
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
prefSteadyScreenNote2 This works best for slower movements, such as phone swaying in hand while walking, but also on handlebars while riding or in a car while driving. 这对于较慢的动作最有效,例如走路时手中摇晃的手机,以及骑行时放在车把上或开车时坐在车里。
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveTitle Adaptive 自适应
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveSummary Automatically adjust the GPS update interval between 1 and 5 seconds, depending on speed. 根据速度自动调整 GPS 更新间隔在 1 到 5 秒之间。
prefGpsIntervalAdaptiveNote Adaptive update intervals can help reduce battery consumption when moving slowly or taking frequent breaks. 自适应更新间隔有助于减少缓慢移动或频繁休息时的电池消耗。
prefOnlineElevationTitle Online elevation 在线海拔
prefOnlineElevationSummary Use elevation data from the Internet to improve altitude baseline accuracy. Enabled by default. 使用互联网上的海拔数据来提高海拔基线精度。默认启用。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary1 To save battery and data, only one elevation point will be acquired from the Internet when you start tracking a new track. This is enough for the rest of the track to have a more accurate altitude baseline. 为了节省电池和数据流量,当您开始跟踪新轨迹时,只会从互联网获取一个高程点。这足以让赛道的其余部分拥有更准确的高度基线。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary2 If the Internet or the license is not available, the app will continue to work without correcting the altitude. 如果互联网或许可证不可用,该应用程序将继续工作而不校正高度。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary3 This only works if a subscription license is available (Ultimate license, or one of the maps licenses). 仅当订阅许可证可用(最终许可证或地图许可证之一)时,此功能才有效。
prefTrackingButtonFreePlacementTitle Free Rec button placement 自由录制按钮放置
prefTrackingButtonFreePlacementSummary (All profiles) Allows the Rec button to be placed anywhere in the layout. When disabled, the Rec button will be fixed on the button bar. (所有配置文件)允许将“录制”按钮放置在布局中的任何位置。禁用时,录制按钮将固定在按钮栏上。
prefGoogleMapsRendererDialogTitle @string/pref_category_mapsRenderer
prefGoogleMapsRendererTitle @null
prefGoogleMapsRendererSummary Current: %1$s 当前:%1$s
prefGoogleMapsRendererInfo Specifies which renderer type you prefer to use to display the maps. Legacy renderer may use fewer resources, while the latest one usually has more features or a better design. 指定您喜欢使用哪种渲染器类型来显示地图。旧版渲染器可能使用较少的资源,而最新的渲染器通常具有更多功能或更好的设计。
prefMapShowBuildingsTitle Show buildings 显示建筑物
prefMapShowBuildingsSummary Show the 3D buildings layer for Google maps. Disable to improve map performance and reduce resource usage. 显示 Google 地图的 3D 建筑物图层。禁用以提高地图性能并减少资源使用。
prefBatteryOptimizationTitle Battery optimizations 电池优化
prefBatteryOptimizationMessage Urban Biker can be exempted from system battery optimizations, to make it more certain it will continue to work properly when the screen is turned off on older versions of Android. Click here to open the settings now. Urban Biker 可以免除系统电池优化,以确保在旧版 Android 上屏幕关闭时它仍能正常工作。单击此处立即打开设置。
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetTitle Altitude offset (GPS) 高度偏移(GPS)
prefGnssAltitudeOffsetInfo (All profiles) This constant is added to the altitude values received from the GPS. The default is zero (0). (所有配置文件)此常数将添加到从 GPS 接收的高度值中。默认值为零 (0)。
dataStorageTitle Storage 贮存
dataStorageInfo1 Custom data storage location is recommended and useful to prevent accidental data loss if the app is uninstalled, and to make backups easier. 建议为您的曲目和数据使用自定义存储位置,以防止卸载应用程序时意外丢失数据,并使备份更容易。
dataStorageInfo2 When you change the data storage location, the previous app data will be automatically transferred to the new location. This happens in the background and may take some time.

