
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
pref_maps_fences_draw_title Fences 栅栏
pref_maps_fences_draw_summary Show FenceGuard protected regions over the map 在地图上显示 FenceGuard 保护区
pref_maps_animate_title Animation 動畫
pref_maps_animate_summary Turn off to reduce battery usage, especially while the Follow mode is on 关闭以减少电池使用量,尤其是在跟随模式开启时
pref_mapsShowAttribution_title Attribution 归因
pref_mapsShowAttribution_summary Show attribution text for online maps other than Google. Disable to prevent accidental click on a link. 显示除 Google 之外的在线地图的归属文本。禁用以防止意外点击链接。
pref_maps_online_mode_title @null
pref_maps_online_mode_dialog_title Maps source 地圖資料
pref_maps_offline_file_title Select file or folder 選擇檔案或文件夾
pref_mapsOfflineFileSummary Map files must be copied to the app-specific maps folder in order to be used 地图文件必须复制到应用程序特定的地图文件夹才能使用
pref_maps_offline_file_noFolderSelected No folder selected. 未選擇文件夾。
pref_maps_offline_info_title Download now 立即下載
pref_maps_offline_info_summary Mapsforge vector (.map) and Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) maps are supported. Available at 支持 Mapsforge 矢量 (.map) 和 Rmaps 栅格 (.sqlitedb) 地图。可在 上获取。
pref_maps_offline_recommendation We recommend using vector maps from as they are the most complete and contain terrain contours. Click here to open the downloads page now. 我们建议使用 的矢量地图,因为它们最完整,并且包含地形轮廓。单击此处立即打开下载页面。
pref_maps_offline_usage_summary Usage: Select the downloaded map file with the option above. 使用方法:使用上面的选项选择下载的地图文件。
pref_maps_offline_warning_summary Warning: Some online data may be retrieved even in offline mode. Please disable mobile Internet before using maps, if concerned. 警告:即使在离线模式下也可能会检索某些在线数据。如果担心,请在使用地图前禁用移动互联网。
prefMapsFolderExploreTitle Explore maps folder 探索地图文件夹
prefMapsFolderExploreSummary Manage the contents of the app-specific maps folder with a file explorer app 使用文件资源管理器应用程序管理特定于应用程序的地图文件夹的内容
pref_maps_routes_draw_title Guide routes 引导路线
pref_maps_routes_draw_summary Draw selected GPX routes over the map 在地图上绘制选定的 GPX 路线
pref_maps_routes_info_summary Guide route is simply a line drawn over the map that you can follow. For step-by-step directions, use the Navigation feature. 引导路线只是在地图上绘制的一条您可以遵循的线。如需分步指导,请使用导航功能。
pref_maps_routes_files_title Select file or folder 選擇檔案或文件夾
pref_maps_routes_files_dialog_title Choose routes folder or file 选择路由文件夹或文件
pref_maps_routes_files_summary %1$s
pref_maps_routes_files_noFolderSelected No folder selected. 未選擇文件夾。
pref_maps_routes_resetToDefault_title @string/pref_resetToDefault
pref_maps_quickZoom_title QuickZoom buttons 快速缩放按钮
pref_maps_quickZoom_summary Enable invisible quick zoom buttons in the bottom part of the map 启用地图底部的隐形快速缩放按钮
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_title Inverted
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_summary Exchange zoom in/out button positions 交換放大/縮小按鈕位置
pref_maps_offline_terrain_title Render terrain 渲染地形
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
pref_maps_disable_summary @null
pref_maps_disable_title Disable Maps 關閉地圖
pref_maps_fences_draw_summary Show FenceGuard protected regions over the map 在地图上显示 FenceGuard 保护区
pref_maps_fences_draw_title Fences 栅栏
pref_maps_offline_file_noFolderSelected No folder selected. 未選擇文件夾。
pref_maps_offline_file_title Select file or folder 選擇檔案或文件夾
pref_maps_offline_info_summary Mapsforge vector (.map) and Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) maps are supported. Available at 支持 Mapsforge 矢量 (.map) 和 Rmaps 栅格 (.sqlitedb) 地图。可在 上获取。
pref_maps_offline_info_title Download now 立即下載
pref_maps_offline_recommendation We recommend using vector maps from as they are the most complete and contain terrain contours. Click here to open the downloads page now. 我们建议使用 的矢量地图,因为它们最完整,并且包含地形轮廓。单击此处立即打开下载页面。
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_summary Open up download page at 在取景器 打開下載頁面。
pref_maps_offline_terrain_info_title Download now 現在下載
pref_maps_offline_terrain_summary Render terrain elevation shades. Map will look more realistic, but probably slower. Requires DEM (.hgt) files present in the map folder. 渲染地形高程阴影。地图看起来会更真实,但可能会更慢。需要地图文件夹中存在 DEM (.hgt) 文件。
pref_maps_offline_terrain_title Render terrain 渲染地形
pref_maps_offline_terrain_usage_summary Usage: Extract .hgt files from the downloaded zip(s) and place them in the same folder where the offline map file resides (do not use separate subfolder). 用法:從下載的 zip(s) 中提取 .hgt 文件並將它們放在離線地圖文件所在的同一文件夾中(不要使用單獨的子文件夾)。
pref_maps_offline_usage_summary Usage: Select the downloaded map file with the option above. 使用方法:使用上面的选项选择下载的地图文件。
pref_maps_offline_warning_summary Warning: Some online data may be retrieved even in offline mode. Please disable mobile Internet before using maps, if concerned. 警告:即使在离线模式下也可能会检索某些在线数据。如果担心,请在使用地图前禁用移动互联网。
pref_maps_online_mode_dialog_title Maps source 地圖資料
pref_maps_online_mode_title @null
pref_maps_quickZoom_summary Enable invisible quick zoom buttons in the bottom part of the map 启用地图底部的隐形快速缩放按钮
pref_maps_quickZoom_title QuickZoom buttons 快速缩放按钮
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_summary Exchange zoom in/out button positions 交換放大/縮小按鈕位置
pref_maps_quickZoomInvert_title Inverted
pref_maps_routes_draw_summary Draw selected GPX routes over the map 在地图上绘制选定的 GPX 路线
pref_maps_routes_draw_title Guide routes 引导路线
pref_maps_routes_files_dialog_title Choose routes folder or file 选择路由文件夹或文件
pref_maps_routes_files_noFolderSelected No folder selected. 未選擇文件夾。
pref_maps_routes_files_summary %1$s
pref_maps_routes_files_title Select file or folder 選擇檔案或文件夾
pref_maps_routes_info_summary Guide route is simply a line drawn over the map that you can follow. For step-by-step directions, use the Navigation feature. 引导路线只是在地图上绘制的一条您可以遵循的线。如需分步指导,请使用导航功能。
pref_maps_routes_resetToDefault_title @string/pref_resetToDefault


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

6 months ago
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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

a year ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "警告:即使在离线模式下也可能会检索某些在线数据。如果担心,请在使用地图前禁用移动互联网。".

Fix string



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 1050