
Key English Uzbek
dialogResetMessage Save this track and prepare for a new one? Ushbu trekni saqlab, yangisiga tayyorlanasizmi?
dialogResetNoTrackMessage No track was recorded. Reset the meters now? Hech qanday trek yozilmagan. Hisoblagichlar endi tiklansinmi?
dialogScreenHudMode HUD mirror mode HUD oyna rejimi
dialogScreenOrientationAuto Automatic Avtomatik
dialogScreenOrientationPortrait Portrait Portret
dialogScreenOrientationLandscape Landscape Peyzaj
dialogScreenOrientationReversePortrait Portrait (reverse) Portret (teskari)
dialogScreenOrientationReverseLandscape Landscape (reverse) Landshaft (teskari)
dialogScreenBrightnessOverride Brightness Yorqinlik
dialogScreenAutoTheme Auto theme Avtomatik mavzu
dialogMapsOffline Offline maps Oflayn xaritalar
dialogMapsLayerTraffic Traffic Yo'l harakati
dialogMapsShowFences Fences To'siqlar
dialogMapsShowRoutes Guide routes Yo'l-yo'riqlar
dialogMapsShowHeatmap Heatmap Issiqlik xaritasi
dialogMapsFollowMode Follow Kuzatish
dialogMapsAutoRotate Auto rotate Avtomatik aylantirish
dialogMapsAutoZoom Auto zoom Avtomatik masshtablash
dialogMapsAutoZoomSensitivity Auto zoom sensitivity Avtomatik masshtablash sezgirligi
dialogMapsHighResolution Hi-res map Yuqori aniqlikdagi xarita
dialogMapsRenderTerrain Render terrain Tuproqni tasvirlash
dialogMapsWeatherRadar Precipitation radar Yog'ingarchilik radari
dialogMapsTrackColor Track hue: Trek rangi:
dialogMapsTrackColorAltitude @string/infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorSpeed @string/infoMeterModeSpeedTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorPace @string/infoMeterModePaceTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorDuration @string/infoMeterModeDurationTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorElapsed @string/summaryTotalTime
dialogMapsTrackColorHeartRate @string/infoMeterModeHeartRateTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorCadence @string/infoMeterModeCadenceTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorTemperature @string/infoMeterModeTemperatureTitle
Key English Uzbek
dialogLayoutsInfoTitle Layouts Tartiblar
dialogLicenseUpgradeButton1 @string/licenseUpgradeTitle
dialogLicenseUpgradeButton2 Watch promo video Promo videoni tomosha qiling
dialogLicenseUpgradeMessage This feature requires a subscription license.

Alternatively, you can watch a short promo video to get free credit.
Bu xususiyat obuna litsenziyasini talab qiladi.

Shu bilan bir qatorda, bepul kredit olish uchun qisqa reklama videosini tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.
dialogLocationPermissionRequest The app needs to access your location to record your outdoor activities. Ochiq havodagi harakatlaringizni yozib olish uchun ilova joylashuvingizga kirishi kerak.
dialogLocationPermissionRequestForBt Location permission is needed to find Bluetooth devices.

No Bluetooth devices will be found if the permission is rejected.
Bluetooth qurilmalarini topish uchun joylashuvni aniqlash ruxsati zarur.

Ruxsat rad etilsa, Bluetooth qurilmalari topilmaydi.
dialogLocationPermissionRequestTitle Location permission Joylashuv ruxsati
dialogLoginPasswordHint Password Parol
dialogLoginUsernameHint Username Foydalanuvchi nomi
dialogMapsAutoRotate Auto rotate Avtomatik aylantirish
dialogMapsAutoZoom Auto zoom Avtomatik masshtablash
dialogMapsAutoZoomSensitivity Auto zoom sensitivity Avtomatik masshtablash sezgirligi
dialogMapsChooseTitle Choose map Xaritani tanlang
dialogMapsDownloadText Open the downloads web page now? Yuklashlar veb-sahifasini hozir ochingmi?
dialogMapsDownloadTitle Offline maps download Oflayn xaritalar yuklab olish
dialogMapsFollowMode Follow Kuzatish
dialogMapsHighResolution Hi-res map Yuqori aniqlikdagi xarita
dialogMapsLayerTraffic Traffic Yo'l harakati
dialogMapsMapCountFourMaps %1$s maps %1$s xaritalar
dialogMapsMapCountManyMaps %1$s maps %1$s xaritalar
dialogMapsMapCountThreeMaps %1$s maps %1$s xaritalar
dialogMapsMapCountTwoMaps %1$s maps %1$s xaritalar
dialogMapsOffline Offline maps Oflayn xaritalar
dialogMapsRenderTerrain Render terrain Tuproqni tasvirlash
dialogMapsShowFences Fences To'siqlar
dialogMapsShowHeatmap Heatmap Issiqlik xaritasi
dialogMapsShowRoutes Guide routes Yo'l-yo'riqlar
dialogMapsTerrainDownloadTitle Terrain download Tuproq yuklab olish
dialogMapsTrackColor Track hue: Trek rangi:
dialogMapsTrackColorAltitude @string/infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
Browse all component changes
User avatar kardoslubomir

Resolved comment

I need that you differentiate this string into to ones. Thanks.

a year ago

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Kuzatish".

Fix string



There is 1 comment for this string.



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 322