Revoking access leaves the data intact.

dataStorageChooseButton Choose data storage location 选择数据存储位置
dataStorageNotSetMessage The data storage location is not set, please use the button above.

The app is currently using the default folder for tracks and data.

dataStorageStatsTitle Storage stats 存储统计
dataStorageStatsMessage %1$s MB
%2$s items
%1$s MB
%2$s 项目
dataStorageStatsLoadingMessage @string/computing
dataStorageTransferRetrying Fail — will retry shortly 失败 — 将很快重试
dataStorageTransferInfoTitle Last change 最后一次变更
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_6 500 MB 500MB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_7 1 GB 1GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_8 2 GB 2 GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeEntries_9 3 GB 3GB
prefMapDiskCacheSizeSummary When viewing a map, both online and offline, parts are being cached locally to reduce the need for repeated download or recreation. This speeds up map loading and saves battery. 当在线和离线查看地图时,部分内容会在本地缓存,以减少重复下载或重新创建的需要。这可以加快地图加载速度并节省电池电量。
prefMapDiskCacheSizeTitle Map cache size limit 地圖緩存大小限制
prefMapGuideRouteColorTitle Guide route color 引導路線顏色
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_0 Switch theme 切换主题
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_1 Switch file 切换文件
prefMapOfflineLayerButtonActionEntries_2 None 没有任何
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_0 Online 在线的
prefMapOnlineModeEntries_1 Offline 離線
prefMapsFolderExploreSummary Manage the contents of the app-specific maps folder with a file explorer app 使用文件资源管理器应用程序管理特定于应用程序的地图文件夹的内容
prefMapsFolderExploreTitle Explore maps folder 探索地图文件夹
prefMapShowBuildingsSummary Show the 3D buildings layer for Google maps. Disable to improve map performance and reduce resource usage. 显示 Google 地图的 3D 建筑物图层。禁用以提高地图性能并减少资源使用。
prefMapShowBuildingsTitle Show buildings 显示建筑物
prefMapTrackColorTitle Track color 追蹤顏色
prefMeterSettingsNoteSummary More settings are available via a menu accessed by long-clicking on a meter field. 通过长按仪表字段即可访问菜单,可以进行更多设置。
prefNoSoundInsideFenceSummary Do not make sounds while inside a fence, except for the alarms. 在围栏内时不要发出声音,警报除外。
prefNoSoundInsideFenceTitle No sounds inside fence 栅栏内无声音
prefNotificationAlwaysSummary Show app notification icon in system status bar at all times, not only when tracking is active. 始終在系統狀態欄中顯示應用程序通知圖示,而不僅僅是在追踪處於活動狀態時。
prefNotificationAlwaysTitle Persistent notification 持續通知
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary1 To save battery and data, only one elevation point will be acquired from the Internet when you start tracking a new track. This is enough for the rest of the track to have a more accurate altitude baseline. 为了节省电池和数据流量,当您开始跟踪新轨迹时,只会从互联网获取一个高程点。这足以让赛道的其余部分拥有更准确的高度基线。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary2 If the Internet or the license is not available, the app will continue to work without correcting the altitude. 如果互联网或许可证不可用,该应用程序将继续工作而不校正高度。
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary3 This only works if a subscription license is available (Ultimate license, or one of the maps licenses). 仅当订阅许可证可用(最终许可证或地图许可证之一)时,此功能才有效。
prefOnlineElevationSummary Use elevation data from the Internet to improve altitude baseline accuracy. Enabled by default. 使用互联网上的海拔数据来提高海拔基线精度。默认启用。
prefOnlineElevationTitle Online elevation 在线海拔
prefOnlineMapsProviderTitle Online map provider 在线地图提供商
prefPressureSensorOffsetInfo This constant is added to pressure readouts and can be used to mitigate sensor bias, if present. 該常數被添加到壓力讀數中,可用於減輕傳感器偏差(如果存在)。
prefPressureSensorOffsetTitle Pressure offset 壓力偏移


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Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

6 months ago
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Has been translated

Previous translation was "显示建筑物".

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

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String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 1211