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Key English Uzbek
pref_fenceguard_title FenceGuard FenceGuard
pref_fenceguard_summary Protect the location of your home, or other important places from being exposed in recorded tracks Uyingizning joylashuvi yoki boshqa muhim joylarni yozib olingan treklarga ta'sir qilishdan saqlang
pref_gps_update_freq_title %1$s
pref_gps_update_freq_summary @null
pref_gps_boost_title %1$s
pref_gps_boost_summary %1$s
pref_gps_boost_dialog_title @string/pref_category_gps_boost_title
pref_autopause_mode_title %1$s
pref_autopause_mode_summary @null
pref_autopause_mode_dialog_title Auto pausing Avtomatik pauza
pref_wakelock_mode_title %1$s
pref_wakelock_mode_summary @null
pref_wakelock_mode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_wakelock_title
pref_locationProviderMode_title %1$s
pref_locationProviderMode_summary @null
pref_locationProviderMode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_locationProvider_title
pref_speed_calculate_mode_title Recalculate speed Tezlikni qayta hisoblang
pref_speed_calculate_mode_summary (All profiles) Recalculate speed from distances, do not use GPS value directly. This may provide more stable speed readings over GPS (Doppler) values. Default is OFF. (Barcha profillar) Masofadan tezlikni qayta hisoblang, GPS qiymatini bevosita ishlatmang. Bu GPS (Doppler) qiymatlari bo'yicha barqarorroq tezlikni o'qishni ta'minlaydi. Birlamchi parametr O‘CHIRILGAN.
pref_background_pattern_title @null
pref_background_pattern_summary @null
pref_background_pattern_dialog_title Menu background pattern Menyu fon naqsh
pref_soundeffects_title Enable Yoqish
pref_soundeffects_summary @null
pref_soundeffects_fence_enterleave_title Fence Devor
pref_soundeffects_fence_enterleave_summary Sound when entering or leaving a fence Devorga kirish yoki chiqish paytida ovoz
pref_soundeffects_gps_signal_title GPS GPS
pref_soundeffects_gps_signal_summary Sound on GPS status change (good, bad) GPS holati o'zgarishidagi ovoz (yaxshi, yomon)
pref_soundeffects_countdown_title Countdown Ortga hisoblash
pref_soundeffects_countdown_summary Sound on countdown before resuming the track (…3, 2, 1, GO!) Trekni davom ettirishdan oldin teskari hisobda ovoz eshitiladi (…3, 2, 1, GO!)
pref_soundeffects_autopause_title Auto pause Avtomatik pauza
pref_soundeffects_autopause_summary Sound on automatic pause and resume detection Avtomatik pauza va aniqlashni davom ettirishda ovoz
Key English Uzbek
pref_group_powermeter_title Power and Energy Quvvat va energiya
pref_group_units_title Units Birliklar
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title Vibration intensity Vibratsiya intensivligi
pref_haptic_feedback_summary @null
pref_haptic_feedback_title Vibrate on touch Tegishda tebranish
pref_hud_axis_dialog_title HUD mirror axis HUD oyna o'qi
pref_hud_axis_entries_0 Default — Statusbar at its natural position Standart - holat paneli tabiiy holatida
pref_hud_axis_entries_1 Upside down — More practical device handling Ostin-ustun — Qurilmani yanada amaliy boshqarish
pref_hud_axis_summary @null
pref_hud_axis_title HUD mirror axis HUD oyna o'qi
pref_locationProvider_modes_0 GPS subsystem (default) GPS quyi tizimi (standart)
pref_locationProvider_modes_1 Google Play services Google Play xizmatlari
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_0 (All profiles) Use GPS subsystem directly. Stable, less complex model, no middleman. May also use less resources than the other provider. (Barcha profillar) GPS quyi tizimidan bevosita foydalaning. Barqaror, kamroq murakkab model, vositachi yo'q. Boshqa provayderga qaraganda kamroq resurslardan foydalanishi ham mumkin.
pref_locationProvider_modes_explanation_1 (All profiles) Use "Fused" provider from Google Play services, if available. In theory this may provide faster and more accurate locations sometimes. (Barcha profillar) Agar mavjud boʻlsa, Google Play xizmatlaridan “Fused” provayderidan foydalaning. Nazariy jihatdan, bu ba'zan tezroq va aniqroq joylarni ta'minlaydi.
pref_locationProviderMode_dialog_title @string/pref_category_locationProvider_title
pref_locationProviderMode_summary @null
pref_locationProviderMode_title %1$s
pref_maps_animate_summary Turn off to reduce battery usage, especially while the Follow mode is on Batareya sarfini kamaytirish uchun, ayniqsa Kuzatuv rejimi yoqilgan paytda oʻchiring
pref_maps_animate_title Animation Animatsiya
pref_maps_disable_summary @null
pref_maps_disable_title Disable Maps Xaritalarni o‘chirib qo‘yish
pref_maps_fences_draw_summary Show FenceGuard protected regions over the map Xaritada FenceGuard himoyalangan hududlarni ko'rsating
pref_maps_fences_draw_title Fences To'siqlar
pref_maps_offline_file_noFolderSelected No folder selected. Hech qanday jild tanlanmagan.
pref_maps_offline_file_title Select file or folder Fayl yoki jildni tanlang
pref_maps_offline_info_summary Mapsforge vector (.map) and Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) maps are supported. Available at Mapsforge vektor (.map) va Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) xaritalari qo'llab-quvvatlanadi. saytida mavjud.
pref_maps_offline_info_title Download now Hozir yuklab olmoq
pref_maps_offline_recommendation We recommend using vector maps from as they are the most complete and contain terrain contours. Click here to open the downloads page now. dan vektor xaritalaridan foydalanishni tavsiya qilamiz, chunki ular eng toʻliq va er konturlarini oʻz ichiga oladi. Hozir yuklab olish sahifasini ochish uchun shu yerni bosing.
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_summary Open up download page at saytida yuklab olish sahifasini oching.


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English Uzbek
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String age
10 months ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 981