
Key English Uzbek
summaryBasalMetabolicRate Basal metabolic rate Bazal metabolizm tezligi
summaryBasalMetabolicRateInfo Basal metabolic rate (BMR). Bazal metabolizm tezligi (BMR).
summaryLocationInterval Location interval Joylashuv oralig'i
summaryLocationIntervalInfo Average time interval between two location updates on this track. Ushbu trekdagi ikkita joylashuv yangilanishi orasidagi o'rtacha vaqt oralig'i.
summaryDeviceRestartsCount Forced restarts Majburiy qayta ishga tushirish
summaryDeviceRestartsCountInfo Number of times the app was force-closed or the device stopped working during this activity. Ushbu faoliyat davomida ilova kuch bilan yopilgan yoki qurilma ishlamay qolgan necha marta.
summaryDeviceAutoPauseCount Auto-pause count Hisobni avtomatik pauza qilish
summaryDeviceAutoPauseCountInfo Number of times auto-pause was activated during this activity. Ushbu faoliyat davomida avtomatik pauza faollashtirilgan soni.
summaryInaccurateLocationZoneCount Inaccuracy zones Noto'g'ri zonalar
summaryInaccurateLocationZoneCountInfo Number of times the app started rejecting location updates due to their inaccuracy.

Note, areas where there are no location updates at all (e.g. indoors) do not affect this number.
Ilova joylashuv yangilanishlarini noto'g'riligi sababli rad etishni boshlagan.

Esda tutingki, joylashuv ma'lumotlari umuman bo'lmagan hududlar (masalan, bino ichida) bu raqamga ta'sir qilmaydi.
summaryEnergyParams @string/controlPanelEnergyParams
summaryStartedDatetime Started Boshlandi
summaryEndedDatetime Ended Tugadi
summaryTotalTime Total time Umumiy vaqt
summaryTotalTimeInfo Time interval between the start time and the end time of this track. Ushbu trekning boshlanish vaqti va tugash vaqti o'rtasidagi vaqt oralig'i.
summaryPausedTime Paused time To'xtatilgan vaqt
summaryPausedTimeInfo Time spent pausing, either manually or while using the auto-pause. Qo'lda yoki avtomatik pauzadan foydalanganda pauza qilish uchun sarflangan vaqt.
summaryStoppedTime Stopped time To'xtatilgan vaqt
summaryStoppedTimeInfo Time during which tracking was inactive. Qo'lda yoki avtomatik pauzadan foydalanganda pauza qilish uchun sarflangan vaqt.
summaryHeartBeats Heartbeats Yurak urishi
summaryHeartBeatsInfo Number of heartbeats detected during activity. Faoliyat davomida aniqlangan yurak urishi soni.
summaryCadenceStrokes Pedal strokes Pedal zarbalari
summaryCadenceStrokesInfo Number of pedal strokes detected during activity. Faoliyat davomida aniqlangan pedal urishlar soni.
summarySpecific Specific Maxsus
summaryMechWork Mech. work Mex. ish
summaryMechWorkInfo Pure mechanical work expended (disregarding thermal efficiency and BMR).

For bikes this can be regarded as a measure of chain wear - a standard bicycle chain will last about 100 MJ, for motorcycles about 1 GJ.
Ushbu faoliyat uchun sarflangan sof mexanik ish (issiqlik samaradorligi va BMRni hisobga olmaganda).
summaryChainWear Chain wear Zanjir kiyish
summaryActivePower Active power Faol quvvat
summaryClimbing Climb Ko'tarilish
summaryClimbingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome gravity. Gravitatsiyani engish uchun sarflangan energiya foizi.
summaryDragging Drag Surang
Key English Uzbek
summaryDraggingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome air drag resistance. Havoning qarshiligini engish uchun sarflangan energiya ulushi.
summaryDriverWeight Driver weight Haydovchi og'irligi
summaryDriverWeightInfo Weight of the driver (or rider) used while recording this track. Ushbu trekni yozib olishda ishlatiladigan haydovchining (yoki chavandozning) og'irligi.
summaryEfficiency Efficiency Samaradorlik
summaryEfficiencyInfo Overall thermal efficiency of the track's powerhouse. Trekning elektr stantsiyasining umumiy issiqlik samaradorligi.
summaryEndedDatetime Ended Tugadi
summaryEnergyParams @string/controlPanelEnergyParams
summaryHeartBeats Heartbeats Yurak urishi
summaryHeartBeatsInfo Number of heartbeats detected during activity. Faoliyat davomida aniqlangan yurak urishi soni.
summaryInaccurateLocationZoneCount Inaccuracy zones Noto'g'ri zonalar
summaryInaccurateLocationZoneCountInfo Number of times the app started rejecting location updates due to their inaccuracy.

Note, areas where there are no location updates at all (e.g. indoors) do not affect this number.
Ilova joylashuv yangilanishlarini noto'g'riligi sababli rad etishni boshlagan.

Esda tutingki, joylashuv ma'lumotlari umuman bo'lmagan hududlar (masalan, bino ichida) bu raqamga ta'sir qilmaydi.
summaryLocationInterval Location interval Joylashuv oralig'i
summaryLocationIntervalInfo Average time interval between two location updates on this track. Ushbu trekdagi ikkita joylashuv yangilanishi orasidagi o'rtacha vaqt oralig'i.
summaryMechWork Mech. work Mex. ish
summaryMechWorkInfo Pure mechanical work expended (disregarding thermal efficiency and BMR).

For bikes this can be regarded as a measure of chain wear - a standard bicycle chain will last about 100 MJ, for motorcycles about 1 GJ.
Ushbu faoliyat uchun sarflangan sof mexanik ish (issiqlik samaradorligi va BMRni hisobga olmaganda).
summaryPausedTime Paused time To'xtatilgan vaqt
summaryPausedTimeInfo Time spent pausing, either manually or while using the auto-pause. Qo'lda yoki avtomatik pauzadan foydalanganda pauza qilish uchun sarflangan vaqt.
summaryProfileName Profile Profil
summaryProfileNameInfo Profile used to record this track. Ushbu trekni yozib olish uchun profil ishlatilgan.
summaryRolling Roll Roll
summaryRollingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome rolling resistance. Aylanish qarshiligini engish uchun sarflangan energiya ulushi.
summaryRollResistCoef Roll resist coef. Roll qarshilik koeffitsienti.
summaryRollResistCoefAverage Roll resist coef. average Roll qarshilik koeffitsienti. o'rtacha
summaryRollResistCoefAverageInfo Average rolling resistance coefficient, if the coefficient was changing during the activity. Agar faoliyat davomida koeffitsient o'zgargan bo'lsa, o'rtacha aylanish qarshiligi koeffitsienti.
summaryRollResistCoefInfo Rolling resistance coefficient. Rolling qarshilik koeffitsienti.
summarySpecific Specific Maxsus
summaryStartedDatetime Started Boshlandi
summaryStoppedTime Stopped time To'xtatilgan vaqt
summaryStoppedTimeInfo Time during which tracking was inactive. Qo'lda yoki avtomatik pauzadan foydalanganda pauza qilish uchun sarflangan vaqt.
summaryTotalTime Total time Umumiy vaqt


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Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

3 months ago
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English Uzbek
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4 months ago
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4 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 685