
Key English Uzbek
pref_maps_quickZoom_title QuickZoom buttons QuickZoom tugmalari
pref_maps_quickZoom_summary Enable invisible quick zoom buttons in the bottom part of the map Xaritaning pastki qismidagi ko'rinmas tez kattalashtirish tugmalarini yoqing
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_title Inverted Teskari
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_summary Exchange zoom in/out button positions Kattalashtirish/kichraytirish tugmalari pozitsiyalarini almashtiring
pref_maps_offline_terrain_title Render terrain Tuproqni tasvirlash
pref_maps_offline_terrain_summary Render terrain elevation shades. Map will look more realistic, but probably slower. Requires DEM (.hgt) files present in the map folder. Erning balandligi soyalarini ko'rsating. Xarita realroq ko'rinadi, lekin ehtimol sekinroq. Xarita jildida mavjud DEM (.hgt) fayllarni talab qiladi.
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_title Download now Hozir yuklab olmoq
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_summary Open up download page at saytida yuklab olish sahifasini oching.
pref_maps_offline_terrain_usage_summary Usage: Simply place the downloaded files to the same folder where the offline map file resides. Foydalanish: Yuklab olingan zip(lar)dan .hgt fayllarini chiqarib oling va ularni oflayn xarita fayli joylashgan papkaga joylashtiring (alohida pastki papkadan foydalanmang).
pref_mapsOfflineLayerButtonActionTitle Layer button action Qatlam tugmasi harakati
pref_mapsOfflineLayerButtonActionSummary Choose what to do when the layer button is pressed Qatlam tugmasi bosilganda nima qilish kerakligini tanlang
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_title Precipitation radar Yog'ingarchilik radari
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_summary Show precipitation radar layer Yog'ingarchilik radar qatlamini ko'rsating
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_info Radar data is downloaded from the Internet, even when offline maps are used. It is automatically refreshed every 10 minutes while map is visible. Data source is Radar ma'lumotlari hatto oflayn xaritalardan foydalanilganda ham Internetdan yuklab olinadi. Xarita ko'rinadigan bo'lsa, u har 10 daqiqada avtomatik ravishda yangilanadi. Ma'lumotlar manbai -
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_title Animate Jonlantirish
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_summary Animate last 1 hour of radar data, to help you visualize the precipitation trend Yog'ingarchilik tendentsiyasini ko'rishga yordam berish uchun oxirgi 1 soatlik radar ma'lumotlarini jonlantiring
pref_mapsWeatherAnimateForecast_title Forecast Prognoz
pref_mapsWeatherAnimateForecast_summary Also animate 30 minutes of radar forecast in different colors Shuningdek, 30 daqiqalik radar prognozini turli ranglarda jonlantiring
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_info Radar animation can use up to 5x more Internet data than a static radar image. Radar animatsiyasi statik radar tasviriga qaraganda 5 baravar ko'proq Internet ma'lumotlaridan foydalanishi mumkin.
pref_mapsWeatherCoverage_title Coverage mask Qoplama niqobi
pref_mapsWeatherCoverage_summary Shade areas where there is no precipitation radar coverage Yog'ingarchilik radarini qamrab olmaydigan joylarni soya qiling
pref_mapsLayerTraffic_title @string/dialogMapsLayerTraffic
pref_mapsLayerTraffic_summary Show real-time traffic information Haqiqiy vaqtda trafik ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatish
pref_mapsLayerHeatmap_title Heatmap Issiqlik xaritasi
pref_mapsLayerHeatmap_summary Show aggregated public activities over the last year (from Strava) Oxirgi yildagi jamlangan ommaviy tadbirlarni koʻrsatish (Strava’dan)
pref_mapsLayerHeatmap_info This can help you discover new places to be active, especially in remote regions. Bu, ayniqsa, chekka hududlarda faol bo'lish uchun yangi joylarni topishga yordam beradi.
