
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
prefAutoTerrainNote2Summary Powers obtained using a power sensor are not affected by this feature. 使用功率传感器获得的功率不受此功能的影响。
prefMeterSettingsNoteSummary More settings are available via a menu accessed by long-clicking on a meter field. 通过长按仪表字段即可访问菜单,可以进行更多设置。
prefTrackingStartPromptTitle Tracking start prompt 跟踪开始提示
prefTrackingStartPromptSummary Confirmation dialog before starting tracking 开始跟踪前的确认对话框
prefTrackingStopPromptTitle Tracking stop prompt 跟踪停止提示
prefTrackingStopPromptSummary Confirmation dialog before stopping tracking 停止跟踪前的确认对话框
prefTrackingButtonModeTitle Alternative behavior 替代行为
prefTrackingButtonModeSummary (All profiles) Click or long-click for Pause, separate button for Stop. (所有配置文件)单击或长按用于暂停,单独按钮用于停止。
prefGpsBoostNoteSummary Location updates will always be forced to the highest frequency during navigation 导航期间位置更新将始终强制以最高频率
prefNoSoundInsideFenceTitle No sounds inside fence 栅栏内无声音
prefNoSoundInsideFenceSummary Do not make sounds while inside a fence, except for the alarms. 在围栏内时不要发出声音,警报除外。
prefSteadyScreenTitle Screen stabilization 屏幕稳定
prefSteadyScreenNote1 This feature helps you to see the screen a bit clearly while on the go. The image on the screen is stabilized by applying rapid small movements that try to counteract external shaking. 此功能可帮助您在旅途中更清楚地看到屏幕。通过应用快速小幅移动来稳定屏幕上的图像,以抵消外部晃动。
prefSteadyScreenNote2 This works best for slower movements, such as phone swaying in hand while walking, but also on handlebars while riding or in a car while driving. 这对于较慢的动作最有效,例如走路时手中摇晃的手机,以及骑行时放在车把上或开车时坐在车里。
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveTitle Adaptive 自适应
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveSummary Automatically adjust the GPS update interval between 1 and 5 seconds, depending on speed. 根据速度自动调整 GPS 更新间隔在 1 到 5 秒之间。
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveNote Adaptive update intervals can help reduce battery consumption when moving slowly or taking frequent breaks. 自适应更新间隔有助于减少缓慢移动或频繁休息时的电池消耗。
prefOnlineElevationTitle Online elevation 在线海拔
prefOnlineElevationSummary Use elevation data from the Internet to improve altitude baseline accuracy. Enabled by default. 使用互联网上的海拔数据来提高海拔基线精度。默认启用。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary1 To save battery and data, only one elevation point will be acquired from the Internet when you start tracking a new track. This is enough for the rest of the track to have a more accurate altitude baseline. 为了节省电池和数据流量,当您开始跟踪新轨迹时,只会从互联网获取一个高程点。这足以让赛道的其余部分拥有更准确的高度基线。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary2 If the Internet or the license is not available, the app will continue to work without correcting the altitude. 如果互联网或许可证不可用,该应用程序将继续工作而不校正高度。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary3 This only works if a subscription license is available (Ultimate license, or one of the maps licenses). 仅当订阅许可证可用(最终许可证或地图许可证之一)时,此功能才有效。
prefTrackingButtonFreePlacementTitle Free Rec button placement 自由录制按钮放置
prefTrackingButtonFreePlacementSummary (All profiles) Allows the Rec button to be placed anywhere in the layout. When disabled, the Rec button will be fixed on the button bar. (所有配置文件)允许将“录制”按钮放置在布局中的任何位置。禁用时,录制按钮将固定在按钮栏上。
prefGoogleMapsRendererDialogTitle @string/pref_category_mapsRenderer
prefGoogleMapsRendererTitle @null
prefGoogleMapsRendererSummary Current: %1$s 当前:%1$s
prefGoogleMapsRendererInfo Specifies which renderer type you prefer to use to display the maps. Legacy renderer may use fewer resources, while the latest one usually has more features or a better design. 指定您喜欢使用哪种渲染器类型来显示地图。旧版渲染器可能使用较少的资源,而最新的渲染器通常具有更多功能或更好的设计。
prefMapShowBuildingsTitle Show buildings 显示建筑物
prefMapShowBuildingsSummary Show the 3D buildings layer for Google maps. Disable to improve map performance and reduce resource usage. 显示 Google 地图的 3D 建筑物图层。禁用以提高地图性能并减少资源使用。
prefBatteryOptimizationTitle Battery optimizations 电池优化
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
prefGnssActivityRecognitionSummary Recognize standing still vs. moving for GPS. This may introduce lag and some lost distance or altitude after a break, but will prevent most GPS noise. 识别 GPS 的静止与移动。这可能会导致延迟以及休息后一些距离或高度的损失,但可以防止大多数 GPS 噪音。
prefGnssActivityRecognitionTitle Reduce GPS noise 减少 GPS 噪音
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetInfo (All profiles) This constant is added to the altitude values received from the GPS. The default is zero (0). (所有配置文件)此常数将添加到从 GPS 接收的高度值中。默认值为零 (0)。
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetTitle Altitude offset (GPS) 高度偏移(GPS)
prefGnssAutomaticSleepSummary Turn off location automatically while being still, and back on when movement starts. This reduces battery usage on longer breaks, without the need to stop the tracking. 靜止時自動關閉定位,移動開始時重新開啟。 這減少了長時間休息時的電池使用量,而無需停止追踪。
prefGnssAutomaticSleepTitle GPS auto sleep GPS自动休眠
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_0 Default 默认
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_1 Legacy 遗产
prefGoogleMapsRenderer_2 Latest 最新的
prefGoogleMapsRendererDialogTitle @string/pref_category_mapsRenderer
prefGoogleMapsRendererInfo Specifies which renderer type you prefer to use to display the maps. Legacy renderer may use fewer resources, while the latest one usually has more features or a better design. 指定您喜欢使用哪种渲染器类型来显示地图。旧版渲染器可能使用较少的资源,而最新的渲染器通常具有更多功能或更好的设计。
prefGoogleMapsRendererSummary Current: %1$s 当前:%1$s
prefGoogleMapsRendererTitle @null
prefGpsBoostNoteSummary Location updates will always be forced to the highest frequency during navigation 导航期间位置更新将始终强制以最高频率
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveNote Adaptive update intervals can help reduce battery consumption when moving slowly or taking frequent breaks. 自适应更新间隔有助于减少缓慢移动或频繁休息时的电池消耗。
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveSummary Automatically adjust the GPS update interval between 1 and 5 seconds, depending on speed. 根据速度自动调整 GPS 更新间隔在 1 到 5 秒之间。
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveTitle Adaptive 自适应
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_0 1 day 1天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_1 5 days 5天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_2 10 days (default) 10 天(默认)
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_3 15 days 15天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_4 30 days 30天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_5 45 days 45天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_6 60 days 60 天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeEntries_7 90 days 90天
prefMapDiskCacheAgeTitle Map cache age limit 地圖緩存年齡限制
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_0 10 MB 10 兆
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_1 50 MB 50MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_10 4 GB 4GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_11 5 GB 5GB


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

6 months ago
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Has been translated

Previous translation was "根据速度自动调整 GPS 更新间隔在 1 到 5 秒之间。".

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English Chinese (Simplified)
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a year ago
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a year ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 1198