
Key English Uzbek
infoMeterModeVibrationsTitle Vibrations Tebranishlar
infoMeterModeWriggleMsg Measure of route deviation from a straight line, i.e. how much it fills the area instead of going straight. Lower is usually better. To'g'ri chiziqdan marshrutning og'ishini o'lchash, ya'ni u to'g'ri borish o'rniga maydonni qanchalik to'ldiradi. Odatda pastroq bo'ladi.
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle Burish
infoSpeedometerMsg Shows your current, maximum and average speed.

Stall indicator indicates when the speed value wasn't updated in a while and can't be trusted.

Pace indicator are small arrows near the speed value that show when the current speed is above or below the average speed.
Joriy, maksimal va o'rtacha tezlikni ko'rsatadi.

To'xtash ko'rsatkichi tezlik qiymati bir muncha vaqt yangilanmaganligini va unga ishonish mumkin emasligini ko'rsatadi.

Tezlik indikatori tezlik qiymati yaqinidagi kichik o'qlar bo'lib, joriy tezlik o'rtacha tezlikdan yuqori yoki past bo'lganda ko'rsatiladi.
infoSpeedometerTitle Speedometer Tezlik o'lchagich
inProgress In progress Jarayonda
licenseDialogMapsTab Maps Xaritalar
licenseDialogProTab @string/proLicenseLabel
licenseDialogUltimateTab @string/ultimateLicenseLabel
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Litsenziya elementi allaqachon egalik qilgan
licenseItemOwned Currently owned Hozirda egalik qiladi
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! Ilova muvaffaqiyatli litsenziyalandi. Qo'llab-quvvatlaganingiz uchun tashakkur!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license Litsenziyangizni yangilang
loading Loading… Yuklanmoqda…
locale en uz
manageSubscriptions Manage subscriptions Obunalarni boshqarish
mapboxMapsFeatures ⭐ Mapbox premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Mapbox premium xaritalari
⭐ Navigatsiya
⭐ Onlayn balandlikning asosiy chizig'i
⭐ Reklamasiz
⭐ Barcha bepul funksiyalar va xaritalar
mapboxMapsLabel Mapbox
mapLayerSatellite Satellite Sun'iy yo'ldosh
mapLayerStreet Street Ko'cha
mapLayerTerrain Terrain Tuproq
mapLayerTypes_0 @string/mapLayerStreet
mapLayerTypes_1 @string/mapLayerTerrain
mapLayerTypes_2 @string/mapLayerSatellite
mapMarkerClickInfo Click for options Variantlar uchun bosing
mapMarkerFinish Finish Tugatish
mapMarkerMyLocation My location Mening joylashuvim
mapMarkerStart Start Boshlash
mapPlaceSearch Where to? Qayerga?


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

6 months ago
User avatar None

New contributor

Urban Biker / StringsUzbek

New contributor 6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "uz".

Fix string



English Uzbek
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-uz.xml, string 1