
Key English Uzbek
pref_bell_mode_summary @null
pref_bell_mode_dialog_title Bell type Qo'ng'iroq turi
pref_bell_automatic_title Automatic Avtomatik
pref_bell_automatic_summary Ring the bell on significant slowdown Jiddiy sekinlashuvda qo'ng'iroqni jiringlang
pref_bell_automatic_sensitivity_title Auto bell sensitivity Avtomatik qo'ng'iroq sezgirligi
pref_bell_automatic_sensitivity_summary @null
pref_bell_shake_title Shake to ring Qo'ng'iroq qilish uchun silkiting
pref_bell_shake_summary Shake the device to ring the bell Qo'ng'iroqni chalish uchun qurilmani silkiting
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_title Shake sensitivity Tebranish sezgirligi
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_summary @null
pref_roaring_type_title Type Turi
pref_roaring_type_summary @null
pref_roaring_type_dialog_title AVAS type AVAS turi
pref_volume_title @null
pref_volume_summary @null
pref_volume_summary_text Bell: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Tallies: %3$s, Effects: %4$s, Alarms: %5$s, Speech: %6$s Qo‘ng‘iroq: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Tallies: %3$s, Effektlar: %4$s, Signallar: %5$s, Nutq: %6$s
pref_bg_color_title Background color Fon rangi
pref_bg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the app background Ilova foni uchun kerakli rangni tanlang
pref_fg_color_title Text color Matn rangi
pref_fg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the text and icons Matn va piktogramma uchun kerakli rangni tanlang
pref_visualThemeAutoTitle @string/pref_category_visualThemeAuto
pref_visualThemeAutoSummary Apply light or dark theme based on environment illumination Atrof-muhit yoritilishiga asoslangan ochiq yoki qorong'i mavzuni qo'llang
pref_default_color_title @string/pref_resetToDefault
pref_default_color_summary @null
pref_screen_keep_on_title Keep screen on Ekranni yoniq tuting
pref_screen_keep_on_summary Screen will remain turned on while the app is used Ilovadan foydalanilganda ekran ochiq qoladi
pref_screen_allow_off_inactive_title Allow off when inactive Faol bo'lmaganda o'chirishga ruxsat bering
pref_screen_allow_off_inactive_summary Allow screen to turn off after several minutes of inactivity Bir necha daqiqa harakatsizlikdan keyin ekranni oʻchirishga ruxsat bering
pref_above_lockscreen_title Keep above lockscreen Qulflangan ekran tepasida saqlang
pref_above_lockscreen_summary App will remain visible even if the device is locked Qurilma qulflangan bo'lsa ham ilova ko'rinadigan bo'lib qoladi
pref_screenAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Cho'ntak rejimi
Key English Uzbek
pref_units_power_title Power (total) Quvvat (jami)
pref_units_slope_dialog_title Slope units Nishab birliklari
pref_units_slope_title Slope Nishab
pref_units_speed_dialog_title Speed units Tezlik birliklari
pref_units_speed_entries_0 Metric [km/h] Metrik [km/soat]
pref_units_speed_entries_1 Imperial [mph] Imperial [mph]
pref_units_speed_title Speed Tezlik
pref_units_summary @null
pref_units_weight_dialog_title Weight units Og'irlik birliklari
pref_units_weight_entries_0 Metric [kg] Metrik [kg]
pref_units_weight_entries_1 Imperial [lb] Imperial [lb]
pref_units_weight_title Weight Og'irligi
pref_visualThemeAutoSummary Apply light or dark theme based on environment illumination Atrof-muhit yoritilishiga asoslangan ochiq yoki qorong'i mavzuni qo'llang
pref_visualThemeAutoTitle @string/pref_category_visualThemeAuto
pref_volume_summary @null
pref_volume_summary_text Bell: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Tallies: %3$s, Effects: %4$s, Alarms: %5$s, Speech: %6$s Qo‘ng‘iroq: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Tallies: %3$s, Effektlar: %4$s, Signallar: %5$s, Nutq: %6$s
pref_volume_title @null
pref_wakelock_mode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_wakelock_title
pref_wakelock_mode_summary @null
pref_wakelock_mode_title %1$s
pref_wakelock_modes_0 Auto (default) Avtomatik (standart)
pref_wakelock_modes_1 Fully awake To'liq uyg'onish
pref_wakelock_modes_2 Partial Qisman
pref_wakelock_modes_3 Off Oʻchirilgan
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_0 Automatically decide based on GPS update interval and other factors GPS yangilash oralig'i va boshqa omillar asosida avtomatik ravishda qaror qabul qiling
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_1 Keep CPU awake during tracking. May use more battery, but ensures no location update is skipped. Kuzatuv vaqtida protsessorni hushyor turing. Batareyani koʻproq ishlatishi mumkin, lekin joylashuv yangilanishi oʻtkazib yuborilmasligini taʼminlaydi.
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_2 Allow CPU to sleep between location updates. May use less battery, but may skip an update on a rare occasion. Joylashuv yangilanishlari orasida protsessorga uyqu rejimiga ruxsat bering. Batareyani kamroq ishlatishi mumkin, lekin kamdan-kam hollarda yangilanishni o'tkazib yuborishi mumkin.
pref_wakelock_modes_explanation_3 Obey behaviour imposed by the system and/or other apps. Warning: May cause highly irregular location updates or even reject them all. Not recommended. Tizim va/yoki boshqa ilovalar tomonidan yuklangan xatti-harakatlarga rioya qiling. Ogohlantirish: Joylashuv ma'lumotlari juda tartibsiz yangilanishlarga olib kelishi yoki hatto ularning barchasini rad etishi mumkin. Tavsiya etilmaydi.
prefActivityRecognitionNoteSummary These options rely on Android's physical activity recognition feature. It may not be accurate and can be laggy, use only if you are okay with that. Will work best when a speed sensor is used for distance and duration. Bu variantlar Androidning jismoniy faollikni aniqlash xususiyatiga tayanadi. Bu to'g'ri bo'lmasligi va kechikishi mumkin, agar siz bunga rozi bo'lsangizgina foydalaning. Tezlik sensori masofa va vaqt uchun ishlatilsa yaxshi ishlaydi.
prefAdModes_0 Any Har qanday


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Qo‘ng‘iroq: %1$s, AVAS: %2$s, Tallies: %3$s, Effektlar: %4$s, Signallar: %5$s, Nutq: %6$s".

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English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 906