pref_mapsFollowMode_title @string/dialogMapsFollowMode
pref_mapsFollowMode_summary Keep the map centered on your current location Xaritani hozirgi joylashuvingiz markazida saqlang
pref_mapsFollowAutorotateMode_title @string/dialogMapsAutoRotate
pref_mapsFollowAutorotateMode_summary Keep the direction of travel pointing upwards Sayohat yo'nalishini yuqoriga qaratib turing
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomMode_title @string/dialogMapsAutoZoom
Key English Uzbek
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomSensitivity_summary @null
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomSensitivity_title @string/dialogMapsAutoZoomSensitivity
pref_mapsFollowMode_summary Keep the map centered on your current location Xaritani hozirgi joylashuvingiz markazida saqlang
pref_mapsFollowMode_title @string/dialogMapsFollowMode
pref_mapsLayerHeatmap_info This can help you discover new places to be active, especially in remote regions. Bu, ayniqsa, chekka hududlarda faol bo'lish uchun yangi joylarni topishga yordam beradi.
pref_mapsLayerHeatmap_summary Show aggregated public activities over the last year (from Strava) Oxirgi yildagi jamlangan ommaviy tadbirlarni koʻrsatish (Strava’dan)
pref_mapsLayerHeatmap_title Heatmap Issiqlik xaritasi
pref_mapsLayerTraffic_summary Show real-time traffic information Haqiqiy vaqtda trafik ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatish
pref_mapsLayerTraffic_title @string/dialogMapsLayerTraffic
pref_mapsOfflineFileSummary Map files must be copied to the app-specific maps folder in order to be used Xarita fayllarini ishlatish uchun ilovaga tegishli xaritalar jildiga nusxalash kerak
pref_mapsOfflineLayerButtonActionSummary Choose what to do when the layer button is pressed Qatlam tugmasi bosilganda nima qilish kerakligini tanlang
pref_mapsOfflineLayerButtonActionTitle Layer button action Qatlam tugmasi harakati
pref_mapsShowAttribution_summary Show attribution text for online maps other than Google. Disable to prevent accidental click on a link. Google'dan boshqa onlayn xaritalar uchun atribut matnini ko'rsatish. Havolani tasodifiy bosishning oldini olish uchun o'chirib qo'ying.
pref_mapsShowAttribution_title Attribution Atribut
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_info Radar animation can use up to 5x more Internet data than a static radar image. Radar animatsiyasi statik radar tasviriga qaraganda 5 baravar ko'proq Internet ma'lumotlaridan foydalanishi mumkin.
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_summary Animate last 1 hour of radar data, to help you visualize the precipitation trend Yog'ingarchilik tendentsiyasini ko'rishga yordam berish uchun oxirgi 1 soatlik radar ma'lumotlarini jonlantiring
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_title Animate Jonlantirish
pref_mapsWeatherAnimateForecast_summary Also animate 30 minutes of radar forecast in different colors Shuningdek, 30 daqiqalik radar prognozini turli ranglarda jonlantiring
pref_mapsWeatherAnimateForecast_title Forecast Prognoz
pref_mapsWeatherCoverage_summary Shade areas where there is no precipitation radar coverage Yog'ingarchilik radarini qamrab olmaydigan joylarni soya qiling
pref_mapsWeatherCoverage_title Coverage mask Qoplama niqobi
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_info Radar data is downloaded from the Internet, even when offline maps are used. It is automatically refreshed every 10 minutes while map is visible. Data source is Radar ma'lumotlari hatto oflayn xaritalardan foydalanilganda ham Internetdan yuklab olinadi. Xarita ko'rinadigan bo'lsa, u har 10 daqiqada avtomatik ravishda yangilanadi. Ma'lumotlar manbai -
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_summary Show precipitation radar layer Yog'ingarchilik radar qatlamini ko'rsating
pref_mapsWeatherPrecipitationRadar_title Precipitation radar Yog'ingarchilik radari
pref_meter_lock_summary Prevents change of mode on click Bosish rejimini o'zgartirishni oldini oladi
pref_meter_lock_title Lock mode Bloklash rejimi
pref_meter_modes_select_title Choose available modes… Mavjud rejimlarni tanlang…
pref_meterTitle Meter Metr
pref_obey_audio_focus_disable_summary Continue producing sounds even if audio focus is lost (by system notification or another app) Ovoz fokusi yo'qolsa ham tovush chiqarishda davom eting (tizim bildirishnomasi yoki boshqa ilova orqali)
pref_obey_audio_focus_disable_title Disable audio focus Audio fokusni o‘chirib qo‘yish


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

10 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Yog'ingarchilik tendentsiyasini ko'rishga yordam berish uchun oxirgi 1 soatlik radar ma'lumotlarini jonlantiring".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
10 months ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1076