
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
dialogMapsTrackColorAltitude @string/infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorSpeed @string/infoMeterModeSpeedTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorPace @string/infoMeterModePaceTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorDuration @string/infoMeterModeDurationTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorElapsed @string/summaryTotalTime
dialogMapsTrackColorHeartRate @string/infoMeterModeHeartRateTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorCadence @string/infoMeterModeCadenceTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorTemperature @string/infoMeterModeTemperatureTitle
dialogMapsTrackColorSlope @string/infoMeterModeSlopeTitle
dialogMapsChooseTitle Choose map 选择地图
dialogMapsMapCountTwoMaps %1$s maps %1$s 地图
dialogMapsMapCountThreeMaps %1$s maps %1$s 地图
dialogMapsMapCountFourMaps %1$s maps %1$s 地图
dialogMapsMapCountManyMaps %1$s maps %1$s 地图
dialogOfflineMapThemeChooseTitle Choose theme 选择主题
dialogFencesAdd Add fence here 在此添加围栏
dialogFencesUpdate Update fence location 更新围栏位置
dialogFencesEdit Edit fence 编辑围栏
dialogFencesRemove Remove fence 拆除围栏
dialogFencesShowFences Show fences 显示围栏
dialogPowerWeightsTitle Weights 重量
dialogPowerWeightsRotInertiaTitle Rotational inertia 转动惯量
dialogPowerWeightsWeightRider Driver 駕駛者
dialogPowerWeightsWeightVehicle Vehicle 車輛
dialogPowerWeightsWeightCargo Cargo 貨物
dialogPowerWeightsWeightPassengers Passengers 乘客
dialogPowerWeightsWeightWheels Wheels 車輪
dialogPowerParamsTitle Power loss coefficients 功率损耗系数
dialogPowerParamsDragArea Air drag area (Cd·A) 空气阻力面积(Cd·A)
dialogPowerParamsRollResist Rolling resistance coef. (Cᵣᵣ) 滚动阻力系数(Cᵣᵣ)
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters 能量參數
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
dialogBaroAltitudePromptTitle Barometric altitude problem 气压高度问题
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can find and connect with wireless sensors. 需要获得许可,应用程序才能找到并连接无线传感器。
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequestTitle Bluetooth permission 蓝牙权限
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store 在 Play 商店中评分
dialogCameraPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can activate the flashlight. 需要获得许可,应用程序才能激活手电筒。
dialogCameraPermissionRequestTitle Camera permission 相机权限
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types 图表类型
dialogCloudAccountDisconnectMessage Disconnect this account? 断开此帐户?
dialogCopyingMessage Copying… 复制…
dialogCustomTracksFolderInfoMessage This feature allows the app to read tracks from a folder of your choice, in addition to the main tracks folder — whose location has recently changed.

Such tracks are read-only: They can be viewed and shared, but cannot be edited, resumed nor deleted.

dialogDataStorageInfoMessage @string/dataStorageInfo1
dialogEnergyParamsBmr Basal metabolic rate (BMR) 基础代谢率 (BMR)
dialogEnergyParamsEfficiency Overall thermal efficiency (η) 总热效率(η)
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters 能量參數
dialogEnterCodeMessage Enter code 输入代码
dialogFencesAdd Add fence here 在此添加围栏
dialogFencesEdit Edit fence 编辑围栏
dialogFencesRemove Remove fence 拆除围栏
dialogFencesShowFences Show fences 显示围栏
dialogFencesUpdate Update fence location 更新围栏位置
dialogFileChooseSelectFolder Select this folder 選擇此文件夾
dialogGoogleMapTermsViolation Google does not permit capturing contents of their maps, so map type must first be changed to any other.

Change map type now?
Google 不允许捕获其地图内容,因此必须首先将地图类型更改为任何其他类型。

Less accuracy, uses less battery

More accuracy, uses more battery

dialogGpsIntervalNote Keep this value below 3 sec to get the most accurate readings and consistent behavior! 將此值保持在 3 秒以下以獲得最準確的讀數和一致的行為!
dialogGpsIntervalTitle GPS update interval GPS更新间隔
dialogGpsIntervalValue %1$s
dialogGpsSettingsPromptMessage You won't be able to use most of the features of this app without Location.

Please make sure the Location is enabled and set to 'High accuracy' mode.

Open Location Settings now?


dialogGpsSettingsPromptTitle Location is turned off 定位已關閉
dialogHapticIntensityTitle @string/pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

6 months ago
User avatar user

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

a year ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "在此添加围栏".

Fix string



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 345