaker Majburiy karnay
pref_auto_launch_on_gps_summary Launch the App (in Passive mode) when GPS activity is detected GPS faolligi aniqlanganda ilovani ishga tushiring (passiv rejimda).
pref_auto_launch_on_gps_title Auto launch on GPS GPS-da avtomatik ishga tushirish
pref_autopause_mode_dialog_title Auto pausing Avtomatik pauza
pref_autopause_mode_summary @null
pref_autopause_mode_title %1$s
pref_autopause_modes_0 Realtime (default) Real vaqt (standart)
pref_autopause_modes_1 Relaxed Xotirjam
pref_autopause_modes_2 Off Oʻchirilgan
pref_autopause_modes_explanation_0 Discard all pauses longer than few seconds Bir necha soniyadan ortiq barcha pauzalarni bekor qiling
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "(Barcha profillar)".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 863