
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
infoMeterModeDistanceMsg Distance traveled. 行駛距離。
infoMeterModeDistanceOdoTitle Odometer 里程表
infoMeterModeDistanceOdoMsg Total distance traveled since first profile use. 自第一次使用配置文件以來行駛的總距離。
infoMeterModeDurationTitle Duration 持續時間
infoMeterModeDurationMsg Duration of the trip, possibly excluding any pauses or stops. 旅行的持續時間,可能不包括任何暫停或停止。
infoMeterModeElapsedTitle Elapsed time 已用時間
infoMeterModeElapsedMsg Duration of the trip, including all pauses but excluding stops. 行程的持續時間,包括所有暫停但不包括停止。
infoMeterModeEnergyTitle Energy 能量
infoMeterModeEnergyMsg Energy spent for the trip, taking efficiency and BMR into account. 考虑效率和 BMR 的情况下,旅行消耗的能量。
infoMeterModeEfficacyTitle Efficacy (cumulative) 功效(累计)
infoMeterModeEfficacyMsg Part of the energy spent that would suffice to make the same trip by moving at a constant speed equal to the average speed. Higher is better. 以等于平均速度的恒定速度移动所消耗的部分能量足以完成相同的行程。越高越好。
infoMeterModeAscentTitle Ascent 上升
infoMeterModeAscentMsg Cumulative altitude gain (climb). 累积高度增益(爬升)。
infoMeterModeDescentTitle Descent 血统
infoMeterModeDescentMsg Cumulative altitude loss (drop). 累积高度损失(下降)。
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle 蠕虫
infoMeterModeWriggleMsg Measure of route deviation from a straight line, i.e. how much it fills the area instead of going straight. Lower is usually better. 测量路线与直线的偏差,即它填充了多少区域而不是直线行驶。通常越低越好。
infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle Altitude 高度
infoMeterModeAltitudeMsg Height above mean sea level (geoid). 平均海平面(大地水准面)上方的高度。
infoMeterModeSlopeTitle Slope 坡度
infoMeterModeSlopeMsg Slope (gradient), a number describing terrain tilt where zero is horizontal. Higher number means steeper ascent, and negative is for descent. 坡度(梯度),描述地形倾斜度的数字,其中零表示水平。数字越大表示上升越陡,负数表示下降。
infoMeterModeSpeedTitle Speed 速度
infoMeterModeSpeedMsg Instantaneous distance covered per unit of time. 单位时间内行进的瞬时距离。
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedTitle Climb speed 垂直速度
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedMsg Speed in the up (positive) or down (negative) vertical direction. 垂直向上(正)或向下(负)方向的速度。
infoMeterModePaceTitle Pace 步伐
infoMeterModePaceMsg Inverse speed, i.e. time elapsed per unit of distance. 倒数速度,即每单位距离所经过的时间。
infoMeterModeAccelerationTitle Acceleration 加速
infoMeterModeAccelerationMsg Rate of change of speed in time.

Negative means deceleration.

infoMeterModePowerTitle Power 力量
infoMeterModePowerMsg Power exerted during activity, due to drag forces, altitude change, etc.

Negative means power gain, e.g. when braking.

When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency and BMR into account.


以 kcal/h 或 kJ/h 为单位时,还会考虑效率和 BMR。
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
infoMeterModeSpeedMsg Instantaneous distance covered per unit of time. 单位时间内行进的瞬时距离。
infoMeterModeSpeedTitle Speed 速度
infoMeterModeStepCadenceMsg Number of steps per minute. 每分钟的步数。
infoMeterModeStepCadenceTitle Step cadence 步頻
infoMeterModeStepCountMsg Number of steps taken. 已采取的步数。
infoMeterModeStepCountTitle Steps 脚步
infoMeterModeTemperatureMsg Ambient temperature as measured with the device or an external sensor. 使用设备或外部传感器测量的环境温度。
infoMeterModeTemperatureTitle Temperature 溫度
infoMeterModeVerticalPowerMsg Power loss or gain while ascending or descending.

Negative means power gain (descending).

When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency into account.


当以 kcal/h 或 kJ/h 为单位时,还考虑了效率。
infoMeterModeVerticalPowerTitle Climb power 垂直功率
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedMsg Speed in the up (positive) or down (negative) vertical direction. 垂直向上(正)或向下(负)方向的速度。
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedTitle Climb speed 垂直速度
infoMeterModeVibrationsMsg Vibrations as measured with the device. Useful when the device is held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket. 使用设备测量的振动。当设备固定在车辆上(例如自行车车把上)而不是放在手中或放在口袋中时很有用。
infoMeterModeVibrationsTitle Vibrations 振动
infoMeterModeWriggleMsg Measure of route deviation from a straight line, i.e. how much it fills the area instead of going straight. Lower is usually better. 测量路线与直线的偏差,即它填充了多少区域而不是直线行驶。通常越低越好。
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle 蠕虫
infoSpeedometerMsg Shows your current, maximum and average speed.

Stall indicator indicates when the speed value wasn't updated in a while and can't be trusted.

Pace indicator are small arrows near the speed value that show when the current speed is above or below the average speed.


infoSpeedometerTitle Speedometer 车速表
inProgress In progress 进行中
licenseDialogMapsTab Maps 地圖
licenseDialogProTab @string/proLicenseLabel
licenseDialogUltimateTab @string/ultimateLicenseLabel
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned 已拥有的许可项目
licenseItemOwned Currently owned 目前拥有
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! 該應用程序已成功獲得許可。 感謝您的支持!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license 升级您的许可证
loading Loading… 載入中…
locale en zh
manageSubscriptions Manage subscriptions 管理訂閱
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Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

6 months ago
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Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

a year ago
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Previous translation was "蠕虫".

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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 1249