
Key English Uzbek
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service Onlayn xizmat
dialogTrackUploadStravaIsCommute Commute Qatnov
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types Diagramma turlari
dialogGpsIntervalTitle GPS update interval GPS yangilash oralig'i
dialogGpsIntervalValue %1$s
dialogGpsIntervalNote Keep this value below 3 sec to get the most accurate readings and consistent behavior! Eng aniq o'qish va izchil harakatni olish uchun bu qiymatni 3 soniyadan pastroq tuting!
More accuracy, uses more battery

Ko'proq aniqlik, ko'proq batareya sarflaydi
Less accuracy, uses less battery

Kamroq aniqlik, kamroq batareya sarflaydi
dialogHapticIntensityTitle @string/pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title
dialogLocationPermissionRequestTitle Location permission Joylashuv ruxsati
dialogLocationPermissionRequest The app needs to access your location to record your outdoor activities. Ochiq havodagi harakatlaringizni yozib olish uchun ilova joylashuvingizga kirishi kerak.
dialogLocationPermissionRequestForBt Location permission is needed to find Bluetooth devices.

No Bluetooth devices will be found if the permission is rejected.
Bluetooth qurilmalarini topish uchun joylashuvni aniqlash ruxsati zarur.

Ruxsat rad etilsa, Bluetooth qurilmalari topilmaydi.
dialogStoragePermissionRequestTitle Storage permission Saqlash ruxsati
dialogStoragePermissionRequest The app needs to access the storage so it can save or restore your tracks and settings.

Without giving the permission you may not be able to see your tracks history, and you could loose your data.
Ilova treklar va sozlamalaringizni saqlashi yoki tiklashi uchun xotiraga kirishi kerak.

Ruxsat bermasangiz, treklaringiz tarixini ko'ra olmaysiz va ma'lumotlaringizni yo'qotishingiz mumkin.
dialogCameraPermissionRequestTitle Camera permission Kamera ruxsati
dialogCameraPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can activate the flashlight. Ilova chiroqni faollashtirishi uchun ruxsat kerak.
dialogPermissionProblemMessage This permission is needed for the app to function properly. It can be granted in the App permissions settings page.

Go there now?
Bu ruxsat ilovaning toʻgʻri ishlashi uchun zarur. Buni Ilova ruxsatnomalari sozlamalari sahifasida berish mumkin.

Hozir bormisiz?
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequestTitle Physical activity permission Jismoniy faoliyatga ruxsat
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can use the built-in Step Detector sensor, and perform other useful actions when motion is detected. Ilova o‘rnatilgan Step Detector sensoridan foydalanishi va harakat aniqlanganda boshqa foydali amallarni bajarishi uchun ruxsat kerak.
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequestTitle Bluetooth permission Bluetooth ruxsati
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can find and connect with wireless sensors. Ilova simsiz sensorlarni topishi va ularga ulanishi uchun ruxsat kerak.
dialogNotificationPermissionRequestTitle Notification permission Bildirishnoma ruxsati
dialogNotificationPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can show an ongoing notification while tracking is active. Kuzatuv faol boʻlganda ilova davom etayotgan bildirishnomani koʻrsatishi uchun ruxsat kerak.
dialogScreenshotTitle Screenshot Skrinshot
dialogGoogleMapTermsViolation Google does not permit capturing contents of their maps, so map type must first be changed to any other.

Change map type now?
Google oʻz xaritalari mazmunini yozib olishga ruxsat bermaydi, shuning uchun avval xarita turini boshqasiga oʻzgartirish kerak.

Xarita turi hozir oʻzgartirilsinmi?
dialogWaitTitle Please wait Iltimos kuting
dialogScreenshotPreparing Preparing screenshot… Skrinshot tayyorlanmoqda…
dialogLoginUsernameHint Username Foydalanuvchi nomi
dialogLoginPasswordHint Password Parol
Key English Uzbek
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying Urban Biker? Urban Biker sizga yoqadimi?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Rahmat! Iltimos, yaxshi sharh yozing yoki Play Store-da bizga 5 yulduz bilan baho bering.
dialogRevokeAccessPromptMessage Revoke access? Kirish bekor qilinsinmi?
dialogScreenAutoTheme Auto theme Avtomatik mavzu
dialogScreenBrightnessOverride Brightness Yorqinlik
dialogScreenHudMode HUD mirror mode HUD oyna rejimi
dialogScreenOrientationAuto Automatic Avtomatik
dialogScreenOrientationLandscape Landscape Peyzaj
dialogScreenOrientationPortrait Portrait Portret
dialogScreenOrientationReverseLandscape Landscape (reverse) Landshaft (teskari)
dialogScreenOrientationReversePortrait Portrait (reverse) Portret (teskari)
dialogScreenshotPreparing Preparing screenshot… Skrinshot tayyorlanmoqda…
dialogScreenshotTitle Screenshot Skrinshot
dialogStoragePermissionRequest The app needs to access the storage so it can save or restore your tracks and settings.

Without giving the permission you may not be able to see your tracks history, and you could loose your data.
Ilova treklar va sozlamalaringizni saqlashi yoki tiklashi uchun xotiraga kirishi kerak.

Ruxsat bermasangiz, treklaringiz tarixini ko'ra olmaysiz va ma'lumotlaringizni yo'qotishingiz mumkin.
dialogStoragePermissionRequestTitle Storage permission Saqlash ruxsati
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeMessage Thermo Barometer depends on outdoor air temperature for accuracy.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.
Termobarometr aniqligi uchun tashqi havo haroratiga bog'liq.

Iltimos, uni ba'zi transport vositalari va samolyotlar kabi yopiq yoki konditsionerli joylarda ishlatmang.
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeTitle Notice Eslatma
dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?
Ogohlantirish: Bu amalni ortga qaytarib bo‘lmaydi.

Trek %1$s oʻchirilsinmi?
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes Eslatmalar
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title Sarlavha
dialogTrackingResumePromptTitle Resume? Rezyume; qayta boshlash?
dialogTrackingStartPromptTitle Start? Boshlansinmi?
dialogTrackingStopPromptTitle Stop? STOP?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. Ba'zi xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring.
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? Trek profilda davom ettiriladi %1$s. Davom ettirilsinmi?
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. Kuzatuv faol. Iltimos, avval GPSni o'chiring yoki to'xtatib turing.
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? Bu trekni yaratgan profil %1$s endi mavjud emas. Joriy profilda davom ettirilsinmi %2$s?
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. Maqsadli profil %1$s bo'sh emas. Iltimos, avval qayta oʻrnating.


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Ilova treklar va sozlamalaringizni saqlashi yoki tiklashi uchun xotiraga kirishi kerak. Ruxsat bermasangiz, treklaringiz tarixini ko'ra olmaysiz va ma'lumotlaringizni yo'qotishingiz mumkin.".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 393