
Key English Uzbek
roarModeConstant const const
meterTextMin min min
meterTextMax max maks
meterTextAvg avg o'rtacha
meterTextTotal tot tot
meterTextRelative rel rel
controlPanelSoundAutoBell Automatic bell Avtomatik qo'ng'iroq
controlPanelSoundRoar AVAS AVAS
controlPanelSoundEffects Effects Effektlar
controlPanelSoundAlarms Alarms Signallar
controlPanelSoundTallies Tallies Tallies
controlPanelSoundSpeech Speech Nutq
controlPanelSoundVolume Volumes Jildlar
controlPanelEnergyParams Power/Energy parameters Quvvat/energiya parametrlari
controlPanelLocationButton Location Manzil
controlPanelScreenOrientation Screen orientation Ekran yo'nalishi
controlPanelUnitsButtonTitle Units of measure O'lchov birliklari
controlPanelUnitsButtonSubtitle Click to change units Birliklarni o'zgartirish uchun bosing
controlPanelSensorsButtonTitle Sensors Sensorlar
controlPanelSensorsButtonSubtitle Click to manage sensors Sensorlarni boshqarish uchun bosing
controlPanelMapShowButtonTitle Show map Xaritani ko'rsatish
controlPanelMapShowButtonSubtitle Click to show the map Xaritani ko'rsatish uchun bosing
controlPanelMapHideButtonTitle Hide map Xaritani yashirish
controlPanelMapHideButtonSubtitle Click to hide the map Xaritani yashirish uchun bosing
controlPanelScreenshotButtonTitle Screenshot Skrinshot
controlPanelScreenshotButtonSubtitle Click to share screenshot Skrinshotni almashish uchun bosing
controlPanelFlashlight Flashlight Chiroq
profilesListTitle Profiles Profillar
profilesListTitleSelectProfile Switch Profile Profilni almashtirish
profilesListAddProfile New profile Yangi profil
profilesListRowLastActivity %1$s
Key English Uzbek
cautionTitle Caution Ogoh bo'ling
chartsTitle Charts Grafikalar
cloudAccountsInfo Connecting to a cloud service makes it easier for you to upload and share your tracks with others.

We'll never post anything without your permission.
Bulutli xizmatga ulanish treklaringizni yuklashni va boshqalar bilan baham ko'rishni osonlashtiradi.

Biz sizning ruxsatingizsiz hech qachon hech narsa joylashtirmaymiz.
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_0 Always (default) Har doim (standart)
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_1 Upload power data only when power meter was used Quvvat ma'lumotlarini faqat quvvat o'lchagich ishlatilganda yuklang
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicyTitle Power data upload policy Quvvat maʼlumotlarini yuklash siyosati
cloudAccountsTitle Accounts Hisoblar
computing Computing… Hisoblash…
controlPanelEnergyParams Power/Energy parameters Quvvat/energiya parametrlari
controlPanelFlashlight Flashlight Chiroq
controlPanelLocationButton Location Manzil
controlPanelMapHideButtonSubtitle Click to hide the map Xaritani yashirish uchun bosing
controlPanelMapHideButtonTitle Hide map Xaritani yashirish
controlPanelMapShowButtonSubtitle Click to show the map Xaritani ko'rsatish uchun bosing
controlPanelMapShowButtonTitle Show map Xaritani ko'rsatish
controlPanelScreenOrientation Screen orientation Ekran yo'nalishi
controlPanelScreenshotButtonSubtitle Click to share screenshot Skrinshotni almashish uchun bosing
controlPanelScreenshotButtonTitle Screenshot Skrinshot
controlPanelSensorsButtonSubtitle Click to manage sensors Sensorlarni boshqarish uchun bosing
controlPanelSensorsButtonTitle Sensors Sensorlar
controlPanelSoundAlarms Alarms Signallar
controlPanelSoundAutoBell Automatic bell Avtomatik qo'ng'iroq
controlPanelSoundEffects Effects Effektlar
controlPanelSoundRoar AVAS AVAS
controlPanelSoundSpeech Speech Nutq
controlPanelSoundTallies Tallies Tallies
controlPanelSoundVolume Volumes Jildlar
controlPanelUnitsButtonSubtitle Click to change units Birliklarni o'zgartirish uchun bosing
controlPanelUnitsButtonTitle Units of measure O'lchov birliklari
copyrightVersionInfo <b>v%1$s</b> (%2$s)


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Ekran yo'nalishi".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 599