
Key English Uzbek
infoMeterModeStepCadenceMsg Number of steps per minute. Daqiqada qadamlar soni.
infoMeterModeStepCountTitle Steps Qadamlar
infoMeterModeStepCountMsg Number of steps taken. Qabul qilingan qadamlar soni.
infoMeterModeRadiusTitle Radius Radius
infoMeterModeRadiusMsg Straight-line distance to the starting location, i.e. displacement. Boshlanish joyiga to'g'ri chiziqli masofa, ya'ni siljish.
infoMeterModeVibrationsTitle Vibrations Tebranishlar
infoMeterModeVibrationsMsg Vibrations as measured with the device. Useful when the device is held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket. Qurilma bilan o'lchangan tebranishlar. Qurilma qo'lda yoki cho'ntakda emas, balki avtomobilga mahkamlanganda (masalan, velosiped tutqichida) foydalidir.
infoMeterModeMediaControlsTitle Media controls Media boshqaruvlari
infoMeterModeMediaControlsMsg Shows currently playing media and provides basic controls.

Note: Permission is required for this to work.
Hozirda oʻynalayotgan mediani koʻrsatadi va asosiy boshqaruvlarni taʼminlaydi.

Eslatma: Buning ishlashi uchun ruxsat talab qilinadi.
infoMeterModeMediaPermissionMsg Permission required, tap controls to open settings Ruxsat talab qilinadi, sozlamalarni ochish uchun boshqaruv tugmalarini bosing
infoSpeedometerTitle Speedometer Tezlik o'lchagich
infoSpeedometerMsg Shows your current, maximum and average speed.

Stall indicator indicates when the speed value wasn't updated in a while and can't be trusted.

Pace indicator are small arrows near the speed value that show when the current speed is above or below the average speed.
Joriy, maksimal va o'rtacha tezlikni ko'rsatadi.

To'xtash ko'rsatkichi tezlik qiymati bir muncha vaqt yangilanmaganligini va unga ishonish mumkin emasligini ko'rsatadi.

Tezlik indikatori tezlik qiymati yaqinidagi kichik o'qlar bo'lib, joriy tezlik o'rtacha tezlikdan yuqori yoki past bo'lganda ko'rsatiladi.
infoAutopauseForcedRelaxed Note: Auto Pause forced to Relaxed Eslatma: Avtomatik pauza bo'shashishga majbur
infoAutopauseForcedOff Note: Auto Pause forced to Off Eslatma: Avtomatik toʻxtatib turish majburiy oʻchirilgan
infoDigitalFilterNotice Please note: This can sometimes lag noticeably behind real time, due to inevitable digital filtering delays required for accuracy. Iltimos, diqqat qiling: aniqlik uchun raqamli filtrlashning muqarrar kechikishlari tufayli bu ba'zan real vaqtdan sezilarli darajada orqada qolishi mumkin.
infoContentSize Content size: %1$d MB Tarkib hajmi: %1$d MB
infoAppUpdateMessage The update is ready. Yangilanish tayyor.
infoAppUpdateAction Restart Qayta ishga tushirish
defaultProfileNameBike1 Bike 1 🚴 Velosiped 1 🚴
defaultProfileNameBike2 Bike 2 🚵 Velosiped 2 🚵
defaultProfileNameWalk Walk 👣 Yurish 👣
defaultProfileNameRun Run 🏃 Yugurish 🏃
defaultProfileNameCar Car 🚘 Avtomobil 🚘
defaultProfileNamePlane Plane 🛩️ Samolyot 🛩️
defaultProfileNameIndoor Indoor 🏠 Ichki 🏠
defaultProfileNameScooter Scooter 🛴 Skuter 🛴
defaultProfileNameSki Ski 🎿 Chang'i 🎿
defaultProfileNameOther Other Boshqa
meterModes_None None Yo'q
meterModes_0 Duration Davomiyligi
meterModes_1 Distance Masofa
Key English Uzbek
durationHrMin %1$d:%2$02d
farFromHere Far from here Bu yerdan uzoqda
featureNotAvailable Sorry, the feature is not available on this device Kechirasiz, bu xususiyat bu qurilmada mavjud emas
fence_name_default My Place Mening joyim
freeLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
❌ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ Premium xaritalar
❌ Navigatsiya
❌ Onlayn balandlikning asosiy chizig'i
❌ Reklamasiz
⭐ Barcha bepul funksiyalar va xaritalar
freeLicenseLabel Free Ozod
freeLicenseTitle Free License Bepul litsenziya
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. Ba'zi xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring.
googleFitConnectButton Connect with Google Fit Google Fit bilan ulaning
hereMapsFeatures ⭐ HERE premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ BU YERDA premium xaritalar
⭐ Navigatsiya
⭐ Onlayn balandlikning asosiy chizig'i
⭐ Reklamasiz
⭐ Barcha bepul funksiyalar va xaritalar
hereMapsLabel HERE
infoAppUpdateAction Restart Qayta ishga tushirish
infoAppUpdateMessage The update is ready. Yangilanish tayyor.
infoAutopauseForcedOff Note: Auto Pause forced to Off Eslatma: Avtomatik toʻxtatib turish majburiy oʻchirilgan
infoAutopauseForcedRelaxed Note: Auto Pause forced to Relaxed Eslatma: Avtomatik pauza bo'shashishga majbur
infoContentSize Content size: %1$d MB Tarkib hajmi: %1$d MB
infoDigitalFilterNotice Please note: This can sometimes lag noticeably behind real time, due to inevitable digital filtering delays required for accuracy. Iltimos, diqqat qiling: aniqlik uchun raqamli filtrlashning muqarrar kechikishlari tufayli bu ba'zan real vaqtdan sezilarli darajada orqada qolishi mumkin.
infoMeterModeAccelerationMsg Rate of change of speed in time.

Negative means deceleration.
Vaqt bo'yicha tezlikni o'zgartirish tezligi.

Salbiy sekinlashishni anglatadi.
infoMeterModeAccelerationTitle Acceleration Tezlashtirish
infoMeterModeAltitudeMsg Height above mean sea level (geoid). Dengiz sathidan oʻrtacha balandlik (geoid).
infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle Altitude Balandlik
infoMeterModeAscentMsg Cumulative altitude gain (climb). Kümülatif balandlik ortishi (ko'tarilish).
infoMeterModeAscentTitle Ascent Ko'tarilish
infoMeterModeAvgActivePowerMsg Average power exerted during activity, not counting time intervals where power was absent (downhill, braking, coasting). Faoliyat davomida sarflangan o'rtacha quvvat, quvvat bo'lmagan vaqt oralig'ini hisobga olmaganda (pastga tushish, tormozlash, qirg'oqqa chiqish).
infoMeterModeAvgActivePowerTitle Average active power O'rtacha faol quvvat
infoMeterModeBatteryMsg Battery level of this Android device. Ushbu Android qurilmasining batareya darajasi.
infoMeterModeBatteryTitle Battery Batareya
infoMeterModeCadenceMsg Number of revolutions of the crank per minute, i.e. pedalling rate. Krankning daqiqada aylanishlar soni, ya'ni pedal aylanish tezligi.
infoMeterModeCadenceTitle Cadence Kadans
infoMeterModeClockMsg Current time of the day. Kunning joriy vaqti.


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

8 months ago
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Has been translated

Previous translation was "Tarkib hajmi: %1$d MB".

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English Uzbek
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String age
8 months ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1307