
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
menuWiden Widen 扩大
menuNarrow Narrow 狭窄的
share_title Send via 轉送透過
share_subject @string/app_name
pick_a_color Pick a color 選擇一種顏色
fence_name_default My Place 我的地點
profileNameDefault New Profile 新增使用者
featureNotAvailable Sorry, the feature is not available on this device 很抱歉,此功能在此裝置上不可使用
farFromHere Far from here 離這里遠
meterHorizontalWeight Horizontal weight 水平重量
meterVerticalWeight Vertical weight 垂直重量
toastRestartRequired Please restart the app for this to take effect 請重新啟動應用程式以使此生效
toastActiveProfile Profile: %1$s 使用者: %1$s
toastProfileSavingError Error saving profile data! Please try again. 保存使用者數據時出錯! 請再試一次。
toastProfileChangeError Could not switch the profile! Please try again. 無法切換使用者! 請再試一次。
toastTrackSaved Track saved. 記錄已儲存
toastTrackDiscarded Track discarded. 記錄已丟棄
toastTrackSavingError Error saving track! Try resetting again. 保存記錄時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastTrackWritingError Error writing track data to storage! Try resetting again. 寫入數據至存儲器時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastTrackZippingError Error zipping track! Try resetting again. 壓縮記錄時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastTrackMovingError Error moving track to USB storage! Try resetting again. 移動數據至存儲器時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastPressAgainToExit Press again to exit 按繼續離開
toastTrackingRecording Recording 記錄中
toastTrackingRecordingPassive Passive recording 被動紀錄中
toastTrackingPaused Paused 暫停
toastTrackingStopped Stopped 停止
toastFenceGuardFenceAdded FenceGuard: Fence %1$s added 圍欄防護:已添加%1$s圍欄
toastFenceGuardFenceAddingError FenceGuard: Error adding fence 圍欄防護:添加圍欄時出錯
toastFenceGuardFenceUpdated FenceGuard: Fence %1$s updated 圍欄防護: 圍欄%1$s已更新
toastFenceGuardFenceUpdatingError FenceGuard: Error updating fence 圍欄防護: 更新圍欄時出錯
toastFenceGuardFenceRemoved FenceGuard: Fence %1$s removed 圍欄防護:柵欄 %1$s 已移除
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
toastSoundsDisabled Sounds disabled 聲音已關閉
toastSoundsEnabled Sounds enabled 聲音已開啟
toastSteadyScreenModeActive Screen stabilization enabled 启用屏幕稳定功能
toastSteadyScreenModeIntelligentActive Screen stabilization intelligent enabled 屏幕稳定智能启用
toastSteadyScreenModeOff Screen stabilization disabled 屏幕稳定功能已禁用
toastTrackDeleted Tracks deleted 記錄已刪除
toastTrackDeleteError Error deleting tracks 刪除記錄時發生錯誤
toastTrackDiscarded Track discarded. 記錄已丟棄
toastTrackingPaused Paused 暫停
toastTrackingRecording Recording 記錄中
toastTrackingRecordingPassive Passive recording 被動紀錄中
toastTrackingStopped Stopped 停止
toastTrackMovingError Error moving track to USB storage! Try resetting again. 移動數據至存儲器時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastTrackResumed Track resumed 已恢復記錄
toastTrackResumeGpsActiveError Please turn off or pause the tracking first 請先關閉或暫停GPS(定位系統)
toastTrackSaved Track saved. 記錄已儲存
toastTrackSavingError Error saving track! Try resetting again. 保存記錄時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastTrackWritingError Error writing track data to storage! Try resetting again. 寫入數據至存儲器時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastTrackZippingError Error zipping track! Try resetting again. 壓縮記錄時發生錯誤! 請重新嘗試。
toastUpdatingSuccess Successfully updated 成功更新
tracksHistoryChartEmptyInfo Nothing to show 没有什么可显示的
tracksHistoryDataStorageLink Warning: The app is using the default folder for tracks and data. Click here to change. 警告:应用程序正在使用曲目和数据的默认文件夹。单击此处进行更改。
tracksHistoryGrantAccess Missing tracks?
Click here to grant read-only access to a custom tracks folder…
tracksHistoryListButtonDelete Delete 刪除
tracksHistoryListButtonEdit Edit 編輯
tracksHistoryListButtonResume Resume 恢復
tracksHistoryListButtonShare Share 分享
tracksHistoryListButtonUpload Upload 上傳
tracksHistoryListButtonView View 檢視
tracksHistoryListEmpty No tracks here. Go out and record an activity! 这里没有踪迹。出去记录一次活动!


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Mismatched full stop

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 178