
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
batteryOptimizationToast Select Urban Biker from the list 从列表中选择城市骑车者
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned 已拥有的许可项目
timePeriod_perWeek per week 每個星期
timePeriod_perMonth per month 每月
timePeriod_per3Months per 3 months 每3个月
timePeriod_per6Months per 6 months 每 6 个月
timePeriod_perYear per year 每年
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. 发生一些错误。请再试一次。
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses 开源许可证
aboutScreenWarmWelcome Hope you enjoy this app 😊 希望你喜欢这个应用程序😊
aboutScreenChangeLogLink Version change log 版本变更日志
aboutScreenFacebookLink Urban Biker on Facebook Facebook 上的城市骑车人
aboutScreenTranslationsTitle Translations 翻译
aboutScreenTranslationsText Help translate this app and get a free license! More info: 帮助翻译这个应用程序并获得免费许可证!更多信息:
disclaimerTitle Disclaimer 免责声明
disclaimerText1 This app is provided as is, and you use it at your own risk. We, the publisher, will not be held responsible for any mishap, loss of possession, injury or worse involving you or a third person, arising from app usage during a ride or otherwise. 该应用程序按原样提供,您使用它的风险由您自行承担。对于因骑行或其他情况下使用应用程序而导致您或第三方涉及的任何事故、财产损失、伤害或更严重的情况,我们(发布者)概不负责。
disclaimerText2 Please use this app wisely and DO NOT operate it while driving a car, riding a motorbike, a bicycle, or any other vehicle. 请明智地使用此应用程序,请勿在驾驶汽车、骑摩托车、自行车或任何其他车辆时操作它。
disclaimerText3 Always keep your eyes on the road. 始终注视道路。
speechUnitOneMeter Meter 仪表
speechUnitTwoMeters Meters
speechUnitThreeMeters Meters
speechUnitFourMeters Meters
speechUnitManyMeters Meters
speechUnitOneKilometer Kilometer 公里
speechUnitTwoKilometers Kilometers 公里
speechUnitThreeKilometers Kilometers 公里
speechUnitFourKilometers Kilometers 公里
speechUnitManyKilometers Kilometers 公里
speechUnitOneFeet Foot
speechUnitTwoFeets Feet 走路
speechUnitThreeFeets Feet
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
dialogTracksShareGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. 發生了一些錯誤。 請再試一次。
dialogTracksShareTitle Share tracks 分享追蹤紀錄
dialogTrackUploadActivityType Activity type 活动类型
dialogTrackUploadDescriptionHint Share your thoughts… 分享你的意见…
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service 在线服务
dialogTrackUploadPreparing Preparing track data… 正在准备轨迹数据…
dialogTrackUploadSending Sending… 正在发送…
dialogTrackUploadShareAgainButton Share again 再次分享
dialogTrackUploadShareButton Share 分享
dialogTrackUploadStravaIsCommute Commute 通勤
dialogTrackUploadUpdateButton Update 更新
dialogTrackUploadWaitTitle Please wait 请稍等
dialogWaitTitle Please wait 請稍等
dialogWeatherInfoMessage Radar data is updated every 10 minutes. Filled icon indicates fresh data, empty icon means an update is near.

Yellow and red colors show areas of more precipitation.

Last 1 hour of radar data can be animated to reveal precipitation trends.
雷达数据每 10 分钟更新一次。实心图标表示新数据,空图标表示即将更新。


最后 1 小时的雷达数据可以通过动画显示降水趋势。
dialogWeatherInfoTitle @string/dialogMapsWeatherRadar
disclaimerText1 This app is provided as is, and you use it at your own risk. We, the publisher, will not be held responsible for any mishap, loss of possession, injury or worse involving you or a third person, arising from app usage during a ride or otherwise. 该应用程序按原样提供,您使用它的风险由您自行承担。对于因骑行或其他情况下使用应用程序而导致您或第三方涉及的任何事故、财产损失、伤害或更严重的情况,我们(发布者)概不负责。
disclaimerText2 Please use this app wisely and DO NOT operate it while driving a car, riding a motorbike, a bicycle, or any other vehicle. 请明智地使用此应用程序,请勿在驾驶汽车、骑摩托车、自行车或任何其他车辆时操作它。
disclaimerText3 Always keep your eyes on the road. 始终注视道路。
disclaimerTitle Disclaimer 免责声明
durationHrMin %1$d:%2$02d
farFromHere Far from here 離這里遠
featureNotAvailable Sorry, the feature is not available on this device 很抱歉,此功能在此裝置上不可使用
fence_name_default My Place 我的地點
freeLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
❌ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ 高级地图
❌ 导航
❌ 在线海拔基线
⭐ 所有免费功能和地图
freeLicenseLabel Free 自由的
freeLicenseTitle Free License 免费许可证
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. 发生一些错误。请再试一次。
googleFitConnectButton Connect with Google Fit 连接 Google 健身
hereMapsFeatures ⭐ HERE premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ HERE 高级地图
⭐ 导航
⭐ 在线海拔基线
⭐ 无广告
⭐ 所有免费功能和地图
hereMapsLabel HERE


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

8 months ago
User avatar user

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "该应用程序按原样提供,您使用它的风险由您自行承担。对于因骑行或其他情况下使用应用程序而导致您或第三方涉及的任何事故、财产损失、伤害或更严重的情况,我们(发布者)概不负责。".

Fix string



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 1556