
Key English Uzbek
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_summary Toggle flickering mode with a button click while the flashlight is turned on Chiroq yoqilganda tugmani bosish orqali miltillash rejimini o'zgartiring
pref_haptic_feedback_title Vibrate on touch Tegishda tebranish
pref_haptic_feedback_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title Vibration intensity Vibratsiya intensivligi
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_summary @null
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_title All sounds Barcha tovushlar
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechMasterSwitch_title Enable Yoqish
pref_speechMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechProfileName_title Profile name Profil nomi
pref_speechProfileName_summary (All profiles) Speak profile name on profile switch (Barcha profillar) Profilni almashtirishda profil nomini ayting
pref_speechTrackingStatus_title Tracking Kuzatuv
pref_speechTrackingStatus_summary Speak when tracking starts, stops, and pauses Kuzatuv boshlanganda, toʻxtaganda va toʻxtaganda gapiring
pref_speechAutoPause_title Auto pause Avtomatik pauza
pref_speechAutoPause_summary Speak on automatic pause and resume detection Avtomatik pauza va aniqlashni davom ettirishda gapiring
pref_speechGnssStatus_title GPS GPS
pref_speechGnssStatus_summary Speak on GPS status change (good, bad) GPS holati o'zgarishi haqida gapiring (yaxshi, yomon)
pref_speechTallies_title Tallies Tallies
pref_speechTallies_summary Speak tallies Gapiring
pref_speechToasts_title Short notes Qisqa eslatmalar
pref_speechToasts_summary Speak various short info notes Har xil qisqa ma'lumot eslatmalarini gapiring
pref_speechCountdown_title Countdown Ortga hisoblash
pref_speechCountdown_summary Speak countdown Ortga hisoblashni gapiring
pref_speechNavigation_title Navigation Navigatsiya
pref_speechNavigation_summary Speak navigation Navigatsiyani gapiring
prefBarometricAltitudeTitle Barometric altitude Barometrik balandlik
prefBarometricAltitudeSummary Use pressure sensor data to enhance altitude accuracy, if available Agar mavjud bo'lsa, balandlik aniqligini oshirish uchun bosim sensori ma'lumotlaridan foydalaning
prefBaroAltitudeUsesTemperatureTitle Thermo barometer Termobarometr
prefBaroAltitudeUsesTemperatureSummary Use temperature sensor data for more accurate barometric altitudes, if available Agar mavjud bo'lsa, aniqroq barometrik balandliklar uchun harorat sensori ma'lumotlaridan foydalaning
prefBarometricAltitudeNoteSummary Use these only in the open atmosphere! Please disable while in pressurized, closed or air-conditioned vehicles like cars or airplanes! Bulardan faqat ochiq havoda foydalaning! Iltimos, mashinalar yoki samolyotlar kabi bosimli, yopiq yoki konditsionerli transport vositalarida o'chirib qo'ying!
prefBarometricAltitudeDisableAlert Disable barometric altitude? Barometrik balandlik o'chirilsinmi?
Key English Uzbek
pref_soundeffects_tally_radius_dialog_title Radius tally Radius hisobi
pref_soundeffects_tally_radius_title Radius Radius
pref_soundeffects_tally_steps_dialog_title Steps tally Qadamlar soni
pref_soundeffects_tally_steps_title Steps Qadamlar
pref_soundeffects_tally_summary @null
pref_soundeffects_tally_title Enable Yoqish
pref_soundeffects_tally_value_summary Every %1$s %2$s Har %1$s %2$s
pref_soundeffects_title Enable Yoqish
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_soundsMasterSwitch_title All sounds Barcha tovushlar
pref_speechAutoPause_summary Speak on automatic pause and resume detection Avtomatik pauza va aniqlashni davom ettirishda gapiring
pref_speechAutoPause_title Auto pause Avtomatik pauza
pref_speechCountdown_summary Speak countdown Ortga hisoblashni gapiring
pref_speechCountdown_title Countdown Ortga hisoblash
pref_speechGnssStatus_summary Speak on GPS status change (good, bad) GPS holati o'zgarishi haqida gapiring (yaxshi, yomon)
pref_speechGnssStatus_title GPS GPS
pref_speechMasterSwitch_summary @null
pref_speechMasterSwitch_title Enable Yoqish
pref_speechNavigation_summary Speak navigation Navigatsiyani gapiring
pref_speechNavigation_title Navigation Navigatsiya
pref_speechProfileName_summary (All profiles) Speak profile name on profile switch (Barcha profillar) Profilni almashtirishda profil nomini ayting
pref_speechProfileName_title Profile name Profil nomi
pref_speechTallies_summary Speak tallies Gapiring
pref_speechTallies_title Tallies Tallies
pref_speechToasts_summary Speak various short info notes Har xil qisqa ma'lumot eslatmalarini gapiring
pref_speechToasts_title Short notes Qisqa eslatmalar
pref_speechTrackingStatus_summary Speak when tracking starts, stops, and pauses Kuzatuv boshlanganda, toʻxtaganda va toʻxtaganda gapiring
pref_speechTrackingStatus_title Tracking Kuzatuv
pref_speed_calculate_mode_summary (All profiles) Recalculate speed from distances, do not use GPS value directly. This may provide more stable speed readings over GPS (Doppler) values. Default is OFF. (Barcha profillar) Masofadan tezlikni qayta hisoblang, GPS qiymatini bevosita ishlatmang. Bu GPS (Doppler) qiymatlari bo'yicha barqarorroq tezlikni o'qishni ta'minlaydi. Birlamchi parametr O‘CHIRILGAN.
pref_speed_calculate_mode_title Recalculate speed Tezlikni qayta hisoblang
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "GPS".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1142