
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
prefBarometricAltitudeDisableAlert Disable barometric altitude? 禁用气压高度?
prefTemperatureSensorDerivedTitle Use derived sensor 用戶衍生傳感器
prefTemperatureSensorDerivedSummary This device does not have an ambient temperature sensor, but rough values can be derived using other internal sensors (such as CPU temperature). 该设备没有环境温度传感器,但可以使用其他内部传感器(例如 CPU 温度)得出粗略值。
prefPressureSensorOffsetTitle Pressure offset 壓力偏移
prefPressureSensorOffsetInfo This constant is added to pressure readouts and can be used to mitigate sensor bias, if present. 該常數被添加到壓力讀數中,可用於減輕傳感器偏差(如果存在)。
prefNotificationAlwaysTitle Persistent notification 持續通知
prefNotificationAlwaysSummary Show app notification icon in system status bar at all times, not only when tracking is active. 始終在系統狀態欄中顯示應用程序通知圖示,而不僅僅是在追踪處於活動狀態時。
prefMapDiskCacheSizeTitle Map cache size limit 地圖緩存大小限制
prefMapDiskCacheSizeSummary When viewing a map, both online and offline, parts are being cached locally to reduce the need for repeated download or recreation. This speeds up map loading and saves battery. 当在线和离线查看地图时,部分内容会在本地缓存,以减少重复下载或重新创建的需要。这可以加快地图加载速度并节省电池电量。
prefMapDiskCacheAgeTitle Map cache age limit 地圖緩存年齡限制
prefProhibitLocationTitle Do not use Location 不要使用位置
prefProhibitLocationSummary Prevent GPS during activity 在活動期間防止 GPS
prefProhibitLocationAlertInfo Location will never be turned on nor used during activity, so map will not be available.

Data will be acquired exclusively from other sensors where available (Power, Speed, Cadence, Heart rate, Steps, Environment).

prefMapTrackColorTitle Track color 追蹤顏色
prefMapGuideRouteColorTitle Guide route color 引導路線顏色
prefMapHillShadingColorTitle Terrain color 地形颜色
prefMapHillShadingColorOverrideTitle Customize terrain color 自定义地形颜色
prefActivityRecognitionNoteSummary These options rely on Android's physical activity recognition feature. It may not be accurate and can be laggy, use only if you are okay with that. Will work best when a speed sensor is used for distance and duration. 這些選項依賴於 Android 的身體活動識別功能。 它可能不准確並且可能會滯後,只有在您同意的情況下才使用。 當速度傳感器用於距離和持續時間時,效果最佳。
prefGnssActivityRecognitionTitle Reduce GPS noise 减少 GPS 噪音
prefGnssActivityRecognitionSummary Recognize standing still vs. moving for GPS. This may introduce lag and some lost distance or altitude after a break, but will prevent most GPS noise. 识别 GPS 的静止与移动。这可能会导致延迟以及休息后一些距离或高度的损失,但可以防止大多数 GPS 噪音。
prefGnssAutomaticSleepTitle GPS auto sleep GPS自动休眠
prefGnssAutomaticSleepSummary Turn off location automatically while being still, and back on when movement starts. This reduces battery usage on longer breaks, without the need to stop the tracking. 靜止時自動關閉定位,移動開始時重新開啟。 這減少了長時間休息時的電池使用量,而無需停止追踪。
prefAppVisualThemeSummary (All profiles) (所有个人资料)
prefAppVisualThemeTitle @null
prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle App visual theme 应用视觉主题
prefAutoTerrainTitle AutoTerrain 自动地形
prefAutoTerrainSummary Sense terrain roughness by measuring vibrations, and adjust the rolling resistance coefficient (Cᵣᵣ) accordingly when computing power. 通过测量振动来感知地形粗糙度,并在计算功率时相应调整滚动阻力系数(Cᵣᵣ)。
prefAutoTerrainNote1Summary Device should be held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket while using this. 使用时应将设备固定在车辆上(例如自行车车把上),而不是放在手中或口袋中。
prefAutoTerrainNote2Summary Powers obtained using a power sensor are not affected by this feature. 使用功率传感器获得的功率不受此功能的影响。
prefMeterSettingsNoteSummary More settings are available via a menu accessed by long-clicking on a meter field. 通过长按仪表字段即可访问菜单,可以进行更多设置。
prefTrackingStartPromptTitle Tracking start prompt 跟踪开始提示
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_1 50 MB 50MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_10 4 GB 4GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_11 5 GB 5GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_2 100 MB (default) 100 MB(默认)
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_3 200 MB 200MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_4 300 MB 300MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_5 400 MB 400 MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_6 500 MB 500MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_7 1 GB 1GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_8 2 GB 2 GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_9 3 GB 3GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeSummary When viewing a map, both online and offline, parts are being cached locally to reduce the need for repeated download or recreation. This speeds up map loading and saves battery. 当在线和离线查看地图时,部分内容会在本地缓存,以减少重复下载或重新创建的需要。这可以加快地图加载速度并节省电池电量。
prefMapDiskCacheSizeTitle Map cache size limit 地圖緩存大小限制
prefMapGuideRouteColorTitle Guide route color 引導路線顏色
prefMapHillShadingColorOverrideTitle Customize terrain color 自定义地形颜色
prefMapHillShadingColorTitle Terrain color 地形颜色
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_0 Switch theme 切换主题
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_1 Switch file 切换文件
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_2 None (default) 没有任何
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_0 Online 在线的
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_1 Offline 離線
prefMapsFolderExploreSummary Manage the contents of the app-specific maps folder with a file explorer app 使用文件资源管理器应用程序管理特定于应用程序的地图文件夹的内容
prefMapsFolderExploreTitle Explore maps folder 探索地图文件夹
prefMapShowBuildingsSummary Show the 3D buildings layer for Google maps. Disable to improve map performance and reduce resource usage. 显示 Google 地图的 3D 建筑物图层。禁用以提高地图性能并减少资源使用。
prefMapShowBuildingsTitle Show buildings 显示建筑物
prefMapTrackColorTitle Track color 追蹤顏色
prefMeterSettingsNoteSummary More settings are available via a menu accessed by long-clicking on a meter field. 通过长按仪表字段即可访问菜单,可以进行更多设置。
prefNoSoundInsideFenceSummary Do not make sounds while inside a fence, except for the alarms. 在围栏内时不要发出声音,警报除外。
prefNoSoundInsideFenceTitle No sounds inside fence 栅栏内无声音
prefNotificationAlwaysSummary Show app notification icon in system status bar at all times, not only when tracking is active. 始終在系統狀態欄中顯示應用程序通知圖示,而不僅僅是在追踪處於活動狀態時。


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

2 months ago
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Previous translation was "地形颜色".

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English Chinese (Simplified)
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2 months ago
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2 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 1172