
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
dialog_fenceguard_remove_defaultText Are you sure to remove the fence? 你確定要拆除圍欄嗎?
dialog_fenceguard_remove_formatText Are you sure to remove the fence %1$s? 您確定要移除圍欄 %1$s 嗎?
dialog_track_save_text Distance %1$.3f %2$s
Duration %3$s

The track seems very short. Save this track?
距離 %1$.3f %2$s
持續時間 %3$s

追蹤似乎很短。 保存此追蹤?
dialog_exit_title @string/app_name
dialog_exit_msg Warning: Tracking is active, and will be stopped. 警告:追蹤處於活動狀態,並將停止。
dialogProfileDeleteTitle Delete profile 刪除使用者
dialogProfileDeleteMessage Warning: This will remove profile settings and totals data. Saved tracks will be left intact.

Delete profile %1$s?

確定刪除使用者 %1$s?
dialogProfileAddTitle New profile 新增使用者
dialogProfileAddInfo New profile will have its settings copied from the currently active profile 新配置文件的設置將從當前活動的配置文件中複製
dialogProfileEditTitle Edit profile 編輯使用者
dialogProfileEditTotals Totals: 總計:
dialogProfileTotalsResetMessage Reset profile totals to zero? 將做用者資料總設為零?
dialogProfileSwitchTitle Switch profile 切換使用者
dialogProfileSwitchMessage Tracking is active. Are you sure to switch to profile %1$s? 跟踪已激活。您确定要切换到个人资料 %1$s 吗?
dialogTracksDeleteTitle Delete tracks 刪除記錄
dialogTracksDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone. Delete selected tracks?

To confirm deletion, enter the following code to continue.

dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?

刪除記錄 %1$s?
dialogTrackResumeTitle Resume track 恢復記錄
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. 追蹤處於活動狀態。 請先關閉或暫停 GPS。
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. 目標配置文件 %1$s 不為空。 請先重置。
dialogTrackResumeProfileSwitchMessage Active profile will be switched from %1$s to %2$s. Continue? 活動配置文件將從 %1$s 切換到 %2$s。 繼續?
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? 創建此追蹤的配置文件 %1$s 不再存在。 在當前配置文件 %2$s 中恢復?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? 記錄將會恢復至使用者 %1$s。 繼續?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. 錯誤。 請重試。
dialogTrackResumeWaitMessage Resuming, please wait… 正在恢復中,請稍候...
dialogTracksShareTitle Share tracks 分享追蹤紀錄
dialogTracksShareGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. 發生了一些錯誤。 請再試一次。
dialogTracksShareCountExceeded Cannot share more than 100 tracks at once. 一次不能分享超過 100 個追蹤紀錄。
dialogGpsSettingsPromptTitle Location is turned off 定位已關閉
dialogGpsSettingsPromptMessage You won't be able to use most of the features of this app without Location.

Please make sure the Location is enabled and set to 'High accuracy' mode.

Open Location Settings now?


dialogBaroAltitudePromptTitle Barometric altitude problem 气压高度问题
Key English Chinese (Simplified)
dialogThermoBarometerNoticeTitle Notice 注意
dialogTrackDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone.

Delete the track %1$s?

刪除記錄 %1$s?
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes 笔记
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title 标题
dialogTrackingResumePromptTitle Resume? 恢复?
dialogTrackingStartPromptTitle Start? 开始?
dialogTrackingStopPromptTitle Stop? 停止?
dialogTrackResumeGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. 錯誤。 請重試。
dialogTrackResumeGeneralPromptMessage Track will be resumed in profile %1$s. Continue? 記錄將會恢復至使用者 %1$s。 繼續?
dialogTrackResumeGpsActiveMessage Tracking is active. Please turn off or pause the tracking first. 追蹤處於活動狀態。 請先關閉或暫停 GPS。
dialogTrackResumeProfileMissingMessage Profile %1$s which created this track does not exist anymore. Resume in current profile %2$s? 創建此追蹤的配置文件 %1$s 不再存在。 在當前配置文件 %2$s 中恢復?
dialogTrackResumeProfileNotBlankMessage Target profile %1$s is not blank. Please reset first. 目標配置文件 %1$s 不為空。 請先重置。
dialogTrackResumeProfileSwitchMessage Active profile will be switched from %1$s to %2$s. Continue? 活動配置文件將從 %1$s 切換到 %2$s。 繼續?
dialogTrackResumeTitle Resume track 恢復記錄
dialogTrackResumeWaitMessage Resuming, please wait… 正在恢復中,請稍候...
dialogTracksDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone. Delete selected tracks?

To confirm deletion, enter the following code to continue.

dialogTracksDeleteTitle Delete tracks 刪除記錄
dialogTracksShareChoices_0 ZIPs (complete) 壓縮完成
dialogTracksShareChoices_1 GPX only 只有 GPX (軌跡)
dialogTracksShareCountExceeded Cannot share more than 100 tracks at once. 一次不能分享超過 100 個追蹤紀錄。
dialogTracksShareGeneralErrorMessage Some error occurred. Please try again. 發生了一些錯誤。 請再試一次。
dialogTracksShareTitle Share tracks 分享追蹤紀錄
dialogTrackUploadActivityType Activity type 活动类型
dialogTrackUploadDescriptionHint Share your thoughts… 分享你的意见…
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service 在线服务
dialogTrackUploadPreparing Preparing track data… 正在准备轨迹数据…
dialogTrackUploadSending Sending… 正在发送…
dialogTrackUploadShareAgainButton Share again 再次分享
dialogTrackUploadShareButton Share 分享
dialogTrackUploadStravaIsCommute Commute 通勤


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

11 months ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Urban Biker / StringsChinese (Simplified)

a year ago
3 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "警告:此操作无法撤消。删除选定的曲目? 要确认删除,请输入以下代码继续。".

Fix string



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-zh-rCN.xml, string 285