
Key English Uzbek
sensorsTabFound Found Topildi
sensorsSectionUsedInProfile Used in the profile Profilda ishlatiladi
sensorsSectionSupported Supported Qo'llab-quvvatlanadi
sensorsSectionUnsupported Unsupported Qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi
sensorsEmptyList Empty list Bo'sh ro'yxat
sensorsMenuScan Scan Skanerlash
sensorsInfo Sensors get connected automatically while recording is active, and disconnected when you stop recording.

It's not possible to establish a sensor connection manually.
Yozish faol bo'lganda sensorlar avtomatik ravishda ulanadi va yozishni to'xtatganingizda uziladi.

Sensor ulanishini qo'lda o'rnatish mumkin emas.
sensorWheelCircNotSetWarning Wheel circumference has not been set G'ildirak atrofi o'rnatilmagan
sensorStepLengthNotSetWarning Step length has not been set Qadam uzunligi o'rnatilmagan
sensorMenuAddToProfile Add to the profile Profilga qo'shing
sensorMenuRemoveFromProfile Remove from the profile Profildan olib tashlang
sensorMenuProperties Properties Xususiyatlari
sensorMenuEnable Enable Yoqish
sensorMenuDisable Disable Oʻchirish
sensorMenuDelete Forget Unut
sensorRemoveConfirmDialogMsg Remove from the profile? Profildan olib tashlansinmi?
sensorDeleteConfirmDialogMsg Forget this sensor? Bu sensorni unutdingizmi?
sensorAddedMsg Sensor added to the profile Sensor profilga qo'shildi
sensorRemovedMsg Sensor removed from the profile Sensor profildan olib tashlandi
sensorDeletedMsg Sensor forgotten Sensor unutilgan
sensorPurposeNone (No purpose) (Maqsad yo'q)
sensorPurposeCadence Cadence Kadans
sensorPurposeSpeed Speed Tezlik
sensorPurposeDistance Distance Masofa
sensorPurposeDuration Duration Davomiyligi
sensorPurposePower Power Quvvat
sensorPurposeHeartRate Heart rate Yurak urish tezligi
sensorPurposeSteps Steps Qadamlar
sensorPurposePressure Pressure Bosim
sensorPurposeTemperature Temperature Harorat
sensorPurposeHumidity Humidity Namlik
Key English Uzbek
sensorProperitesUseForSteps Use for step count and cadence Qadamlar soni va kadans uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesUseForTemperature Use for temperature Harorat uchun foydalaning
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeter Wheel circumference G'ildirak atrofi
sensorProperitesWheelPerimeterNotSet Not set Belgilanmagan
sensorPurposeCadence Cadence Kadans
sensorPurposeDistance Distance Masofa
sensorPurposeDuration Duration Davomiyligi
sensorPurposeHeartRate Heart rate Yurak urish tezligi
sensorPurposeHumidity Humidity Namlik
sensorPurposeNone (No purpose) (Maqsad yo'q)
sensorPurposePower Power Quvvat
sensorPurposePressure Pressure Bosim
sensorPurposeSpeed Speed Tezlik
sensorPurposeSteps Steps Qadamlar
sensorPurposeTemperature Temperature Harorat
sensorRemoveConfirmDialogMsg Remove from the profile? Profildan olib tashlansinmi?
sensorRemovedMsg Sensor removed from the profile Sensor profildan olib tashlandi
sensorsEmptyList Empty list Bo'sh ro'yxat
sensorsInfo Sensors get connected automatically while recording is active, and disconnected when you stop recording.

It's not possible to establish a sensor connection manually.
Yozish faol bo'lganda sensorlar avtomatik ravishda ulanadi va yozishni to'xtatganingizda uziladi.

Sensor ulanishini qo'lda o'rnatish mumkin emas.
sensorsMenuScan Scan Skanerlash
sensorsSectionSupported Supported Qo'llab-quvvatlanadi
sensorsSectionUnsupported Unsupported Qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi
sensorsSectionUsedInProfile Used in the profile Profilda ishlatiladi
sensorsTabFound Found Topildi
sensorsTabUsed Used Ishlatilgan
sensorStatusConnected Connected Ulangan
sensorStatusConnecting Connecting… Ulanmoqda…
sensorStatusDisconnected Disconnected Ulangan
sensorStepDetectorName Step Detector Qadam detektori
sensorStepLengthNotSetWarning Step length has not been set Qadam uzunligi o'rnatilmagan


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

7 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Profildan olib tashlansinmi?".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
7 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 729