
Key English Uzbek
pref_passive_gps_button_title Passive GPS mode Passiv GPS tugmasi rejimi
pref_passive_gps_button_summary Enable Passive GPS mode when clicking the tracking button GPS tugmasini bosganingizda Passiv GPS rejimini yoqing
pref_digital_font_title Digital font Raqamli shrift
pref_digital_font_summary Use segmented digital LCD font for meter data display Hisoblagich ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatish uchun segmentlangan raqamli LCD shriftdan foydalaning
pref_roaring_state_title AVAS AVAS
pref_roaring_state_summary Produce Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) sounds as you move Harakatlanayotganda akustik avtomobil ogohlantirish tizimi (AVAS) tovushlarini chiqaring
pref_roaring_mode_title Mode Rejim
pref_roaring_mode_dialog_title AVAS mode AVAS rejimi
pref_roaring_mode_summary @null
pref_roaring_constant_mode_title Constant mode Doimiy rejim
pref_roaring_constant_mode_summary Produce constant AVAS sounds at all times, regardless of your movement Harakatingiz yoki GPS holatidan qat'i nazar, har doim doimiy AVAS tovushlarini chiqaring
pref_roar_threshold_speed_title Threshold speed Chegara tezligi
pref_roar_threshold_speed_info AVAS will sound only when going faster than the threshold speed. Useful e.g. for downhills. AVAS faqat chegara tezligidan tezroq ketayotganda eshitiladi. Foydali, masalan. pastga tushish uchun.
pref_roarConstantModeButton_title Button toggle Tugmachani almashtirish
pref_roarConstantModeButton_summary Toggle constant mode with a button click while the AVAS is turned on AVAS yoqilgan paytda tugmani bosish orqali doimiy rejimni o'zgartiring
pref_fenceguard_title FenceGuard FenceGuard
pref_fenceguard_summary Protect the location of your home, or other important places from being exposed in recorded tracks Uyingizning joylashuvi yoki boshqa muhim joylarni yozib olingan treklarga ta'sir qilishdan saqlang
pref_gps_update_freq_title %1$s
pref_gps_update_freq_summary @null
pref_gps_boost_title %1$s
pref_gps_boost_summary %1$s
pref_gps_boost_dialog_title @string/pref_category_gps_boost_title
pref_autopause_mode_title %1$s
pref_autopause_mode_summary @null
pref_autopause_mode_dialog_title Auto pausing Avtomatik pauza
pref_wakelock_mode_title %1$s
pref_wakelock_mode_summary @null
pref_wakelock_mode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_wakelock_title
pref_locationProviderMode_title %1$s
pref_locationProviderMode_summary @null
pref_locationProviderMode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_locationProvider_title
Key English Uzbek
pref_category1_title Sound Ovoz
pref_category2_title Display Displey
pref_category4_title Volume (relative) Hajmi (nisbiy)
pref_categoryActivityRecognitionTitle Physical activity recognition Jismoniy faollikni aniqlash
pref_categoryPrivacyTitle Privacy Maxfiylik
pref_categoryTrackingButtonTitle Rec button Rec tugmasi
pref_default_color_summary @null
pref_default_color_title @string/pref_resetToDefault
pref_digital_font_summary Use segmented digital LCD font for meter data display Hisoblagich ma'lumotlarini ko'rsatish uchun segmentlangan raqamli LCD shriftdan foydalaning
pref_digital_font_title Digital font Raqamli shrift
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_summary Lower the volume of AVAS sounds when the bell rings Qo'ng'iroq chalinganda AVAS tovushlarining ovozini pasaytiring
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_title Duck AVAS on bell ring Qo'ng'iroq chalinadigan o'rdak AVAS
pref_energy_params_summary Efficiency: %1$s
Metabolism: %2$s
Samaradorlik: %1$s
Metabolizm: %2$s
pref_energy_params_title Energy parameters Energiya parametrlari
pref_fenceguard_summary Protect the location of your home, or other important places from being exposed in recorded tracks Uyingizning joylashuvi yoki boshqa muhim joylarni yozib olingan treklarga ta'sir qilishdan saqlang
pref_fenceguard_title FenceGuard FenceGuard
pref_fg_color_summary Pick the desired color for the text and icons Matn va piktogramma uchun kerakli rangni tanlang
pref_fg_color_title Text color Matn rangi
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_summary Use proximity sensor to keep the flashlight off while not needed Chiroqni kerak bo'lmaganda o'chirish uchun yaqinlik sensoridan foydalaning
pref_flashlightAutoPocketMode_title Pocket mode Cho'ntak rejimi
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_dialogTitle Flashlight flickering Chiroq miltillaydi
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_summary @null
pref_flashlightBlinkMode_title Mode Rejim
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_0 Slow (default) Sekin (standart)
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_1 Fast Tez
pref_flashlightBlinkModes_2 None / Steady Yo'q / Barqaror
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_summary Toggle flickering mode with a button click while the flashlight is turned on Chiroq yoqilganda tugmani bosish orqali miltillash rejimini o'zgartiring
pref_flashlightBlinkModeToggleEnable_title Button toggle Tugmachani almashtirish
pref_gps_boost_dialog_title @string/pref_category_gps_boost_title
pref_gps_boost_modes_0 Map shown (default) Xarita ko'rsatilgan (standart)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
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Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical


Has been translated

Previous translation was "FenceGuard".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 966