
Key English Uzbek
pref_autopause_modes_explanation_2 Keep all pauses (unless paused manually) Barcha pauzalarni saqlang (agar qo'lda pauza qilinmasa)
pref_wakelock_modes_0 Auto (default) Avtomatik (standart)
pref_wakelock_modes_1 Fully awake To'liq uyg'onish
pref_wakelock_modes_2 Partial Qisman
pref_wakelock_modes_3 Off Oʻchirilgan
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_0 Automatically decide based on GPS update interval and other factors GPS yangilash oralig'i va boshqa omillar asosida avtomatik ravishda qaror qabul qiling
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_1 Keep CPU awake during tracking. May use more battery, but ensures no location update is skipped. Kuzatuv vaqtida protsessorni hushyor turing. Batareyani koʻproq ishlatishi mumkin, lekin joylashuv yangilanishi oʻtkazib yuborilmasligini taʼminlaydi.
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_2 Allow CPU to sleep between location updates. May use less battery, but may skip an update on a rare occasion. Joylashuv yangilanishlari orasida protsessorga uyqu rejimiga ruxsat bering. Batareyani kamroq ishlatishi mumkin, lekin kamdan-kam hollarda yangilanishni o'tkazib yuborishi mumkin.
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_3 Obey behaviour imposed by the system and/or other apps. Warning: May cause highly irregular location updates or even reject them all. Not recommended. Tizim va/yoki boshqa ilovalar tomonidan yuklangan xatti-harakatlarga rioya qiling. Ogohlantirish: Joylashuv ma'lumotlari juda tartibsiz yangilanishlarga olib kelishi yoki hatto ularning barchasini rad etishi mumkin. Tavsiya etilmaydi.
pref_locationProvider_modes_0 GPS subsystem (default) GPS quyi tizimi (standart)
pref_locationProvider_modes_1 Google Play services Google Play xizmatlari
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_0 (All profiles) Use GPS subsystem directly. Stable, less complex model, no middleman. May also use less resources than the other provider. (Barcha profillar) GPS quyi tizimidan bevosita foydalaning. Barqaror, kamroq murakkab model, vositachi yo'q. Boshqa provayderga qaraganda kamroq resurslardan foydalanishi ham mumkin.
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_1 (All profiles) Use "Fused" provider from Google Play services, if available. In theory this may provide faster and more accurate locations sometimes. (Barcha profillar) Agar mavjud boʻlsa, Google Play xizmatlaridan “Fused” provayderidan foydalaning. Nazariy jihatdan, bu ba'zan tezroq va aniqroq joylarni ta'minlaydi.
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_0 Slow (default) Sekin (standart)
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_1 Fast Tez
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_2 None / Steady Yo'q / Barqaror
pref_units_distance_entries_0 Metric [m, km] Metrik [m, km]
pref_units_distance_entries_1 Imperial [ft, mi] Imperial [ft, mil]
pref_units_speed_entries_0 Metric [km/h] Metrik [km/soat]
pref_units_speed_entries_1 Imperial [mph] Imperial [mph]
pref_units_altitude_entries_0 Metric [m] Metrik [m]
pref_units_altitude_entries_1 Imperial [ft] Imperial [ft]
pref_units_weight_entries_0 Metric [kg] Metrik [kg]
pref_units_weight_entries_1 Imperial [lb] Imperial [lb]
pref_units_other_entries_0 Metric Metrik
pref_units_other_entries_1 Imperial Imperator
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kkal]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_1 [kJ] [kJ]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kVt/soat]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_3 [Liters of gasoline] [Litr benzin]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_0 [W] [V]
Key English Uzbek
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_summary Lower the volume of AVAS sounds when the bell rings Qo'ng'iroq chalinganda AVAS tovushlarining ovozini pasaytiring
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_title Duck AVAS on bell ring Qo'ng'iroq chalinadigan o'rdak AVAS
pref_energy_params_summary Efficiency: %1$s
Metabolism: %2$s
Samaradorlik: %1$s
Metabolizm: %2$s
pref_energy_params_title Energy parameters Energiya parametrlari
pref_fenceguard_summary Protect the location of your home, or other important places from being exposed in recorded tracks Uyingizning joylashuvi yoki boshqa muhim joylarni yozib olingan treklarga ta'sir qilishdan saqlang
pref_fenceguard_title FenceGuard FenceGuard
pref_fg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the text and icons Matn va piktogramma uchun kerakli rangni tanlang
pref_fg_color_title Text color Matn rangi
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_summary Use proximity sensor to keep the flashlight off while not needed Chiroqni kerak bo'lmaganda o'chirish uchun yaqinlik sensoridan foydalaning
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Cho'ntak rejimi
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_dialogTitle Flashlight flickering Chiroq miltillaydi
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_summary @null
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_title Mode Rejim
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_0 Slow (default) Sekin (standart)
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_1 Fast Tez
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_2 None / Steady Yo'q / Barqaror
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_summary Toggle flickering mode with a button click while the flashlight is turned on Chiroq yoqilganda tugmani bosish orqali miltillash rejimini o'zgartiring
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_title Button toggle Tugmachani almashtirish
pref_gps_boost_dialog_title @string/pref_category_gps_boost_title
pref_gps_boost_modes_0 Map shown (default) Xarita ko'rsatilgan (standart)
pref_gps_boost_modes_1 Screen on Ekran yoqilgan
pref_gps_boost_modes_2 Disabled O'chirilgan
pref_gps_boost_modes_explanation_0 Force frequent GPS updates while the map is visible Xarita ko'rinib turganda tez-tez GPS yangilanishini majburlang
pref_gps_boost_modes_explanation_1 Force frequent GPS updates while the screen is turned on Ekran yoqilgan paytda tez-tez GPS yangilanishini majburlash
pref_gps_boost_modes_explanation_2 Never force frequent GPS updates Hech qachon tez-tez GPS yangilanishlarini majburlamang
pref_gps_boost_summary %1$s
pref_gps_boost_title %1$s
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_0 Fastest Eng tez
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_10 20 sec 20 sek
pref_gps_update_freq_entries_11 30 sec 30 sek


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
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Previous translation was "Yo'q / Barqaror".

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English Uzbek
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6 months ago
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5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1394